Meaghana War of the Quill
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War of the Quill

Military action


Final Battle of Rivershead.

With the fall of the Quall dynasty, the nobles of Rivershead began fighting amongst themselves for power. Fearing the creation of another nationalist leaning tyrant, the Brillian priests of Rivershead pushed for their own leader, Mikas Vaughn of the Creosian Order, to take command of the city. Due to his God-given powers Mikas was able to manipulate many of the nobles into supporting him.
  The Temple of Aiden in Rivershead opposed this action vehemently. Mikas, who was no friend to the Aidenics, responded by attacking the temple, killing the priests inside and burning the temple to the ground.
  This sacrilege drew the attention of the faithful Aidenics of Raven’s Crest, and in response Count Sarenal ordered his forces to march on Rivershead, led by the Paladin order of St. Baern.
  Upon learning that Raven’s Crest marched against him, Mikas used his magic to poison the minds of the people of Rivershead against them, and even enlisted the remaining forces of the Corwin Academy into defense of the city.
  By the time the forces of Raven’s Crest had arrived, the Brillan Priest had whipped the people of Rivershead into a berserker rage, and unleashed them upon the approaching force. The army of Raven’s Crest found that their superior skill and strategy made little difference to the insane warriors that Mikas had created.
  But then, when all hope seemed lost Jordan Brand, the lord marshal of the Order of St. Baern, revealed an ancient relic of his order. This quill, said to have been used by St. Baern himself, had the power to remove the magics that Mikas had used to warp the minds of the people. As their berserker rage left them, most of the forces of Rivershead surrendered.
  Seeing his army defeated, Mikas and the other priests attempted to flee. The Order of St. Baern pursued them, finally catching them at the Corwin Academy. Refusing to be captured, Mikas unleashed a last ditch effort to destroy his pursuers. The priest opened a gate to the outer planes from which an untold number of Slaad poured though. The resulting battle was horrific affair, but when it was over the Brillan priests were slain and the majority of the Corwin Academy was leveled.
  With Rivershead equally damaged from the battle, the majority of the remaining citizens returned to Raven’s Crest with the victors, leaving the once great city a ruined ghost town.

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