Meaghana War of Thunder
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War of Thunder

Military action


Forces of Talen'Seere fight off a Gnomish Invasion.

The Elves of Talen’Seere enjoyed nearly a quarter century of peace before their actions during the great war returned to haunt them. Tinker Gnomes, loyal to Brilla, who had suffered great losses from the elves actions against their race at the end of the war, had completed a fleet of submersibles which were able to access Talen’Seere from underneath the waves. This fleet assaulted the island with strange machines unknown to the elvish people.
    The force of the attack was so sudden and overwhelming it led to the Sea Elves being driven from their section of the city, and the Gnomes were able to claim nearly the entire visitors quarter before the elves could form a defense.
    Soon the elves mounted a counter attack, but not even the weapons and armor of the elves could stand against the technological nightmares brought by the gnomes. It seemed that the battle would be drawn out and deadly.
    Then help came from the most unlikely source, a dark elf priestess of Sepia, named Q’riell, had influenced the Drow’s matron council to throw their support into the defense of the city. Suddenly, the Gnomes found themselves overwhelmed by Drow warriors, assassins, mages and Belandran priests, all striking without mercy. With the powers of Q’riell providing focus, the various Drow houses were able to blast through the gnomish lines and give the defenders the opportunity they needed.
    With the momentum changed, the gnomes were driven back into the sea and the high tinker was captured, and brought before Q’riell. The ruling council decided that the priestess should have the final say in how the High Tinker would be punished for leading the attack on the city. Q’riell declared that the Gods should see to the punishment of him and ordered that he be chained to the altar of Sepia that had been constructed on a high point overlooking the churning of Great Maelstrom, and remain there for one day and one night.
    When the elves returned the next day, they found the High Tinker had been slain by the lighting striking the altar. His body was taken and thrown into the sea, which officially brought the War of Thunder, named for the sounds of the gnomes’ smoke powder weapons, to a close. Besides showing the world that Talen’Seere was capable of defending itself it brought greater respect for both the church of Sepia and the Drow, as equal parts of the city.

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