Meaghana Diplomatic Failure
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Diplomatic Failure

Diplomatic action


A conflict prevents Talen'Seere and Eastforge from developing a trade agreement.

In the year 87, ambassadors from the Dwarven Kingdom of Eastforge were welcomed into Talen’Seere. It was the hope of the ruling council that trade and diplomacy could be officially opened up between the two kingdoms. Things were proceeding well, until the dwarven ambassadors learned of the presence of Drow representatives on the Ruling Council. The lead ambassador, Bolvor Ironhide, insulted the Drow in general and their representative in particular. Drawing upon her knowledge of dwarven customs, the representative Taervas Ven’vidall challenged Ironhide to a duel to answer the insults he heaped upon her. When Ironhide accepted, Taervas revealed that she would use a champion, her house’s weapon master Hrrav, to fight in her stead.
    Ironhide accepted, unaware that Hrrav Ven’vidall was a master swordsman that had served as the leader of House Ven’vidall’s forces for nearly four hundred years. The battle was over quickly and resulted in the death of Ambassador Ironhide. The ambassador’s clan cried foul play, but after the matter was inspected by the dwarven magistrate in the city, the duel was declared legal and appropriate by dwarven law.
    While the dwarven kingdom had no legal recourse, and did not wish to go to war over the matter, they did choose to place any trade talks on indefinite hold, making it clear that no official relationship would be struck between the two countries so long as the Drow were part of the ruling council.

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