Meaghana Complete Timeline Timeline
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Complete Timeline

The Complete Timeline of Meaghana from Prehistory to the 3rd Age

1st Age

... 0 (BC)

The Era from Prehistory to the Chaos War

  • -2900 BC

    Casting out of Hosia

    The Time God was banished to a dark corner of existence by the All-Father.

  • -2467 BC

    Creation of Brilla & Jhonus

    Hosia and Astrix work together to create Brilla

  • -2011 BC

    Birth of Meaghana

    The Nature Goddess is born.

  • -1996 BC

    The Tampering of Brilla

    The God of Chaos alters the lifeforms of the world.

  • -1996 BC

    -1400 BC

    Founding of Entreities

    The first elven kingdom is settled

  • -1411 BC

    The Glug War Begins
    Military action

    The 1st war begins...

  • -1401 BC

    The fall of Gnomedom

    The gnomes are nearly completely destroyed by Glug

  • -1399 BC

    Coming of the Fae
    Diplomatic action

    The elves encounter the Fae for the first time.

  • -1396 BC

    Dream Orb & the Nightmare Rock
    Diplomatic action

    The elves receive gifts from the Fae King.

  • -1395 BC

    Creation of the Elvish Forest

    Elves use the Dream Orb to create a home for themselves.

  • -1390 BC

    Coronal's Resistance
    Military action

    A human warlord is pushed to stand against Glug

  • -1390 BC

    Elvish Sundering
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Creation of the Drow

  • -1389 BC

    Driving out of the Drow
    Population Migration / Travel

    The elves turn upon their dark brothers.

  • -1385 BC

    Battle of Golkan
    Military action

    The first war ends.

  • -1379 BC

    The Drow discover Magic.
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The first wizards appear on Meaghana.

  • -1379 BC

    Age of the Giants begins
    Era beginning/end

    Giant conquer Lerias

  • -1378 BC

    -1200 BC

    Founding of Pekonesti
    Construction beginning/end

    The Elvish Capital is built.

  • -1373 BC

    Creation of the Dwarves
    Life, Birth

    At the command of the Giant Emperor Alegus, Stone Giant Sorcerors created the race of the builders from the bones of Mt. Penok. These builder, who would eventually become known as Dwarves, supported the Giant's rule and created crafts for the Giant's slave races.

  • -1365 BC

    Warriors of Penok formed.

    First major adventuring company formed.

  • -1200 BC

    Theft of the Sands of Time

    Brilla attempts to steal the Artifact from Hosia.

  • -1126 BC

    Reign of Belthizar
    Political event

    The most hated giant emperor.

  • -1016 BC

    The Mountain Plague
    Disaster / Destruction

    Jhonus strikes down the Giant Empire

  • -950 BC

    War of Skorrion
    Military action
  • -947 BC

    Glug Revolt

    A failed Goblin revolt against Giant rule.

  • -945 BC

    -800 BC

    The War of the Giants

    Major unified revolt against Giant rule.

  • -867 BC

    Gregor Lyonsbane Born
    Life, Birth

    Little is known of the early life of Gregor Lyonsbane. The only confirmation of his birth is the statement of his age of 22, when he joined the Hosian rogue military unit in the north of the Giant's Empire, in the year 845 BC. The original parchment upon which he signed his oath of loyalty remains mostly intact and is considered a national treasure of the Fetescan Empire.

  • -839 BC

    Battle of Red Hills
    Military action
  • -824 BC

    The Marriage of Gregor Lyonsbane
    Life, Relationship change

    In the spring of 824, at the age of 43, Gregor married Fetesia of Bilvon, the daughter of one of his line officers. For a dowry, Gregor pledged to clear the land of evil and make a country for "decent, honest, hardworking folk to make their own." ( Libros Lyonsbane p 37) This pledge lead to the work of the remainder of Gregor's life, the taming and founding of the country of Fetesca. This marriage is commonly referred to as the founding date of the country of Fetesca. However, it is a certainty that Hosiana was founded before this, and strong support for Elam and Blackholm having been founded before this time as well.

  • -800 BC

    Destruction of Penok
    Disaster / Destruction

    With the fall of the Giant's empire, their magic with the mountain Penok turn inward on itself and collapsed into what is now known as the Desert of Penok.

  • -798 BC

    Dremite Occupation
    Political event

    With the end of the Giants War, the wizards of the city of Drem far to the north of Fetesca, began reaching out to the young country. Engaged in his crusade to tame the land, Gregor was more than willing to accept the aid of the Dremites, even allowing his heir, Darvon, to learn the ways of Magic. This eventually paved the way for Fetesca to be essentially a vassal state to Drem by the end of Darvon's life.

  • -783 BC

    Founding of Nelos

    Capital of Asteria is established.

  • -742 BC

    Journey of Clan Derro
    Population Migration / Travel

    Led by the first known Dwarven Wizard, Thane Teragon Derro, an entire clan of dwarves migrated from the lands of Hillsbrad to the tunnels underneath the Desert of Penok.    Over the next century, sightings of the clan reported that they had been badly changed in those tunnels, becoming mad albinos with incredible magical powers. The new race became known as the Derro, and the world became a slur in the dwarven language for those that meddled in magic.

  • -695 BC

    War of Brothers
    Military action

    Wizards go to war.

  • -690 BC

    -390 BC

    The Fetescan Lost Centuries
  • -600 BC

    Time of the Dragons
    Military action

    Massive upswell of Dragon attacks all over Lerias.

  • -450 BC

    Aukbarian Massacre
    Religious event

    The Dread Patriarch of Robanus goes mad.

  • -395 BC

    Reign of Creos
    Political event

    Church of Brilla comes to power.

  • -394 BC

    Fall of the Goblins
    Military action
  • -392 BC

    The South Conquered
    Military action
  • -390 BC

    Destruction of Avalon
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Grey Elf island is sunk.

  • -387 BC

    Coming of Menlok

    The Dragon God appears!

  • -382 BC

    -381 BC

    Defeat of Kreol
    Military action

    Brilla's war of expansion ends.

  • -359 BC

    The Coming of Imolatus
    Cultural event

    The Red Dragon Imolatus becomes patron of the people who would become the Arakeenians.

  • -357 BC

    Founding of Arakeen

    The capital of Arakeen is founded.

  • -357 BC

    Arakeenian Tribal Times

    First recorded appearance of Arakeenians

  • -135 BC

    -130 BC

    Founding of the Elvish Empire

    Elves of Pekonesti move to conquer the continent.

  • -125 BC

    The Dwarves Depature
    Cultural event

    The gates of Karak-al-Kazark are sealed.

  • -121 BC

    Construction of the Tower of the Stars begins
    Construction beginning/end
  • -119 BC

    Emperor Hirendel Assassinated
    Life, Death
  • -92 BC

    Prophesy of Menlok
    Life, Supernatural

    The Dragon God tells the elves of their doom.

  • -80 BC

    The Elfwar
    Military action

    The Elvish Empire ends in bloodshed.

2nd Age

1 (AC) 1200 (AC)

Era from The Chaos War to the Great War

  • 1 AC

    The Chaos War
    Military action

    The remnants of the elvish people join with a frightful ally.

  • 2 AC

    Heroes Triumphant
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Heroes of the Chaos War receive their reward.

  • 24 AC

    War of the Lycanthropes/ The God Purge

    War returns to Fetesca

  • 35 AC

    The Kraken's War
    Military action
  • 37 AC

    Second Time of the Dragons
    Disaster / Destruction
  • 54 AC

    Great Plague Halted
    Life, Achievement/ Win
  • 55 AC

    64 AC

    Adventures of the Heroes of Haven
    Life, Organisation Association

    A powerful new Adventurer's group forms.

  • 65 AC

    War of the Megis begins
    Military action

    The being known as the Megis harnesses the northern goblins to its service.

  • 66 AC

    Fate of Hosiana
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Fetescan capital is sacked by the Goblin forces.

  • 67 AC

    Final battles of the War of the Megis
    Military action

    Battle in Fetesca and Northern Entreities brought the war to and end.

  • 120 AC

    Purification of Hosiana
  • 121 AC

    Arakeen Reforms
  • 121 AC

    Founding of the Merchant Kingdom of Medina

    Groups of Merchants rebuild the kingdom of Medina

    Ruins of Medina
  • 121 AC

    Return of Seras
  • 122 AC

    War of Lions
    Military action

    Fetescan civil war slows the rebuilding efforts

  • 123 AC

    Mage's Return
    Life, Supernatural
  • 319 AC

    Appearance of the Outworlder Gods
    Military action

    Followers of unknown gods appear on Meaghana to do battle.

  • 542 AC

    End of the War of Twilight Last
  • 544 AC

    Coming of Belandra and Kalim
    Religious event

    Two new gods enter the pantheon.

  • 545 AC

    Meaghana's Reclaimation

    Meaghana is restored by Hosia's actions.

