Meaghana Construction of the Colosseum at Danon City.
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Construction of the Colosseum at Danon City.

Construction beginning/end


Church of Seras builds a great Colosseum

In the century since the fall of the Dragonlord, the faith of Seras has grown rapidly in Danon City. Worshipped as a god of war, the followers of Seras had a thirst for blood and glory that had no outlet in the lands Danon City controlled.
  So the highest priest in the city, Alexander Ceddin, summoned his followers to tear down the abandoned temple to the Dragonlord and use its materials to construct a grand coliseum. This coliseum became a huge draw for the people of Danon City, and rapidly the gladiators within became some of the most famous people in the city.
  To keep the people happy, the Lord Danison began to bring in animals and monsters from the surrounding lands to battle against the gladiators. The training of the warriors in the coliseum allowed for a rapid growth in the power of Danon City and many advances were made in their continuous war against the city of Hadtzburg.

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