Spook has fun! by Aerena 'Relentless' Kolene | World Anvil

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Datunda, 29 Nelona, 12731

Spook has fun!

by Aerena 'Relentless' Kolene

So' Zen and I head down the stairs. There is NO WAY that I want to be stuck inside a turbolift with him for any length of time! He is walking behind me and is humming in a highly irritating fashion. I quietly step to the side and let him pass while picking up a bowl to toss at his head. Suddenly, the bowl stops in mid-air and then floats towards the floor - or at least it was heading that way when it was shunted to the table and several stones are set inside it. So 'Zen looks as shocked as I feel, and I ask him if he feels any Jedi woo woo going on. He says he can feel Vanya, Davish, and the obelisk and then he tells me that I will have to handle the interrogation on my own because he must go. A girl might start to feel abandoned if he wasn't a Jedi and not worth my time. I check before he leaves to make sure that I can take whatever steps are necessary while I am 'talking' to the prisoners. I have a free hand, so I go downstairs to the hanger bay.
I see two guards with weapons standing outside heavy blast doors that are keypad locked. One of the guards is tall and willing to be intimidating so I ask him to step inside with me and prop up the door. One is sizing me up and one ignores me to check out Spook and the guard. I decide to ignore him as well and sit on the table in front of the one who was checking me out. I then proceed to be all girly and silly and try to get him to tell any secret I can find. I send Spook a message to scan then and she finds no weapons on them. She does say that she would really like to shoot one. I tell her to keep that in reserve and keep talking. He is starting to drop little hints and minor secrets and then his buddy tells him to shut up because I am a Medusa. I have GOT to remember to leave my jacket outside when I am going to play innocent!! I tell Spook "Fire" and several darts fly across the room and pin Mr. Smarty Pants to the wall - and shocks him just a little bit. Then once he is firmly held by the net created by those darts, she fires some stun blast. He is just hanging against the wall - not nearly as smart as he thought he was.
The one I have been talking to gets very talkative, but he doesn't have any truthful information. I am about to turn him over to Spook when the guard asks if he can ask a question. I let him and he does something with his eyes that gets the guy worried and wishing he had truth to tell. Turns out that the pirates have been using the water caravans to pass weapons out. The clan hits the caravan and takes the water - and a load of weapons. They are mad because our host has taken two of their shipments and has some crazy plan to give the weapons to the local farmers to form a militia and fight off the pirates which he considers to be crazy. Seems our resident Vor is trying to protect this corner of the planet while the baby government gets up and running. What he might do after that is anyone's guess, but right now he appears to be one of the good guys.
I walk out of the room afterwards just as Davish and Vance are arriving. Vance starts talking some drivel about setting up explosives around the fort and allowing the next attack to 'win' so that we can get rid of them and the fort. Then he spies a beetle on me and swats it to the floor and steps on it. Afterwards he tells me that it is a listening device and he (and Davish) think it is proof that some monks are still here and are working in the shadows to work on their own agenda. I think it might be some other force using the underground to spy on the people living here. Davish picks up the pieces of the bug and we can see mini droid parts and what looks like a glass ball with what might be a brain. I shrug that off as perhaps they are using tools left laying around.
I introduce the guard who was helping me earlier, Shoan Ardan, and I tell Davish that he has a neat trick to teach. We move into the room and Davish primes them by spouting a lot of nonsense. They seem a bit flabbergasted, so I move in and start talking 90 miles a minute. The first one I talk to is not very bright at all, cute, but nothing to take home. He gives me a lot of basic information though. They have been looting Separatist bases and Imperial supply dumps to get battle droids, speeder bikes, mono wheels, AT-STs, and a big vehicle with lots of legs. When I ask about where they have taken the spoils or what kind of weapons the fort for their clan has, he has no clue. I finally give up on him and turn to the other one. This one has an attitude. He seems to think that he is in control and gets to set the terms of what he will share and what he expects to be paid for it. I know that we can't give him what he wants because he is under a death sentence, but he claims to know where both the slaves and the weapons are being kept - and neither is at the fort! I ask him to give me some information to prove that he can keep his end of the bargain. Apparently, the weapons are not being kept by the clan. They are being sold to Piotr Sparaval - who is attempting to overthrow this government.
We try to devise a good plan to find the captives without letting him go free - as he would be running to his death. Davish suggests that we shackle (pretend sadly) Vance and I pose as a buyer for slaves offering him as collateral to get me in the door. Vance tries to find everyway in the world to not do it, but we are finally able to convince him that it is the safest and quickest option. We then go to meet the others so we can coordinate plans so that we do not stumble over each other. The Jedi were able to enter the obelisk and find where the third one is. They were also able to bring out more information on the history of the area. Further discussion leads the group to suggest that Spook hacks the nav computers on the vehicles we kept as trophies. Davish gets excited about the drop ship that is still outside and suggests that we walk over and knock on the door. Vanya heads downstairs to see if she can talk sense to the pirate with So 'Zen while the rest of us make plans to take the drop ship

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