  • 551 AC

    Begining of the War of Baligas Keep
    Military action

    With the disappearance of Benillin Nimblefingers, a powerful priest of Brilla, the Waning Star and its armies, controlled by the Dark Lady of Baligas Keep, began their war for the Highlands of Central Asteria. By Late 551, most of the Highlands belong to Baligas.

  • 552 AC

    Quest for the Dragon Orbs
    Military action

    The Order of the Violent Butterflies quests to find a way to defeat the armies of the Waning Star.

  • 552 AC


    Tribunal of the Gods

    The gods judge Hosia.

  • 553 AC

    End of the Jhonland's Curse
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Due to the actions of the Order of the Violent Butterflies, the ancient curse of Jhonus was dispelled, bringing sunlight to the country of Malakos for the first time. This has led to a great crusade to break         the grip of the undead from the mountains, and drive the church of Seras underground, with some success.

  • 554 AC

    Battle of Sil'Korma
    Military action

    Late in the year 554, it was discovered by the Order of the Violent Butterflies, that Geldar, Lord of Trade was dead, and his church in reality served Asmodeus, the lord of Hell. In revenge, Lord Robanus commanded the forces of Gwyneth to travel south and lay waste to the city of Sil'Korma, the center of this foul cult. Many flocked to the city to protect it from the Robanans' wrath, as many of the people of Sil'Korma were innocent of this crime. First among these were the new church of Hosia the Dragonlord, who managed to hold the approaching Robanans off at the borders of the city.    This stalemate could have lasted for some time, were it not for the intervention of Benelin Nimblefingers, now a scion of Brilla. Using a Tinker Gnome weapon, Benelin slew Krandor Stonesong, saying that the time of Empires is over. And then he led an army of other planar warriors to rout the Robanans, before flying off.

  • 555 AC

    560 AC

    Medina's collapse

    With the loss of their government, and the city of Sil'Korma being claimed by the Hosian priesthood, the city-states of Medina began to insert their independence from one another. In the span of six years from the Battle of Sil'Korma, the alliances and treaties that had held the country together for nearly 450 years were dissolved. The lands that were once known as Medina are now ruled by independent kings and lords in small fiefdoms. The seeming success of this course, as well as the formations Fiefdoms of the Jhonlands, has caused much concern to the High Kings of both Fetesca and Asteria, who worry over the continued existence of their countries.

  • 564 AC

    Dissolution of the Order of the Violent Butterflies

    For unknown reasons, the Order of the Violent Butterflies disbanded, after losing several of their members, during a secret mission.

  • 566 AC

    574 AC

    Destabilization of Asteria
    Civil action

    Over the last eight years, the great cities of Asteria have put more pressure on the King for greater control of their lands. This has led to a destabilized central government, and harsh reprisals against the city-states that the crown considers disloyal.    The worst of this has not yet spread much past the center of the country, but many believe that it is only a matter of time before King Watcher seeks to retighten the reigns of his leadership in Asteria.

  • 574 AC

    Reclaiming of Castle Whiterose
    Political event

    By defeating the twisted Silver Dragon, Tarnish, Cyprus Faeborn, reclaimed the Castle White Rose and named himself King of Medina by the Bloodline of Etrius. Many of Cyprus’ allies in the Order of the Silver Arrows aid in the attempt to reunite the country.

  • 575 AC

    Redemption of Daemernesti
    Religious event

    The Church of Pthalo holds a ritual to break a large number of redeemed drow from the hold of the Nightmare Rock. This is successful resulting in the creation of the Daemernesti, the people of shadows.

  • 576 AC

    Medina Reunited
    Political event

    With the success of the Battle of Shaura Valley, and the fall of Southpoint, Cyprus Faeborn has successfully quashed all resistance to his control of the country of Medina. The founding of Thorhampton on the Hill, brings a strong influx of elvish immigrants to the newly founded country.

  • 577 AC

    War of the Tower Begins
    Military action

    The Order of Stone performs a ritual to return the Elvish Emperor Silthasias to the Prime Material. The disruption of the ritual by the Order of the Silver Arrow, meant that only an avatar of Silthasias was summoned.     However, this was enough for the former Emperor to gather his forces, in an attempt to conquer Lerias. The Grey Elves were joined in their war by the Drow, the Hylar Dwarves, the city states of the Jhonlands, the church of Glug, as well as many different groups from the elemental planes and the Unseelie Court.   The main strength of the Grey Elves were great foundries within Entrieties that created Mithral elven warriors, called the Mithralnesti. The early part of the war goes very well for the Grey Elves with only Medina and Fetesca being in a strong position to oppose them.

  • 579 AC

    Signing of the Whiterose Accord
    Diplomatic action

    During a diplomatic meeting in Medina, Cyprus Faeborn, negotiates a treaty to join together Medina, Asteria, Kantrus, Fetesca and Arakeen, to battle the Grey Elvish armies.

  • 580 AC

    Burning of the Elvenwood
    Disaster / Destruction

    An allied attack of the Mithralnesti foundries lead by the Order of the Silver Arrows is nearly repelled by the Elvish magics, until the Master Conjurer Rae Corwin cast a powerful wish to destroy all sorcerous power on Meaghana.    This disruption of magic allowed the allied forces to march on Entrieties and destroy the foundries leading to huge uncontrolled fires through much of the Elven wood, in essence splitting the lands into several smaller forests.

  • 581 AC

    Goddess of Magic
    Religious event

    Having claimed and used the powers of a Soulwell, Tara Stargazer had become the first goddess of Magic. Her first and only acts were to erase all memory of the Tower of the Stars, and the rituals to bring it into being. She then hid the Soulwell, and rejected her own godhood, saying “Magic exists beyond the gods, so shall it be forever.”    Tara then ascended into the outer planes to join her husband.

  • 581 AC

    Fall of the Tower
    Military action

    As the allied forces destroyed the armies of the Tower-worshippers, as the forces the grey elves built came to be known, the Order of the Silver Arrows, and the Archmage Tara Stargazer, sought out the Tower of the Stars, and Silthasias.   Stargazer drew upon the power of the Soulwell of magic, to battle Silthasias. The death of Silthasias’ followers allowed the Stargazer to defeat and destroy the Elvish Emperor, bringing a swift end to the war, and the extinction of the Grey Elven race.

  • 582 AC

    Faeborn Dynasty Secured
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Cyprus’ first child, Jack Faeborn, secures the bloodline of Medina’s king.

  • 583 AC

    Order of the Crimson Tear

    Kelthias Tynasse founds the Citadel of the Crimson Tear, in southern Medina, to being the training of Pthalonian Paladins.

  • 583 AC

    Mittierim's Rest

    Mittierim’s Rest, a holy site in the mountains south of Whiterose, is named the center of Mittierim’s worship, and attracts many refugees of the War of the Tower.

  • 590 AC

    Destruction of Karak-al-Kazark
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Hylar Dwarves, the last remaining force of the Tower Worshippers, are destroyed when the dwarven caverns are collapsed, destroying the dwarvish capital of Karak-Al-Kazark.

  • 592 AC

    Krago's Assault
    Disaster / Destruction

    In retaliation for the death of his Father during the war, the king of Kantrus, Krago XII, marched a force into the Elven woods, and salted the ground of the former land of Pekonesti, assuring that the elvish capital was destroyed once and for all.

  • 598 AC

    Founding of the Gnome Protectorates

    Benelin Nimblefingers, high priest of Brilla, founds the Temple of Everchange in the lands vacated by the Goshin, naming these lands the Gnomish Protectorate.

  • 605 AC

    607 AC

    Asterian Civil War
    Military action

    A civil war in Asteria results in the ending of the rule of the Watcher bloodline, and the reestablishment of Rivershead as the capital of Asteria, with King Ramus Quall on the throne.

  • 638 AC

    Corwin College Grows
    Construction beginning/end

    Archmage Sitara Corwin continues her father’s work by establishing the first satellite campus of the Corwin College of Magical Studies in the village of Thorhampton-on-the-Hill in Medina.

  • 696 AC

    Rebuilding of the Kingdom of Drem
    Construction beginning/end

    After the defeat of the Ordo Dremas, a brotherhood of Wizards, lead by the larger magical colleges strove to undo the magical destruction done to the Blasted Lands, and eventually lead to the re-founding of the City of Drem, ruled by a council of Wizards, who have dedicated themselves to the study magic and the teaching of Lost Dremite magical lore, causing a renaissance of magical learning all over Meaghana.

  • 706 AC

    Invention of the Gnomish Railwagon
    Technological achievement

    The invention of the Gnomish Rail-wagon, in 706 (AC) revolutionized travel within the Gnome Protectorates, allowing for greater distance between cities and villages. The track laying required the gnomes to seek workers from other countries, causing an influx of non-gnomes to enter the protectorate.

