Episode 3.09 Escape Velocity, Chapter 6, Part 3! Report Report in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil

Episode 3.09 Escape Velocity, Chapter 6, Part 3! Report

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Khashyun components: acquired!
    (We might prefer to assemble those in such a way that we can swap components from original design, i.e., light blade for dark hilt?)

Related Reports

  • Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 6 Report
    Report | Sep 24, 2023
    Chapter 6 begins:
    After a week of travel through hyperspace, the Night Sparrow arrives in the insular Yonbiss System. Yet another skirmish is just now wrapping up in the ongoing war between the Eborrean Collective and Eternal Sith Empire for control of this world.
    Each aggressor would have noticed the Sparrow if the full adventuring team had been present -- they create that sort of ripple in the fabric of local reality.
    However! Today, four out of five occupants within the ship are Clergy -- so they try out a more spiritually inspired approach. . . .
    . . . prudence.
    Plus a liberal helping of misdirection.
  • Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 6, Part 2 Report
    Report | Sep 24, 2023
    Chapter 6 scene 2:
    Now that we have found and investigated the crashed VorCadriaan freighter, and rescued assorted Yondini refugees from their Raven Guard pursuers, we take them to their settlement in Vok City.
    Technicians' goggles conveniently obscure the signature eyebrows of two Mentats. They adopt the personae of outlaw tech duo Reese Pieces and Heath Toffee. Heath is a confident, upright man; a proud student of the "Al'Saba School of Diplomacy".
    Before the last light of afternoon fades here, far across the known Galaxy, a group of experienced lifelong soldiers suddenly wish that "Highlight Reel" had been active in a place with no such equipped family members. How strange.
  • Episode 3.09 Escape Velocity, Chapter 6, Part 3! Report
    Report | Nov 4, 2023
    Chapter 6 scene 3:
    Obviously, our mission to rescue the local Crimson Knights includes theft of a starship. We will help return the Khashyun to its status as historic art. We will remove the primary contention point of the planetary war. We will make off with the Sun Spear, tastefully update its interior design, eradicate all nonsense about an "atmosphere-boiling weapon".
    Before we can do that, we need to go over to the ancestral Necropolis to collect the hidden components of the control mechanism for said superweapon.
  • Chapter 6 scene 4: The Heist


Davish: "Where am I bringing the caf?"
Vanya: "Why is this a question?"
Davish: "Because you never know who wants caf also!"
Davish: "It is the galaxy's most popular brain lubricant"

No problems. Just future solutions and people we've yet to meet

Private Investigator 101
Places that a clever person in a hurry tends to hide a small object like a note or a key:
1) on the backside/underside/top edge of something they look at All The Time
2) directly above the door, behind the light
3) under a mat or pot or floorboard, but everyone thinks to look there too
4) in a dusty corner because it looks like nobody cares about that spot
5) on the Top Shelf if they're used to being short, under the Bottom Shelf if they're used to being tall, because that is someplace they personally can't normally see. "Top Shelf" might actually be directly under the eaves on a rafter? "Bottom Shelf" might be a loose section of the baseboard
and only after that, do either an outward spiral search or a grid search

These rules are out the window if the person has been taught how to find hidden objects, or if they're badly injured or malnourished.

VN Ysadora lays out her personal priority tree for Searching For Hidden Data, as taught to her by the late Tess Belden
Green holoprojection of a deceased Abyssi man, Penip Majek: "????"
transmitting live via Palatreum, Jedi Consular So'Zen Al Saba: "... ? .. "

He turns to me - tells me (!) to send a power point to Vanya on how to steal a ship and claims he is being nice about it!!!

— Captain Aerena Kolene, OOC,
sums up the aftermath of So'Zen's cameo appearance
GM: "While this is ... transpiring ..."
Vanya: "Yeah, that's an indicator word."

Party does some analytical experimentation with The Book.  
Davish and Vanya: :freeze in place momentarily:
Shards of Exploration
KitKat the Mentat
Danar Vorpadaran
So'Zen Al Saba
VN Ysadora
Aerena Kolene
Davish Tam
Player Journals
20230923 Crimson Rescue, Part Deux by KitKat the Mentat
Pest Control by VN Ysadora
Report Date
23 Sep 2023
Primary Location


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