Abyssi Species in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil


Abyssi are a reptilian species from the planet Byss. Evolving from the deep desert regions of Byss, their species developed a rare, fast regenerative ability that prevents undo blood loss if wounded.   They are uncommon to rare sight across the galaxy. If seen, it is most often as a bodyguard - such as for a Hutt - or in a gladiatorial fighting pit.  

Anatomy & Morphology

  The average Abyssi are roughly humanoid, green-skinned, and stand about two meters tall. They have a humanoid head with typical facial features. From there the differences between a human or humanoid and an Abyssi differ. An Abyssi has only one eye with a large, multi-faceted lens that allows almost as wide a range of view as a humanoid. It does allow them to see a slightly broader range of light and color. Their hearing is not as well-developed, but instead, they are more sensitive to vibrations.   In general, Abyssi are hairless. In rare occasions, some Abyssi do develop the ability to grow hair, but for this species, it is their version of albinoism. Their eye color is yellow, amber or red. Skin tone ranges from light green to a deep emerald-brown green.   They have two legs, but four arms that end in four-fingered hands. Having four arms, and that their original environment are desert canyons, Abyssi take to "free handed" climbing over rough surfaces with greater ease than most species.  

Ecology and Habitats

  The original Abyssi environment are the deep caverns and canyons in the deserts of Byss. Tolerant of temperature extremes, Abyssi settlements have been recorded in both the deep desert and the edge of the polar zones on Byss. But there are no known Abyssi settlements anywhere but on the world of Byss.   The inspiration for this species from both the Star Wars "Abyssin" and the "Green Martians" of Barsoom by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Average Height
1.7-2.1 meters tall
Average Abyssi   Dexterity 2D+2
Knowledge 1D
Mechanical 1D+2
Perception 1D+1
Strength 3D+1
Technical 1D
  Attribute Dice: 12D   DEXTERITY 1D+2/4D
  Special Abilities

Regeneration: Abyssi start with this ability at a 2D. As they progress, they are allowed to improve this ability as if it were a normal skill but it cannot be higher than their current STR+2D. When wounded, Abyssi can roll to regenerate using this skill if they are wounded instead of their STR dice. For comparison purposes, for an Abyssi when a STR check on a healing roll indicates "days", for an Abyssi that would be "hours".


Temperature Tolerance: Abyssi start with this ability at a 2D. As they progress, they are allowed to improve this ability as if it were a normal skill but it cannot be higher than their current STR+3D. If an Abyssi is subject to extreme temperatures ( note actual *damage* would come under regeneration ) and must make a resistance roll ( note that blaster shot does not count in this ), the Abyssi rolls using their Temperature Tolerance instead of their STR.

    Move: 8/12


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