Meaghana The Fetescan Lost Centuries
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The Fetescan Lost Centuries



These three hundred years are easily the most difficult for me to accept as a historian. There is almost no remaining written record of this time, due in large part to the literary purges of the Elvish Empire that followed.    What is known of this time is primarily gathered from elvish writings of a less than objective nature. It is known that sometime around the year 420 the Sharksbane line was founded when a family of pirates that plagued the Grey Ocean (at that time known as the Western Sea) were giving land and title in exchange for leaving the Fetescan ships alone. One thing that can be drawn from the elvish writings is that the Fetescans were proud and difficult people to control even at this time.    The blood of Lyonsbane led the peoples of Fetesca from a position of strength, and allowed the Fetescans to gain control of the huge plains of their land from Hosiana, all the way to Krendal. A druidic text that I uncovered made the last certain note of this time. Due to over hunting the Fetescan Lion was made extinct during this period, driving a wedge between the nobility of the kingdom, and the druids that protected the plains.

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