Meaghana Founding of the Branded Legion
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Founding of the Branded Legion



Dwarves seek a solution to the demon infested eastern tunnels of their homeland.

Once the North Gate was completed High King Grimbol turned his attention to planning the construction of the East Gate and completion of his oaths to truly make the Kingdom of Eastforge a power in the region. However, the corruption of what has now become the Daemonclaw mountains extends deep into the under realm. The demons of those mountains would provide a much bigger challenge to the constructions than any of the other subterranean creatures have been, and so his plans were being stymied.
    It was then that the High Crafter of the Church of Folgrim suggested a possible solution. The kingdom was filled with the disgraced families of criminals and those who had supported the cause of Harrok Thelgar. If the King and the Church would offer absolution for those wrongs to the families of any dwarves who would volunteer to join the warriors who would clear the way and protect the construction crews, they would certainly be able to raise the force of arms needed to continue work on the under highways.
    The High King thought this was an elegant solution and put it into play immediately. Hundreds of dwarves signed up, and entered special training under the watchful eye of the Church. To form a bond of solidarity among these former criminals they each were branded on the back of the right hand with an anvil bearing the dwarven rune for redemption. This brand became the symbol for this unorthodox group of warriors and they became known as the Branded Legion, whose goal was the ultimate destruction of all demonic influence in the under realms.

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