Meaghana Founding of Quel'brion's Watch
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Founding of Quel'brion's Watch



Sea Elves found a Undersea Watch tower in the Sea of Shards.

The latter half of the second century of the third age saw significant growth of the activities of Darkport in the Sea of Shards. This alarmed the Sea Elves who dwell in the Sea of Shards, and they requested official aid from Talen’Seere.
    Speaker Goldenoak felt that the aggressive actions of Darkport deserved observation and care. So he authorized the construction of an undersea keep in the Sea of Shards to deal with the forces of Darkport. This keep was named after its commanding officer, the Sea Elf Warrior Quel’brion. He recruited a large number of sea elven warriors, priests of Lythus and sea mages to man the keep.
    One of the first major focuses of the keep is to make alliances with the local Merman and Triton populations, and attempt to form a mutual defense pact. However, with the time the construction of the keep is taking the Sea Elves have made little progress in this regard.

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