  • 724 AC

    742 AC

    Tinker's War
    Military action

    In 724 (AC) the Druids of the Lands of the Gnome Protectorates stood up against the destruction of nature that the Rail-Wagon project was causing, calling for the Gnomes to stop laying tracks and replant what they had destroyed. High Priest Benelin Nimblefingers declared the Druids to be the enemies of change, and that the Rail-Wagon project was favored by Brilla. With neither side willing to back down, war was inevitable.    The war quickly became a series of long drawn out skirmishes with no clear victor. After 18 years of intermittent battles, Benelin Nimblefingers had had enough. Using the powers of Brilla, Benelin held the druids High Grove hostage, threatening to burn the entire forest to the ground if the Druids did not stop interfering with the construction of Rail-wagon tracks. After two failed attempts to assassinate Benelin, the druids conceded to his demands, withdrawing to the northern forests of the Protectorates. Upon completion of the Rail-wagon track system, in 750 (AC) the grateful people of the Protectorates renamed their capital Benelin, in honor of the priest’s actions.   The reaction of the rest of the world to the destruction caused by the Rail-Wagons and the harsh treatment of the druids, prevented the technology from catching on in other countries.

  • 879 AC

    Imperial Declaration of Fetesca
    Civil action

    As the power of the Fetescan Crown grew under the Noble Leadership of the Ravennian Line, Fetesca began an outward push, claiming the Kingdom of Drem as well as several other cities in the Sea of Shards, and the trade post of Daggerport in Grompfk. In 879 AC, Queen Alyssa Ravennian declared herself Empress of the Fetescan Empire, reorganizing the country into a group of self-contained Kingdoms each paying tribute to the Crown of Fetesca in Hosiana.

  • 886 AC

    Founding of the Kingdom of Sebram

    At the behest of the Fetescan Empress the City states of the Sea of Shards that were allied to Fetesca, joined together forming the Kingdom of Sebram, in 886 (AC), who pledged itself to the Fetescan Empire.

  • 902 AC

    Ascension of Benelin
    Religious event

    In the year 902 (AC), Benelin Nimblefingers, High Priest of Brilla died. His body vanished in a spike of radiant energy that blasted a hole in the roof of the Ever-Changing Temple. In honor of his life, the people of the Gnome Protectorates made the day of his death, Coroneir 30th, a holiday called Ascension Day, and had artists come and turn the hole in the temple into a Stained glass sunroof depicting the life of Benelin.

  • 904 AC

    Fall of Kantrus
    Disaster / Destruction

    A civil war between the Feral and Civilized Minotaur of Kantrus, in 904 (AC), lead to an opening of a gate to the Abyss, the Demons from the portal drove away and killed those Minotaur that did not serve the purposes of the dark gods, exiling them from the lands of Kantrus. The Demons then began to warp and twist the land, until they were eventually beat back, and their portal sealed by a united force, comprised of the Exiled Minotaur, Sylvan Elves, Gnomes, Asterians and Medinans, but at the cost of the life of the Grandmaster of the Order of the Crimson Tear, Kelthias Tynasse. The Land that was once Kantrus is still suffering the effects of the Abyssal onslaught, and only the outer edges of the once mighty kingdom can support life without warping it with the Demonic Energies, left behind.

  • 926 AC

    Rise of the Wood Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    Diplomatic action following the Kantrustian War, formed a tentative friendship between the Wood Elves remaining in the Forests of Entrieties, and the peoples of the Western Kingdoms. Queen Mirrik Faeborn II oversaw the first peace treaty between Medina and Wood Elves of the Whitebark Forest, in 926 (AC). This new sense of friendship between the Humans and Elves caused a migration of Wood Elves into the west, where they came to live in larger forests through out Medina, Asteria, and Fetesca, where they set themselves up as a politically different entity from their High Elven cousins, who have come to live mostly in Northern Medina, Fetesca and the last elvish metropolis of Oman.

  • 970 AC

    Founding of Eastforge

    In 970 (AC) the Dwarvish Clans Stonemaul, and Rockcrusher, traveled to the western slopes of the Jhonish Mountains, and founded a new dwarvish Citadel of Eastforge, a community of Dwarves that is independent from Fetescan Rule.

  • 1068 AC

    War of Lies
    Military action

    In early 1068, the Fetescan royal family was betrayed by one of their own. Melisandra, the 2nd daughter of Empress Talia, gave the names and locations of all Fetescan spies in Arakeen to the Arakeenians, leading to them being killed off. At the same time, she inflicted her mother with the Burning Death, a disease that was incurable through medicinal means. A party of adventurers form Fetesca, entered the tomb of Cylence Coldeyes, to retrieve an item to remove the cursed disease, thus goading Arakeen into open war.

  • 1068 AC


    To stop the war...

    The country of Fetesca finds itself in a difficult war with their ancient enemies, Arakeen. Even then, it had become clear to us that this war is little more that a smokescreen for great and powerful forces. Namely, Asmodeus the devil lord of the Nine Hells, and Omadon, the God of Strife. These two mighty beings each sought to gain control of the Soul Well of Law. With such control, they would bend the will of all civilized peoples to serve their dark desires.     At this time, the government of Sil’Korma had added its formidable militia to the side of Fetesca allowing the Fetescans to slow the advance of the army of Arakeen, and turn them south away from the mage city of Drem, and into the Duchy of Darel.   Unbeknownst to most of the military, the main hope of ending the war was actually with a small group of adventurers, who sought a key to stopping both Asmodeus, and Omadon from achieving their goals. This group of adventurers, including members of the Sil’Korman Militia, as well as forces loyal to Fetesca, traveled to the eastern slopes of the Jhonish Mountains, to uncover information about the connection between the Arakeenians and the Red Dragons that were involving themselves in the war effort.   They Failed.

  • 1068 AC


    Battle of Braden Plains
    Military action

    The second week of Coronier saw the Arakeenian force launch a overwhelming attack on the supply depot in the Braden Plains in Darel. The Supply depot was completely looted before the arrival of the main force of the Fetescan military, who proceeded to pursue the Arakeenian force.    This turned into a running battle in which the Arakeenians inflicted heavy casualties on the Fetescans eventually leading the battle around the northern side of the mage city of Drem. This set of battles caused the displacement of many tribes of Lynxan that lived in the area, who migrated to the West.

  • 1068 AC


    Second battle of Drem
    Military action

    The second battle of Drem, which lasted through the fall and the winter of 1069, saw the bulk of the Arakeenian Army, including their Dragon Knights, battle the mages of Drem and the Sil’Korman militia.    Eventually the Dremite Forces ousted the Arakeenians, but the death toll was in the thousands. In addition the Sil’Korman militia that was sent was nearly totally decimated, leading to Sil’Korma’s withdrawal from the war.

  • 1069 AC


    Assault on Risaku
    Military action

    The forces of Asmodeus, lead by the Arch devil Bel, assaulted the island of Ritsaku, seeking the Soul Well of Law. This battle went badly for the Ritsakan’s who lacked magic to be able to battle the diabolic forces.    Luckily for the people of Ritsaku, a uprising in the Nine Hells started by the Devil Saeran, caused Bel to return to the nine hells to protect his holdings, effectively ending the power that Asmodeus had to directly effect the outcome of the war.

  • 1069 AC


    Assassination of Emperor Altris
    Life, Death

    Forces within the Nobility friendly to the former House B’kil, arranged for the assassination of Emperor Altris. With the adventurers that had formerly protected him dead, Altris was murdered by an assassin claiming to be a Warlock swearing allegiance the devil Saeran.    This cast doubt on all those formerly associated with Altris, whom had been a friend to Saeran before the warlock became a devil. The political backlash of this made many of Altris’ former allies into pariahs within Fetesca, leaving only Randall, Altris’ 12 year old brother as an acceptable successor. He took the throne with his sister, Fiona, as a steward.

  • 1069 AC


    The Three Day Rebellion
    Military action

    The political backlash against Altris’ interests led to political pressure against the Elvin city of Mithras, who were known friends of Altris, lead to many of Altris’ favors to the Elves being repealed by the House of Lords.    This lead to widespread protests by the elves. Princess Fiona sent military support to aid in the defense of the Grayson Nobility. Seeing the appearance of the Fetescan military, the people of Mithras panicked and attacked. This lead to a three day stretch of battles, which ended with the village of Mithras being placed under martial law.

  • 1069 AC


    The Great Betrayal
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    As the summer passed, the Arakeenian army began making another push towards the center of Fetesca. While this was occurring, the priesthood of Omadon drew together the great wyrms to perform a ritual designed to enslave the common people of Arakeen to give him the power to claim the Soul Well of Law.     During the ritual, Rynskald the Green, who was secretly in league with the forces of Belandra, poisoned the ritual causing it to fail.   The backlash of the failed ritual caused an explosion of power that ripped through the common people of Arakeen, killing a large number of Arakeenians and depleting the army.   Using this failed ritual as a distraction, members of the Blue Dragon flight that wanted to break from the Arakeenians attacked, and the union of the dragons was broken apart into a vicious war.

