Meaghana Final battles of the War of the Megis
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Final battles of the War of the Megis

Military action


Battle in Fetesca and Northern Entreities brought the war to and end.

Early in the year 67, the goblin army terrorizing Northern Fetesca had finished off the human forces arrayed against them and began to destroy the Barony of Haven. Lord Godric Shultens, lead a force from Karak al Kazark of almost 100,000 dwarves into battle against the goblins and the Tarrasque.
  The Goblins were no match for the dwarves, however, the Tarrasque was quite a different story. It was decimating the forces of Karak al Kazark. Finally Godric Shultens rose up against the Tarrasque. The battle was harsh and lasted many days before the Tarrasque finally fell. Then Godric called upon Starlong, lord of Duty to make sure that the Tarrasque would never trouble the people of Meaghana again. The power of the holy magics destroyed Godric's body, but by his sacrifice the tarrasque was conquered.
  The Elves realized that they could not stand against the forces of the goblins in their current state. With the support of many grey elves and the Order of Stone, Nyvara and Tasneigar became the Empress and Emperor of the Elves. The two heroes managed to bring together the elven people and to field a force capable of defeating them. However in the battle both the Emperor and the Empress fell, leaving no heir. After the battle the Grey Elven Generals that fought under Tas and Nyvara claimed the lands of Entrieties as Fiefdoms and have joined in the Confederate Baronies of Entrieties, which at the time represented the only centralized government known in Lerias.   Near the end of the year, the Archmage Mokkan the Dark traveled deep within the forests of Haven to finally meet and destroy the Megis. The magical battle sent shockwaves of destruction throughout the world. Finally the battle concluded with a huge magical explosion, so powerful that the magical weave over Haven was itself damaged. A great area of wild magic has grown there and in the surrounding towns. This area is now known as the Dead zone. No one knows the final fate of Mokkan or the Megis, but both are assumed dead. The shockwaves of the magical battle, destabilized the geothermal structure of the area leading to major earthquakes and volcanic explosions that shook through northern Fetesca and Arakeen. Arakeen was nearly buried in molten rock

Related Location
The Kingdom of Fetesca
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