Meaghana War of the Horse Lords
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War of the Horse Lords

Military action


Palisade does battle with the Barbarians of the South.

In the summer of 186, the Tribe of the Stallion got a new leader, Aeldar Plainsrider, who took it on himself to expand the reach of the tribe. The tribe’s shamans had warned the new chief of the dangers of expanding north into the land once controlled by Hillsbrad, so Aeldar set his sights on Palisade.
  The barbarians started with systematic raids against the outlying farms that supported the city. They would sweep in, cause as much damage as possible and disappear before the knights could mount a proper defense.
  This continued for several months, before the Knight’s Council decided to strike at the heart of the Tribe of the Stallion’s lands. Forming the largest single army in Palisade’s history, the Knights struck hard against their attackers. But Aeldar was a canny adversary and kept his people on the move so that he would minimize the damage that his forces would sustain.
  This lasted all through the rest of the year until the first weeks of year 187. Tiring of the continual battles between the two groups, the grandmaster of the Knights of Palisade, Sir Joffrey Martin, challenged Aeldar to personal combat. The stakes of the combat were that the loser’s people would serve the winner’s as subjects for a span of 20 years.
  Confident in his abilities, and eager to have the service of the powerful knights, Aeldar agreed. The two agreed on a neutral setting and met at a set of ruins known as Ketu’s Claws. Here the two mighty combatants crossed swords.
  It is said that the two warriors were very evenly matched, with Aeldar’s wild, natural cunning able to keep up with Sir Joffrey’s superior training and weaponry. Eventually, it was the superior training of Sir Joffrey that proved the difference, and he defeated the Stallion Chief.
  Aeldar was surprised that Sir Joffrey chose to spare his life, among the tribes such contests of honor were to the death. But Sir Joffrey explained that in choosing to show mercy to his enemy he hoped that a lasting peace and friendship could form between them.
  This hope was realized. The terms of the service of the Tribe of the Stallion was set, and Palisade only asked that the tribe breed and raise warhorses for the knight’s service. Recognizing the fairness and honor that he was being shown by Sir Joffrey, Aeldar swore an oath of friendship with the knight and in the years that followed often joined Sir Joffrey on a number of quests and adventures.

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