Meaghana Naz Garon's War
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Naz Garon's War

Military action


Drem set out to recover lost lore from the ruins of Gwyneth.

In 118, Naz Garon, an Archmage of the school of Necromancy, was elected the head of the Council of Archmagi. Almost immediately Garon began to campaign for support of an extended expedition to the broken lands of Gwyneth to recover ancient magics laid claim to by the Inquisition and the Order of Daemon Slayers.
    Although it took him almost a year to gather the support, eventually Goran got the expedition he sought. The Dremite Army, led by their wizardly masters cut a swath through the northlands headed towards the ruins of the Inquisition’s lost keeps. Unbeknownst to them the land had already been claimed by another, the Lich known as Verosa the Immortal.
    The power of the Lich was such that the initial expedition was completely wiped out. However, due to a clone spell, Naz Garon was able to muster the full might of Drem’s army and return to battle the ancient Lich.
    The resulting war was a bloody affair that lasted seven years before the forces of Drem were ultimately beaten back. It is said that Naz Garon did succeed is making it into the ruined keep and recovering some lost magic, but it is unsure what and how much.

Related Location
The Magecity of Drem
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