  • 1069 AC


    The Aktannan Revival
    Population Migration / Travel

    Kiernan of Draknos, priest of Viridian, traveled to the northern reaches of Arakeen to gather the Aktannan Barbarians to help oust the Omadonians from Arakeen. The Barbarians formed a war party and swept south. Without the dragons to aid them the Arakeenians were quickly overpowered. The Aktannan quickly became overtaken by their own bloodlust, and lost control.

  • 1070 AC


    Sacking of Arakeen
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Aktannan spread south, and attacked the capital of Arakeen in Meaghier 1070. The barbarians tore down the temple of Omadon, and when they marched on the governmental holdings of the city, Kiernan attempted to stop them.    The Aktannan tore him apart and proceeded to kill the nobles of Arakeen. By the end of the month, the city was burned to the ground.

  • 1070 AC


    Soulwell of Law
    Religious event

    As the war proceeded, sowing chaos and discord, the Soul well of Law was being drawn away from the prime material. Eventually the violence and chaos of the war, repelled the Soul Well into the realm of Viridian, embodiment of peace. Viridian claimed the Soul Well, becoming the Goddess of Law and Peace, and the protector of Civilization.   Her remaining priests headed south with the escaping Arakeenians, and set themselves up in the city of Draknos, which became the new capital of Arakeen.

  • 1071 AC

    Ritual of Ironclaw
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Nearing the end of Robier, the Lich, Ironclaw began a set of rituals to channel the power of the Far Realms into various dragon lairs to corrupt them into dragons that would serve only him. A group of adventurers known as the Seers of the Bloodmoon battled the lich and killed him before the ritual was able to corrupt all the dragons of Lerias.

  • 1071 AC

    Founding of Keltria

    After the War of Lies, the northeastern part of Fetesca was terribly traumatized. Cities and forests were burned and entire crops destroyed. The death toll from starvation alone in the first year after the war ended wiped out several other villages. The Arakeenian army trapped there only worsened the problem.     In the summer of 1071, the druidic circle of Fetesca met with the Grand Druid, Illyria, daughter of Amakind, to discuss the problem. Illyria’s action proved to be both dramatic and controversial.   Illyria went before the new Emperor, Randall, and told him that Meaghana was angered by the actions of the war. When the Emperor asked what could be done to regain Meaghana’s favor, the Grand Druid told him that he must turn over all the lands north and east of the Lake Blackholm to the druidic order, who would shepherd the land while it recovered.   When he balked at such a high price, Illyria told him that if he refused that Meaghana would take all her blessings from the land, and that the humans of Fetesca would die of starvation and thirst, and the druids would claim all the lands when they had passed.   Afraid of the threat the Grand Druid had presented, Emperor Randall made a proclamation on War’s End Day in 1071 known as the Preservation Decree, in which the Emperor bequeathed the lands north and east of Lake Blackholm to the Grand Druid of Meaghana to return the land to its once pristine state.   In a somewhat surprising move, the Mage’s Council of Drem did not oppose this move. In fact, the Dremites, who were feeling ignored by the crown, welcomed the aid of the Druids with open arms.   When the druids took control, they named Lord Warden’s as protectors for each of the cities in the area. These Wardens are the de facto government of the land, and in Drem, the Mage’s Council now reports to them. Compared to the former Fetescan rule, this new organization is much more loose and free, but the punishments for violations of the Druidic laws are harsh and quick.   Illyria founds a new High Grove in this land, to replace the one that was destroyed in the elvish forest. This grove is named Keltria, and becomes the seat of druidic power in the land, and is the name that the people begin to refer to the new land as. While the Druids are not interfering with any of the temples that are in the area, many of the worshippers of the Holy Union leave the area to return to Fetesca proper, leaving the majority of temples there being to Timandra and Robanus, and within Drem, Aiden.

  • 1073 AC

    Fall of Rivershead
    Disaster / Destruction

    In Astrier of 1073, the royal family of Asteria was betrayed by Sir Lucas Bennett, a strife lord of Omadon, masquerading as a loyal retainer of the House. After killing the King, and most of the court of Rivershead, Sir Lucas was killed in turn by the crown prince, Evan. As his last act, Sir Lucas called upon the Broodmother, an ancient red dragon, to grant him revenge on Rivershead.    The Dragons in service to the Broodmother laid waste to the city. Prince Evan and the Knights of the Throne managed to evacuate most of the citizens of the city, before the destruction began. The majority of New City was evacuated to Palisade, while Old City was evacuated to the Shieldheart monastery.

  • 1073 AC

    Fall of Asmodeus
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    In Meaghier of 1073, Asmodeus completed an unknown plan that lead to the opening of several portals between the prime material plane and the Nine Hells, forcing the two planes into one. During the assault by the devils, the Seers of the Bloodmoon attacked the devils forces and slew the Dark Eight and Bel, the Lord of the First. After securing the Keys to Nessus, the Seers of the Bloodmoon descended into the Nine Hells and battled Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine. Asmodeus was slain, and during the fall out the leadership of the Nine Hells changed hands to the devil: Grynwell. In addition, Levistus the devil lord regained his position as Lord of Stygia, and the exiled devil Saeran became Lord of the First, and the self proclaimed ‘Defender of the Breach“.   These events lead to the destruction of the planar portals, and the withdrawal of all the Devils from the prime material, as the power of Asmodeus was no longer there to keep them in the world.

  • 1073 AC


    Birth of the Forgebreakers
    Cultural event

    In Asteria, the dwarven citadels have long supported the ancient clan laws of their forefathers. In 1073, this unilateral support cracked, in two of the major dwarvish strongholds. A group calling themselves “The Forgebreakers” began to rebel against the Clan Laws of the citadels.     Upon investigation, the Knights of the Throne revealed that these Forgebreakers were a legitimate political movement that was co-opted by demonic forces. The knights destroyed these forces in Hillsbrad and Goldstone Quarry. The dwarves of Goldstone executed the members of the Forgebreakers there, but the ones in Hillsbrad, who were more remorseful of their actions while under demonic influence, were judged by Prince Evan and placed in working custody in Palisade.   The dwarves of the Forgebreakers that were lead to this rebellion due to the restrictions against the study of Arcane magic were given sanctuary by the Grey Elven House Qu’vare. These two groups, having no further connections to the old Dwarvish Citadels, declared themselves Clan Forgebreakers, and placed their loyalty to the country of Asteria as opposed to the ancient Clan Law.

  • 1073 AC


    Death of Silthasias
    Life, Death

    In early Brillier 1073, the plan of the Lich Emperor Silthasias was finally revealed. Silthasias was seeking to use the powers of the dead gods, and their graves in the Astral plane, to claim the power of the All Father.     Sepia Windrider, and the Knights of the Throne, traveled to Silthasias’ demiplane in the Astral Sea to destroy the Twice Emperor, once and for all. The Knights traced Silthasias to another Tomb of Horrors that he built in the ruins of the Tower of the Stars. They found that he had constructed a new body for himself from the flesh of the dead gods.   After the destruction of the Golem Body, Silthasias’ soul returned to his phylactery, which was hidden in Skull City the site of the first Tomb of Horrors. With the help of Saint Baern of Aiden, Thosar’ith, a priest of Fern, invoked the rite of undoing upon the Phylactery, allowing for Silthasias to be destroyed permanently, but for the lesson of his crimes to remain with the elves.   After his death, Sepia learned that the site of her eldritch engine, designed to help create and protect a new homeland for the Elvish people, had to be within Skull City. She activated the eldritch engine, and placed House Qu’vare, and their new dwarvish wards there to protect the site.

  • 1073 AC


    Second Asterian Civil War
    Military action

    Prince Evan and the Knights returned from the Astral Plane in time to see the first battles of what would come to be known as the Second Asterian Civil War. House Watcher, with several allied minor houses, attacked Palisade in an attempt to claim the throne in Evan’s absence.     During the early weeks of the war, House Watcher drew deeply from the ancient magics that they had from the House’s former rule of Asteria. Many of these were extremely powerful, and lead to a number of early victories for House Watcher. In early Robier, this forward momentum had taken House Watcher to surround, and lay siege to the city of Palisade. All seemed lost until the Vistani woman, Reyna, led the Knights of the Throne to appeal to her people for aid. Eight of the Vistani Caravans of Asteria chose to reject the powers of the Unseelie Court, and joined the people of Asteria in their battles against the tyranny of House Watcher. With this aid, the siege of Palisade was broken.   After the breaking of the Siege of Palisade, Prince Evan lead the defenders in an attack on the city of Nelos. This attacking force, composed of Asterians of all races, helped to unite the separate races into a cohesive force in opposition to House Watcher.

