Meaghana Defense of Skull City
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Defense of Skull City

Military action


Elves protect the power source for their Mythal from human aggression.

In Astrier of year 116, the forces of the Asterian city state of Bladesfell expanded into the lands surrounding Skull City. During a lightning raid, the Bladesfell forces caused significant damage to the outer reaches of the city’s holdings, and stole a number of magical artifacts that the Forgebreaker Clan was studying.
  Being that Skull City was relying on its anonymity as its primary source of protection, it was forced to call for troops from Talen’Seere for additional protection to assure that the Mythals weren’t compromised.
    Speaker Goldenoak called for a united coalition from the city to travel through the portals and fortify Skull City. Velrias Kalvian, the Yulmanesti Ranger Lord, was named as the Lord Protector of Skull City and began planning organized patrols and counter raids into Bladesfell.
    Before these counter raids could be conducted, the Bladesfell forces returned thinking that Skull City was easy pickings. This raiding party encountered the full force of the elvish contingent and was routed.
    This rout lead to Bladesfell learning of the elvish reinforcements before the counter raids could be completed. The Lord of Bladesfell ordered the full force of his army to the defense of the city, making the city too difficult for the elves to strike directly.
    This turned into a standoff that lasted nearly four years, comprised mainly of small skirmishes between the two cities. Eventually, Velrias Kalvian managed to launch a daring night time raid on the Bladesfell Keep and gained access to the Lord’s museum. This raid managed to secure a number of ancient elven relics that had been stolen by the humans during the time of the Elf hunts.
    These items allowed for a more permanent defensive set up for Skull City, and the Lord of Bladesfell wisely decided to give up on his expansionist intentions towards the Elves’ city.

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