Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity
Star Wars
Shards of Exploration
Episode 3.09: Escape Velocity, Chapter 1
The war on Chalcedon ended. Pirate forces, caught unprepared, were ambushed at their mountain stronghold by the rag-tag Freedworlds armada. The Dread League crumbled under the assault. Survivors fled or were captured.
While the war has ended, the battles continue. Brush fires from pirates and bitter insurgents burn in pockets across the Chalcedon system. Freedworlds forces work to stamp the fires out.
On Chalcedon, negotiations begin between the Hutt Meldari Council and the Freedworlds Republic. The heated talks focus on JEM VANDOS, the kidnapped member of the Hutt Council. Meanwhile, the evil SARGON XAN DARAN dispatches thousands of SEED DRONES to begin the next phase of galactic conquest.
The war in the Chalcedon system has come to a bloody, ragged end. But even though the war ended, the battles continue. Brush fires from scattered pirates and insurgents harass the young Republic.
Freedworlds forces, battered and bloody, are unbowed. They work overtime to stamp out these problems with an eye to avoid the mistakes of the past. Chancellor Kanter is well aware of the path that was taken between the Old Republic and the tyranny of the Galactic Empire. She has no urge to repeat those mistakes.
Now, the actual work to build a stable and just government has started. Already the first challenge has appeared: the Hutt Meldari Council.
Black Sun retreated into the shadows, leaving the Hutts no choice but to concede Chalcedon to the Freedworlds. With no other options, the Hutts entered a negotiation with the Freedworlds Republic for concessions over captured prisoners of war, resources, business deals, and more.
One issue stands in the way of the others, and may be the Hutt’s main grievance: the kidnapping of Jem Vandos. Vandos is the only humanoid to be legally considered a ‘Hutt’ and a voting member of the Meldari Council. To the Hutts, Vandos is legally one of their own. So this kidnapping is a dire offense.
The Hutt Kajidics, or clans, blame the Freedworlds for the kidnapping. Chancellor Kanter denies it.
As the negotiations are at a stalemate, Chancellor Kanter has dispatched dozens of teams to scour the system for Jem Vandos. Returning the man to the Hutts would break the stalemate.
On Chalcedon, the heroes regroup to get their bearing and a long, two week rest. Looming over them are the ghosts of problem’s past...
But now, more pressing troubles have emerged…
Plot type
- Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 2
- Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 3
- Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 4
- Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 5
- Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 6
- Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 7
- Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 8
- Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 9
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