  • 1073 AC


    Battle of Nelos
    Military action

    By late Robier, the Asterian forces chased House Nelos’ troops back to Nelos. There they unleashed the true power that supported their clan. Demonic forces, and the Church of Seras joined the battle on House Watcher’s side. Even this power was not enough for the House to stand against the strength of the truly united force of Asteria’s people. The secret temple of Seras in Nelos was destroyed, as was the entirety of House Watcher.   Prince Evan claimed the city, and for the first time in 500 years the Throne of Freedom was once again in the hands of a rightful heir of Asteria.

  • 1073 AC


    Coronation of King Evan and Queen Reyna
    Political event

    While the city of Nelos was being secured, Prince Evan and the Knights of the Throne completed several secret quests to purge the last of House Watcher’s Demonic Taint from the land of Asteria. Upon completing these tasks, Prince Evan married the Vistani woman, Reyna, and the two were crowned King and Queen of Asteria, on the 16th of Mandier.   His first act was to sign the Treaty of Friendship with the Elvish people. This treaty officially apologized for the treatment of the Elves by the Asterian people following the first Elf War. Signed by Sepia Windrider, the chosen representative of the Elves of Asteria, the treaty also officially apologized for the mistreatment of Asterians by the elves during their empire. This treaty also recognized the Elvish right to create a “cultural homeland”, on an island off the coast of Asteria, which would allow for the Elves of Asteria to have a place for their culture to flourish, while maintaining their citizenship within the lands of their birth.   Upon his ascendance to the throne, King Evan named Greta Diamondbreaker as the new grandmaster of the Knights of the Throne and set himself to the consolidation of his country.

  • 1073 AC


    Retaking Rivershead
    Military action

    In Glugust of 1073, the new army of Asteria sought to retake the city of Rivershead. The Knights of the Throne managed to slay the Broodmother, but many of the Red Dragons in her service fled rather than being destroyed.    The City of Rivershead was completely destroyed with two exceptions, the Butterfly House and the outer campus of the Corwin Academy of the Arcane. The rebuilding of the city is planned to begin in the spring of 1074, as a joint venture between the races that now comprise the new Asterian People.

  • 1075 AC

    Evan's Crusade
    Military action

    During the first two years of his reign, King Evan found out how much of the suffering of Asteria had been directly the result of the demonic madness that was inflicted on the Watcher Clan. After two years of clearing out this corruption, King Evan was visited by Hosia, who revealed to him the reason behind the corruption. Namely, the destruction of the Waning Star in Asteria allowed for the prison of Chaos to be cracked, and Chaos has been actively attempting to reduce Asteria to ruin, to give him the power to break free.     Hosia reveals to King Evan that he has been chosen to lead the Knights of the Throne into the Gem Prison, Krakesh, to destroy Chaos. At the same time, Fern revealed to her servant, Thosar’ith that his calling was to perform an empowered version of the Rite of Undoing on Chaos, while he is within the prison. He is told that performing this ritual will also result in his death.   The Knights were successful, and the power of Thosar’ith’s ritual was shown to all. Chaos was destroyed, and the moon Krakesh was broken apart, replaced with a black portal to the Barrens that is now orbited by the glowing shards of the Moon. This sign of Fern’s power lead to a swelling of the ranks of the Goddess’ Church, many of whom have taken the image of the destroyed moon as their new holy symbol. The night of its destruction was known as the Night of Raining Fire, and the shards of the moon that fell to the planet’s surface brought with it a number of Demonic forces, and former servants of Chaos that were trapped with their master.

  • 1075 AC


    Founding of Talen'Seere

    In Glugust of 1075, the magical creation of Talen’Seere, the new Elvish High City, was completed. Sepia Windrider was named the representative of the Grey Elves, and subsequently elected to the position of Speaker for the Council. The City’s current focus is to complete their plans to create portals through the Faewild between the city and all Elvish Settlements throughout Lerias.

  • 1077 AC

    Fetescan Destabilization

    Recognizing that the future of Fetesca was tied deeply to its Naval ventures, Emperor Randall Ravennian took Belinda, the eldest daughter of King Sharksbane of Soidan, as his wife in early 1076. It was seen as a good sign when Belinda became pregnant a short time later. However, in Astrier of 1077, both she and the infant son of the Emperor died in childbirth.    Wracked with grief, the Emperor retreated into seclusion to mourn, leaving his sister, Fiona, who served as Lady Regent, to once again manage the day to day affairs of the Empire; a situation that did not sit well with many of the nobles of the Empire.

  • 1078 AC

    Assassination of Lady Fiona
    Life, Death

    With the Emperor not having been seen in public in over a year, Lady Fiona became the face of Fetescan politics in his absence. On a journey to Sebram, to promote a joint naval project, Lady Fiona and her entire retinue were killed.     The Sebramites denied involvement, and after a six month joint investigation with the Fetescans, the case was declared dead with no leads. Rumor and gossip has connected almost every noble house, and a number of other countries in the Assassination, and the lack of evidence increased tensions between the Imperial House and each of those groups.   Randall came out of seclusion and reclaimed the responsibility of his station, but as a very changed man. The death of his wife, son and sister, has left the Emperor with a haunted look, and has eroded much of the youthful trust he exhibited in the early years of his rule.   Infected with a certain amount of paranoia, the Emperor has spent a great deal of money in protecting the Imperial city from spies, assassins and saboteurs. This has resulted in increased taxes to the outlying kingdoms, and brought with it a new set of tensions. However, the Imperial house is still strong enough that none of the lesser kingdoms seems willing to openly oppose him… yet.

  • 1079 AC

    Advance of Fanedar
    Military action

    In Brillier of 1079, forces of the Drow city Faneadar began moving against the surface in Northern Medina. It began a protracted conflict between the Drow and a group of adventurers and local rulers that had been organized secretly by the Copper Dragon known as Fallor.    This Fallorian Alliance, as it came to be known, managed to blunt the force of the Drowish attack, but soon the Dragon’s manipulations were revealed to the different members of the Alliance, weakening it with distrust. As such the Alliance splintered in mid 1080, with Fallor being slain by a group of adventurers called the Black Helm Brawlers. Luckily for the Medinans, the alliance of the Drow noble houses fell to in fighting only a short time later, and the forces of Faneadar retreated to their undercity by the end of the year, leaving only small garrisons near the surface of the mountains in Northern Medina

  • 1081 AC

    Treaty for the Alliance of Western Lerias
    Diplomatic action

    In Mandier of 1081, the results of nearly six years of diplomatic work, between representatives of the Major Western Powers, finally produced a Treaty for an alliance that was considered fair enough to be presented to the Leaders of those countries. This treaty, pushed for by King Evan Quall of Asteria, would create a military and trade alliance between Asteria, Medina, Fetesca and Sil’korma, the major powers of the West.     The treaty had been worked out between the ambassadors of each nation, and in Mandier 1081, a peace conference was held in the island city of Talen‘Seere , for the Leaders of those countries to approve it.    King Evan of Asteria, and High Priest Xamish Goldscale of Sil’korma showed great support for the Treaty from the beginning. However, the conference was plagued with difficulties.   A representative from Gwyneth appeared before the conference to state that the country was insulted to not be involved in the formation of this treaty, and that they would oppose any military alliance between the major powers, for concern that such an alliance would lead to military expansion.   Emperor Randall of Fetesca, all but accused the other powers of being behind the Assassination of his sister, and proclaimed that this treaty seemed like the first step in the attempt by Asteria to annex the other powers of the West.   Queen Mika Faeborn of Medina, while trying to keep the peace between all of the leaders, objected to some of the military requirements of the Treaty, expressing a concern that to meet the requirements of the Treaty that Medina would have to increase its military, something the bardic kingdom was unwilling to do at this time. The Treaty as a whole was unsuccessful, and the conference only resulted in some small concessions of increased trade between the major powers.   King Evan concluded the conference by saying, “The future of Lerias lies in our cooperation for mutual benefit. I see now that many of you are too absorbed in your own interests to recognize this, but know that when you come to understand the benefit of alliance, Asteria will be waiting to welcome you into a new age of prosperity.”

  • 1084 AC

    Darkness Rising
    Religious event

    Since the Night of Raining Fire, the forces of the Abyss had claimed many victories on the prime material plane. Moving slowly and quietly, the demons gathered more power for Seras, their lord.   A great ritual by the church of Seras, allowed for the demonic followers of the lord of pain to discover the identities of the worldly followers of Omadon, and set about destroying them. Feeling the power provided him by his worshippers flagging, Omadon set to defend himself from this attack.

