Meaghana Battle for Skull City
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Battle for Skull City

Military action


Asteria's point of view of the battle.

In Astrier of year 116, Count Damien Bladesworn of Bladesfell, sought to expand his control of the Blood Fields to the West of his city. His scouts managed to locate the elvish holdings at Skull City, and Count Bladesworn ordered an immediate raid on the city.
  This raid was hugely successful and returned with wealth and magical items. Count Bladesworn was pleased and made arrangements for a much larger raid as soon as the men and materials could be gathered. Unfortunately, when this raid was launched it was discovered that the elves had taken the time to significantly reinforce their position.
  This reinforcement turned what was supposed to be a series of raids into a drawn out engagement that lasted four years. Eventually the Elvish general launched a daring raid and recovered the items originally stolen as well as a number of other items dating from the time of the Elfhunts.
  Count Bladesworn used this opportunity to disengage from active battle, allowing the elves the think that he wanted no further conflict with them. However, Count Bladesworn spent much of his personal wealth funding adventuring groups to foray into the elvish controlled lands to attempt to recover the stolen items, to no avail.

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City States of Asteria
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