Meaghana The Hammerfriend Accords (Dwarven Impact)
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The Hammerfriend Accords (Dwarven Impact)

Diplomatic action


How the Hammerfriend Accords Influenced the Cultural concerns in Eastforge.

In the year 27, some relief from the dwarves’ problems came from the most unlikely of sources: the human kingdom of Fetesca.
    The humans were sorely lacking in strong craftsmanship, in the dwarves’ estimation, and were willing to pay handsomely for dwarven goods and stone from the dwarven quarries. Furthermore, the humans wanted possession of the Bridge Cities left behind in Fetesca since the Great War, which at this point had only proven to be a further drain on Eastforge’s economy. Seeing the opportunity to solve two problems at once, High King Gorrum negotiated an agreement with Fetesca that would give the humans what they wanted and secure exclusive trade rights with Fetesca and bring desperately needed work into the dwarven kingdom.
    While the wiser of the Council of Thanes saw this as a decent answer to the problem facing the young nation, the stiff necked pride of many of the clan leaders did not like having to rely on outsiders to solve their problems. These clan leaders attempted to block the ratification of the treaty. This obstructionism resulted in the High King flexing his authority to force the treaty through. While a pragmatic solution, the King’s action served to darken the tempers of some of the more hardline clans and served to escalate the tensions in Eastforge.
    As part of the treaty, the youngest son from each of the kings’ families would be fostered with the other ruler. So Groddham Stonemaul left Eastforge to be raised in the human city of Hosiana.

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