  • 1084 AC


    Battle of the Breach
    Military action

    In an attempt to defend himself from the Abyssal Assault, Omadon arranged for his follower to open a gateway to the Nine Hells, and commanded all the Diabolic Legions to answer his call. As the armies of the Hells sought to obey his commands, they found themselves opposed by Saeran, the lord of the First, and his mortal allies: the Seers of the Bloodmoon.     The battle was a long and bloody affair, with the mortals and Saeran’s forces doing everything they could to prevent the newly formed breach from being used. However, there was simply no way that their forces could stand against the arrayed might of the Nine Hells for long.   Seeing that defeat was near at hand, St Baern of Aiden undertook a drastic step. Calling upon the blessed land where once his God had walked in that cursed plane, St Baern used all his powers to open a gate directly into the place of Gladsheim, where the Radiant Dragon and his legions awaited.   Soon, the portal to the prime was forgotten as the forces of the Hells fought for their very survival against Hosia and his holy host.   As angel and devil battled below, Hosia and Omadon met in combat in the sky, high above Saeran’s keep. With his mortal followers depleted, Omadon turned to his last recourse, the chromatic dragons. However, before he could call them into the battle, Hosia struck, destroying Omadon’s rod of command, and freeing the chromatic dragons from his control.   With no further power left, Omadon succumbed to Hosia’s assault, and was slain. As the being of the God of strife was destroyed, so too did the soul well of Evil shatter into nine pieces. The greedy devil lords swept in, each claiming a piece of their former master’s power as their own. The only exception was Saeran, who did claim a piece of the soul well, but chose instead to bury it deep within the ground below his keep, so that it would never be able to be reunited with the others.   With the destruction of Omadon, Hosia and his hosts returned to Gladsheim. As the battle ended, the Seers saw that the strain of holding the Gate to Gladsheim had proven too much for St Baern. He had given his life in the same manner in which he lived it: in the service of others. The Seers honored him, building a monument to his sacrifice on that spot. As they left the hells, Valina swore to take Baern’s body to the great Library in Raven‘s Crest, so that he might be entombed.

  • 1084 AC


    Meaghana's Rage

    With the destruction of Omadon, Meaghana called all of the Gods together. She was angered by the disregard for her commands as queen of the Gods. Before the gathering of Deities, she proclaimed, “You have ignored and broken the laws of the Sun Throne, and in doing so have insulted the position that you have granted me as the Queen of the Gods. So be it. I shall lay down my last law, one that I have long enforced upon the prime. Know, now, that this law shall supersede all others, for it is the law of the wild: Survival of the fittest. You have shown to honor no law but this, so it shall be the only law.” With that proclamation, Meaghana turned and shattered the Sun Throne, casting its pieces back into the fires of the sun.

  • 1086 AC

    Re-Founding of Rivershead

    After twelve long years of rebuilding, the Asterian capital of Rivershead was finished. King Evan Quall officially re-founded the city, and moved the rule of the country back, after having used the former capital of Nelos has his base of government for many years.

  • 1088 AC


    Ascension of Valina Ravennian
    Religious event

    On the 24th of Astrier, Valina Ravennian was called to direct service to Meaghana, and ascended to the plane of Horison.

  • 1088 AC


    Gladiator's Revolt

    On the 14th of Brillier, an organized revolt by Gladiators in Blackholm, plunged the city into a night of Violence. The revolt stemmed from the actions of the Imperial Eye in the city, and lead to the deaths of many of the Eye’s leadership in Blackholm. House Blackholm then secretly replaced these leaders with people loyal to their own house.    These spies allowed the House knowledge of the true depths of depravity that the Imperial Eye had reached, and allowed the house to support the coup of Lianna Ravennian, the illegitimate daughter of Emperor Altris, that was strengthening itself in secret in the North.

  • 1089 AC

    Resurrection of Lady Fiona
    Life, Supernatural

    In the summer of 1089, adventurers lead by Roselyn Ravennian, sacred Chorister of the Holy Union and Daughter of the exiled Princess Valina, discovered the truth about the death of Princess Fiona.     Her assassination occurred at the hands of cultists of Dispater, lord of the second level of hell. These cultists killed Fiona and transported her soul to the city of Dis in the Nine Hells.   Using her diabolic blood, Roselyn opened a portal to the Hells and lead her adventuring friends, Brother Malin of Pthalo, and Illonue Orlan, in an assault on Dispater’s Keep. The heroes not only rescued Fiona’s soul from the pit, but managed to return her to life by bringing her with them into the prime material plane. Upon returning to life, Fiona tells the heroes of the influence of the cultists within the Imperial Eye and it becomes clear that they have used the Emperor’s grief to bind him to the Cult of Dispater.   Fiona then takes it upon herself to move in secret through the courts of Fetesca and begin drawing more support for Lianna’s claim to the throne. Between this support, and the deeds that Lianna had accomplished in the north, the Empire begins to polarize with each noble house being pulled one way or the other.

  • 1090 AC

    Reemergence of Arakeen
    Cultural event

    The people of Arakeen have spent the last twenty years rebuilding from the War of Lies, and the destruction that they faced with the Aktannan Invasion. In Hosier of 1090, to celebrate the 20th year of the rule of Sovereign Eldras, Arakeen signed a trade agreement with the Kingdom of Asteria. This agreement will prove to be beneficial to both countries, as it gives Asteria a presence in the Sea of Shards, and it allows for Arakeen to regain a portion of its importance in the politics of Lerias. This new alliance has allowed for the spread of the Church of Viridian to the lands of the West, and helped to speed up the re-emergence of Arakeen as an economic power in the region.    Since this Alliance has been formed, relations between Fetesca and Asteria have increased in tension. Many think that it is only a matter of time before the two countries come into conflict. It seems that it is only the instability of Fetesca’s internal politics that has prevented this from happening.

  • 1090 AC

    Militarization of the Gnome Protectorates
    Cultural event

    The Mirsol, a militant branch of the Faith of Brilla, have had a major revival in the Gnome Protectorates. In 1090, this resulted in the sect gaining control of the city of Benilin. Their popularity has stemmed from a number of stunning victories against the forces of the Goblin Wastes to the north of the Protectorates.     The Mirsol wasted no time in increasing the military might of the protectorates. The militias that form the majority of the armies of the Protectorates have begun training under the Mirsol berserker priests, and the Tinker Gnomes of Benelin have perfected a new gunship, one that is capable of being armed with the gnomish smoke powder weapons.   In addition to this, the Mirsol have forged a large military force under their tutelage called the Gnome Titans.   It remains to be seen where the new Mirsol leadership will lead the protectorates, but it has many of the other lands of Lerias nervous.

  • 1090 AC


    Second Battle of Hosiana
    Military action

    By Robier of 1090, the tension within the ruling houses of Fetesca has come to a head, with those houses with Diabolic connection sided with Emperor Randall, and those who have been freed of that influence siding with Lianna Ravennian.   Lianna and her supporters, not wanting to plunge the empire into war, called for the Emperor to stand down. Randall accepted, but only if he was able to surrender to Lianna herself. Lianna accepts this offer, which turns out to be a trap. Roselyn and the her allies, who have come to be known as the Champions of Hope by the common folk, managed to extract Lianna before the Dispater Cultists could kill her. Emperor Randall, who has been driven mad by the pacts that he has struck with Dispater, commanded his forces to kill every living thing in Hosiana, as he saw them as all supporting Lianna.   Lianna lead her supporters, and the Brightblade Company against the Emperor’s forces in a battle that poured through the streets of the capital. The Champions of Hope fought through the Emperor’s diabolic allies, and helped Lianna secure her path to the palace. Once there, she met the Emperor in battle, matching the Brightblade against a pitted Iron sword given to the Emperor by Dispater. During this battle the Emperor blasphemed against the Union and claimed that the only power that would hold sway in Fetesca would be that of the Hells. Lianna responded, “Gods of my homeland, I call upon you. Help me to prove to all that this man’s words are those of a lost child who has been tricked and lead astray. Fetesca is still a land of righteousness, and by my life and my soul, I shall fight for that blessing!” Lianna’s prayer was heard, and the God’s answered with a blessed bolt of Lightning. As the flash cleared, it was revealed that the Holy Union had restored the Birthright Sword in the Bright Blade.   Faced with the bared favor of the Holy Union, what little humanity that remained within Emperor Randall fought against his diabolic taint long enough for Lianna to strike true and bring his evil to an end.

  • 1100 AC

    1200 AC

    The Great War
    Military action

    Details the War begun by Hosia the Dragonlord, which ended the 2nd Age of Meaghana.

  • 1102 AC

    The Fellowship of the Dreaming Grain

    A group of adventurers from the Arldom of Baldus in Medina slew the Unseelie Arch-Fae known as Kubera and freed the faehold of Breena from his control.    Over time, these heroes became known as the Fellowship of the Dreaming Grain and included Oryyn Smith, legendary warrior, and Rori, thief lord and progenitor of the Rorison family.

  • 1120 AC

    The Heroes of Light and the Curse of Baldus
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Children of the Fellowship of the Dreaming Grain joined forces into an adventuring group to investigate strange happenings in the lands of Baldus.    These events were the result of a curse set upon the city. These adventurers who were called the Heroes of Light, helped to break the curse and then fight against the thieves guild of Baldus who attempted to gain control of the city.    After the so-called Battle of Baldus, the new Arl Marek Highever named the members of the Heroes of Light as the new counts of the lands of the Valley of Baldus.

