Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 6, Part 2 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 6, Part 2 Report

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Raven Guard + Eternal Sith Empire raid on Vok City to kidnap new outlaw techs: Defeated!
  • Spy transmission: Disrupted! And tracked back to source.

Related Reports

  • Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 6 Report
    Report | Sep 24, 2023
    Chapter 6 begins:
    After a week of travel through hyperspace, the Night Sparrow arrives in the insular Yonbiss System. Yet another skirmish is just now wrapping up in the ongoing war between the Eborrean Collective and Eternal Sith Empire for control of this world.
    Each aggressor would have noticed the Sparrow if the full adventuring team had been present -- they create that sort of ripple in the fabric of local reality.
    However! Today, four out of five occupants within the ship are Clergy -- so they try out a more spiritually inspired approach. . . .
    . . . prudence.
    Plus a liberal helping of misdirection.
  • Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 6, Part 2 Report
    Report | Sep 24, 2023
    Chapter 6 scene 2:
    Now that we have found and investigated the crashed VorCadriaan freighter, and rescued assorted Yondini refugees from their Raven Guard pursuers, we take them to their settlement in Vok City.
    Technicians' goggles conveniently obscure the signature eyebrows of two Mentats. They adopt the personae of outlaw tech duo Reese Pieces and Heath Toffee. Heath is a confident, upright man; a proud student of the "Al'Saba School of Diplomacy".
    Before the last light of afternoon fades here, far across the known Galaxy, a group of experienced lifelong soldiers suddenly wish that "Highlight Reel" had been active in a place with no such equipped family members. How strange.
  • Episode 3.09 Escape Velocity, Chapter 6, Part 3! Report
    Report | Nov 4, 2023
    Chapter 6 scene 3:
    Obviously, our mission to rescue the local Crimson Knights includes theft of a starship. We will help return the Khashyun to its status as historic art. We will remove the primary contention point of the planetary war. We will make off with the Sun Spear, tastefully update its interior design, eradicate all nonsense about an "atmosphere-boiling weapon".
    Before we can do that, we need to go over to the ancestral Necropolis to collect the hidden components of the control mechanism for said superweapon.
  • Chapter 6 scene 4: The Heist


VNY: "Listen, you can't fight to that shanty, it's got a depressing beat."
Davish: "Let's not get our new passengers focused on shanties, hon."
VNY: "Oh. Fair point."
Davish: "Besides, we don't know if they'd prefer to line dance instead"

You could call it "Dissecting him with his eyes".
KitKat the Mentat describes current behavior of Almon D'Joy
GM to KitKat the Mentat: "It might be the command circuit!"
Jarissa: "... so the sword's molecular matrix forms a specific electromagnetic lens that ... well THAT stinks."
Vanya to player: "Shut up, I didn't take any of those courses. This is a Mentat problem not a detective problem."


Dear So'Zen,

I think we're now trying to rehabilitate D'Joy via the Bartertown Trading Game.

Please pray for us.

Sincerely, Vanya

I did promise Almon that if he would work on being a decent Catholic,
I'd be between him and what he fears.
I gotta get off this roof.

— Vanya's internal narrator

Things that continue to not make it onto a Highlight Reel:

Vanya speaks modern Mando'a clearly and concisely, with a Tapani CT accent.
Vanya speaks modern Mando'a specifically to call out a Raven Guard member with Sith powers.
Vanya speaks modern Mando'a, eloquently, to describe the Raven Guard as a "cowardly sorcerer" who "shames all who marched before in those colors".

We'll take "Things that the Mand’alor won't believe without holographic proof" for 400, Alex!

Shards of Exploration

KitKat the Mentat

Danar Vorpadaran

So'Zen Al Saba

VN Ysadora

Aerena Kolene

Davish Tam

Player Journals
20230729 Crimson Rescue, part B by KitKat
Natunda, 10 Melona, 12731 by VN
Report Date
29 Jul 2023
Primary Location

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