  • 1125 AC

    The Sealing of the Valley
    Life, Supernatural

    As the Great War began to reach the Valley of Baldus, the death of the leader of the Heroes of Light, Korina Smith, lead to the madness of the druid S'tir, who used his powers to seal away the entire valley and take control in a misguided effort to protect it from the horrors of the war.    While this did protect the Valley from the War, S'tir sank deeper into his madness as he obsessed over the magically protected body of his lost love Korina, and the Valley suffered from his obsession, becoming a totalitarian state.

3rd Age

1200 (AC) and beyond

The new calendar begun after the resolution of the great war.

  • 1 TA

    Formation of the Great Maelstrom
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Sepia creates a great storm to protect the Elvish Isle.

  • 1 TA

    Death of Empress Liara
    Life, Death

    The last Fetescan Empress died, leaving her daughter to desolve the empire and reinstitue Fetesca as a kingdom.

  • 1 TA

    Coronation of Cylence Coldeyes
    Political event

    Omadon's chosen one takes the throne of Darkport.

  • 1 TA

    15 TA

    Founding of Rai'jen

    Rai'jen established by the Ritsakan Empire

  • 1 TA

    Sacking of Northgate
    Disaster / Destruction

    Remnants of the Gnomish forces invade Asteria

  • 1 TA

    Founding of the United Dwarven Kingdom of Eastforge

    The dwarves establish their kingdom.

  • 1 TA

    19 TA

    Rule of Queen Kalisandra
    Political event

    Queen Kalisandra Ravennian, first Fetescan Queen of the 3rd Age.

  • 1 TA

    Subjugation of Sebram
    Population Migration / Travel

    Arakeen enslaves the survivors of the destruction of Sebram

  • 1 TA


    The Stargazer returns to Drem.
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Goddess of Magic establishes the new rule of Drem in the 3rd Age.

  • 2 TA

    Incorporation of the Drow
    Cultural event

    The Dark Elves are accepted into Talen'Seere

  • 2 TA

    35 TA

    Withering of the Druidic Order
    Political event

    Lacking their Goddess, the Druids of Meaghana lose their political power.

  • 3 TA

    10 TA

    Breaking the Hobgoblins
    Military action

    Cylence annexes the native Hobgoblins to increase her military might.

  • 6 TA

    War of the Quill
    Military action

    Final Battle of Rivershead.

  • 10 TA

    War of the Roc
    Military action

    The Aktannan tribe of the Roc attack Arakeen.

  • 12 TA

    Battles of Fenton's Priory
    Military action

    Conflict over Queen Kalisandra's attempts to purify the corrupt houses of worship in Fetesca.

  • 14 TA

    Cracks Form in Eastforge
    Cultural event

    Tensions between the Dwarven Clans begin to cause trouble for the dwarven hope of a united kingdom.

  • 14 TA

    Re-founding of Childres

    The first of the settlements of Medina return.

    Ruins of Medina
  • 14 TA

    Breaking of Whitepeak
    Disaster / Destruction

    A curse destroys the province of Whitepeak

  • 16 TA

    Beginning of the Sea Wolf's Hunt

    Rai'jen set their Ninja about their work.

  • 19 TA

    27 TA

    Reign of King Eric
    Political event

    After the Death of Queen Kalisandra, her first born son Eric takes the Throne.

  • 20 TA

    Founding of the Knights of the Hawk

    The order of Historian Knights is formed.

    Ruins of Medina
  • 24 TA

    Founding of Hamaken

    First colony of Rai'jen is founded.

  • 25 TA

    30 TA

    Releasing the Serpents
    Population Migration / Travel

    Church of Omadon moves to reinstate its continental infrastructure.

  • 26 TA

    War of Thunder
    Military action

    Forces of Talen'Seere fight off a Gnomish Invasion.

  • 27 TA

    The Hammerfriend Accords
    Diplomatic action

    The Treaty formally establishing good relations between Fetesca and Eastforge in the 3rd Age.

  • 27 TA

    Death of Lord Julian of Childres
    Life, Death

    First Lord of Childres dies.

    Ruins of Medina
  • 27 TA


    The Hammerfriend Accords (Dwarven Impact)
    Diplomatic action

    How the Hammerfriend Accords Influenced the Cultural concerns in Eastforge.

  • 30 TA

    Discovery of the Lost People
    Discovery, Exploration

    Forces of Childres discover the fate of Southern Medina

    Ruins of Medina
  • 31 TA

    The Accords Betrayed
    Disaster / Destruction

    Forces within East forge seek to undermine the Hammerfriend Accords.

  • 31 TA

    Death of King Eric
    Life, Death

    Tragedy strikes and claims the life of the King

  • 32 TA

    54 TA

    Reign of King Dorian
    Political event

    Eric's first born son, Dorian, is crowned king of Fetesca.

  • 33 TA

    Death of Sovereign Falroth
    Life, Death

    Falroth dies and is replaced by his son Korvas.

  • 34 TA

    Death of Lord Hashimoto
    Life, Death

    3rd Lord Hashimoto dies.

  • 35 TA

    Marriage of King Dorian

    The Marriage of King Dorian to Lilandra of the House of Whitestaff of Drem.

  • 36 TA

    -1157 TA

    Battles of Hillsbrad
    Military action

    Gnomish refugees seek to claim the abandoned dwarf settlement of Hillsbrad.

  • 38 TA

    Construction of the Tower of Harmonious Alignment
    Construction beginning/end

    Onmyouji settle in Rai'jen

  • 40 TA

    A message to Darkport

    Arakeenian forces discover Darkport spies in their midst.

  • 42 TA

    Death of Lord Hashimoto
    Life, Death

    1st Lord Hashimoto dies.

  • 43 TA

    44 TA

    The Crafts War

    Tensions within Eastforge errupt into war.

  • 44 TA

    67 TA

    Travels of Manabu Hashimoto
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Legendary Swordsman begins his travels.

  • 47 TA

    Recognizing the Lynxan
    Cultural event

    Establishes the rights of the Lynxan people in Drem.

  • 50 TA

    53 TA

    Tho'kiel's Crusade
    Religious event

    The Demigod son of Fern seeks to claim Asteria.

  • 54 TA

    Night of Falling Stars

    An omen from the skies gives new hope to Medina.

    Ruins of Medina
  • 56 TA

    Founding of Stardale

    New town of Medina is founded.

    Ruins of Medina
  • 56 TA

    Church of Cylence Coldeyes
    Religious event

    Cylence crushes an attempt to found a church in her honor.

  • 57 TA

    112 TA

    Settling of the Northern Plains
    Cultural event

    Some of the lost lands of Medina are recovered.

    Ruins of Medina
  • 58 TA

    65 TA

    Reign of King Aaron
    Political event

    The rule of the least popular Fetescan king of the 3rd Age.

  • 58 TA

    Death of King Dorian
    Life, Death

    King Dorian died in his sleep.

  • 59 TA

    Talen'Seere completes the Portal to Drem
    Diplomatic action

    The elves forge a magical portal to the Magecity of Drem.

  • 59 TA

    Talen'Seere establishes portal to Drem
    Diplomatic action

    The Magecity and Elvish island establish trade relations.

  • 61 TA

    Battle of Dalgroth Island
    Military action

    Forces of Arakeen and Rai'jen clash in the Sea of Shards

  • 65 TA

    103 TA

    Reign of Queen Lauren
    Political event

    Aaron's Daughter, Lauren, takes the thone of Fetesca.

  • 65 TA

    King Aaron Abdicates
    Political event

    The king bows to political pressure and steps down.

  • 68 TA

    Death of Sovereign Korvas
    Life, Death

    Forces from Darkport interfere with Arakeenian succession

  • 70 TA

    Queen Lauren Marries

    Queen Lauren does political battle with the House of Lords to marry a foreigner.

  • 74 TA

    Drem establishes trade with Arakeen
    Diplomatic action

    The Magecity and Arakeen establish trade ties.

  • 74 TA

    Arakeen open trade with Drem
    Diplomatic action

    Arakeen forges a great overland trade route.

  • 79 TA

    Battle of Northern Reach
    Military action

    Rai'jen clashes with Northern Barbarians

  • 82 TA

    Slaying of the Dragon Turtle, Balkosvikar
    Military action

    A dragon turtle seeks to disrupt Arakeenian trade in the Sea of Shards

  • 83 TA

    Death of Lord Hashimoto
    Life, Death

    2nd Lord Hashimoto dies.

  • 86 TA

    Greenskin Uprising

    Forces loyal to Glug start a revolution in Darkport.

  • 87 TA

    Diplomatic Failure
    Diplomatic action

    A conflict prevents Talen'Seere and Eastforge from developing a trade agreement.

  • 91 TA

    Leira's Rebellion

    Church of Lust leads a rebellion against the Sovereign

  • 95 TA

    Prince Kyle claims the Holyblade
    Religious event

    Prince Kyle, and his adventuring companions embark on a dangrous mission to reclaim a holy sword of the Union.

  • 97 TA

    Opening of the South Gate
    Construction beginning/end

    The Southern Reaches of the Great Under-Road are completed.

  • 102 TA

    Death of Sovereign Aravok
    Life, Death

    Plague claims the Sovereign's life

  • 102 TA

    Tanveldan Goldenoak named Speaker
    Political event

    The new High Elvish speaker forges bonds across all the elven sub-races.

  • 102 TA

    -1086 TA

    Conquests of Sovereign Cezran
    Military action

    The new Sovereign seeks to grow the power of Arakeen.

  • 103 TA

    158 TA

    Reign of King Kyle
    Political event

    The Paladin King rules Fetesca.

  • 103 TA

    Death of Queen Lauren
    Life, Death

    Queen Lauren Dies, and Prince Kyle takes the throne.

  • 112 TA

    Discovery of Thorhampton-on-the-Hill
    Discovery, Exploration

    The ancient city is discovered!

  • 113 TA

    115 TA

    War of Knights
    Military action

    Childres and Stardale go to war.

    Ruins of Medina
  • 115 TA

    Rape of Miyuki Shika
    Life, Crime

    Cezran's lust causes conflict with Rai'jen

  • 115 TA

    Rape of Miyuki Shika
    Military action

    Rai'jen responds to the rape of Miyuki Shika.

  • 116 TA

    120 TA

    Defense of Skull City
    Military action

    Elves protect the power source for their Mythal from human aggression.

  • 116 TA

    133 TA

    Travels of Miyuki Shika

    The priestess travels the Sea of Shards

  • 116 TA

    118 TA

    Battle for Skull City
    Military action

    Asteria's point of view of the battle.

  • 118 TA

    Founding of Kimswerd

    The village of Healers is founded.

    Ruins of Medina
  • 119 TA

    126 TA

    Naz Garon's War
    Military action

    Drem set out to recover lost lore from the ruins of Gwyneth.

  • 120 TA

    121 TA

    The Hobgoblin War
    Military action

    Darkport tests the mettle of Arakeen.

  • 120 TA

    121 TA

    The Hobgoblin War
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    War with Arakeen proves to be a feint for Cylence Coldeyes to increase her personal power.

  • 121 TA

    The Slaying of the Wyrm Kybraxis
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    King Kyle and the Companions of the Dancing Stag hunt the Green Dragon Kybraxis.

  • 124 TA

    143 TA

    Darkport Expansion
    Military action

    Forces of Darkport press their advantage in the East.

  • 124 TA

    143 TA

    Expansion of Darkport
    Population Migration / Travel

    Arakeen is unable to stop Darkport's expansion into the Sea of Shards

  • 125 TA

    Drem establishes trade with Eastforge
    Diplomatic action

    Drem expands its trade network to include the dwarven kingdom.

  • 126 TA

    Opening of the Northgate
    Construction beginning/end

    The Northern Reaches of the Great Under-Road are completed.

  • 130 TA

    King Kyle Marries

    King kyle finally bows to the wishes of the House of Lords and marries.

  • 136 TA

    Founding of the Branded Legion

    Dwarves seek a solution to the demon infested eastern tunnels of their homeland.

  • 139 TA

    Construction of the Colosseum at Danon City.
    Construction beginning/end

    Church of Seras builds a great Colosseum

  • 144 TA

    Plague of Olive Slimes
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    An unusual menace besets the city of Drem.

  • 144 TA

    Death of Sovereign Devia
    Life, Death

    The Sovereign was slain by a Dragon.

  • 145 TA

    168 TA

    Dragon's Hunt
    Military action

    Arakeen uses its forces to hunt dragons in the Sea of Shards

  • 149 TA

    151 TA

    Gojaranu's War
    Military action

    An Ogre Magi terrorizes Rai'jen

  • 154 TA

    Death of King Kyle
    Life, Death

    The Paladin King dies and is mourned by all of Fetesca.

  • 154 TA

    181 TA

    Reign of Queen Jennelle
    Political event

    Rule of the Queen of Antiquities

  • 156 TA

    Vengence of the Winter Court

    The Elves of Talen'Seere must contend with Fae aggression.

  • 157 TA

    Assault of Kayel's Bay
    Military action

    Conflict with the Bronze Dragon, Stormbolt, nearly destroyed the town.

  • 163 TA

    Construction of Dranthen Tower
    Construction beginning/end

    A powerful wizard builds a tower in northern Medina.

    Ruins of Medina
  • 166 TA

    Death of Lord Hashimoto
    Life, Death

    4th Lord Hashimoto dies

  • 169 TA

    Death of Sovereign Corien
    Life, Death

    Died of Natural Causes

  • 174 TA

    Arakeen ally with the Sea Elves
    Diplomatic action

    Arakeen and Talen'Seere ally to keep tabs on Darkport.

  • 174 TA

    Founding of Quel'brion's Watch

    Sea Elves found a Undersea Watch tower in the Sea of Shards.

  • 176 TA

    200 TA

    Expeditions into the Lost Lands

    Forces of the settled villages try to recover the lost lands.

    Ruins of Medina
  • 179 TA

    Casting out of House Hyruko

    A traitor house is discovered.

  • 181 TA

    Reign of King Jerrad
    Political event

    Current King of Fetesca

  • 181 TA

    Death of Queen Jennelle
    Life, Death

    Queen dies and her will establishes the Royal Museum of History.

  • 186 TA

    187 TA

    War of the Horse Lords
    Military action

    Palisade does battle with the Barbarians of the South.

  • 187 TA

    The Calleran Rebellion

    A rebellion against the last remaining Druids in the lands of Drem was brutally crushed.

  • 193 TA

    200 TA

    Darkport battles with Arakeen
    Military action

    Darkport and Arakeen skirmish.

  • 193 TA

    Death of Sovereign Yarguth
    Life, Death

    Sovereign killed in a raid.

  • 193 TA

    200 TA

    Arakeen Battles with Darkport
    Military action

    Aggressive battles in the Sea of Shards

  • 194 TA

    197 TA

    Triton's War
    Military action

    An undersea race challenges Rai'jen

  • 195 TA

    Talen'Seere Looks to the Future
    Political event

    Concern rises as the elves prepare for another Speaker election.

  • 200 TA

    The Great Work Continues
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction on the Eastern Reaches of the Great Under-Road continues.

  • 200 TA

    The Lost Grove

    Drem loses contact with a northern druids grove.

  • 201 TA

    The War of the Valley
    Military action

    A descendant of House Rorison, Brother Titus Rorison of Aiden, led a revolution in the Valley of Baldus against the control of the mad Druid S'tir.    This revolution was ultimately successful, resulting in the death of the mad druid and the resurrection of Korina Smith, who was chosen as the new Arlessa of Baldus.    Titus and his companions were named the Heroes of the Valley, and one of their number Lloyd, performed the ancient Fae ritual to restore the valleys connection to the Faehold of Breena causing the return of the Golden Grain to the Valley.

    Ruins of Medina
  • 201 TA

    Rescue of Ne'olia

    Ne'olia (also known as Charm), daughter of Robanus and Madora was freed from a prison in the Astral Realm by a group of adventurers from the Broken Lands. It is revealed that she was imprisoned by Lust during the War of Twilight Last, who used the opportunity to absorb her worshipers into the Faith of Lust.

  • 201 TA

    202 TA

    The War of the Uruks
    Military action

    The people of Fetesca get dragged into a war for control of Talen'Seere.

  • 202 TA

    The Return of Coronal

    Coronal, God of War, was resurrected by a Su'daran worshipper named Zafer from a drop of the God's blood that was shed into the world when Jhonus killed him. Coronal accepted the worship of the Su'daran and began spreading the word of his return.

  • 203 TA

    Ressurection of the Tarrasque and the Founding of the City of Freedom

    On the Continent of Grompfk, a group of adventurers who would come to be known as the Breakers of Chains released the three remaining monstrous children of Brilla from their imprisonment at the hands of the ancient Oudonti.   These children, Ivex'Liar the father of Cyclops, Su-Maat the Monkey King, and Skev lord of Worms charge the group to free their last "sibling", who turned out to be the Tarrasque.   The party was sent to a cavern underneath the New Sea in Fetesca where the remains of the Tarrasque was guarded by the Solar of the Holy Union, Godric Shultens. The group defeated him, allowing for the resurrection of the Tarrasque.   In return for their actions to support the cause of Chaos in the world, Brilla rewarded the group with great power and wealth, and the Cyclops and Simians of the continent built them a city in the jungle that would be called Freedom. Those that would seek to escape the tyranny of the Goblin Empire, or the exploitation of Daggerport began to flock to the city.