Duckuary 2024

Work in progress!
ORC License
Slightly NSFW!
This is an inofficial community challenge sponsored by Tillerz.  

Participants: 61, participating entries collected:  
as of March 1st.   Winner of the challenge with most likes: Chrispy_0! Congrats.


Start:February 1st, 2024
End:February 29th, 2024
What:duck related WA content
Celebrating ducks!   In February's chill, we gather 'round,
Duckuary's here, with quacks resound.
With pens in hand and stories to tell,
We celebrate ducks, our muses so swell!

How To Participate

  • Write an article (any category), make a map, chronicle, draw an image, ... but it must be duck related!
  • If your entry is not an article, link your creation in an article so people can find and like it if they found joy in your creation.
  • Post a comment with your article below this challenge description so people can find it.
  • If you do posts/journal entries, use the tags #duckuary2024, #UnofficialChallenge.
  • Your creation must be finished by end of February 2024 (selection of the winner: March 1st).
  • One entry per bean (that's you!)
  Note: If you make art as your only content for this challenge, it must be your creation; AI generated images are only allowed to decorate articles where it's about the writing, not the art.  



  • The winner may add the WINNER badge, see sidebar. (Disclaimer: it's not an official badge via the WA badge system, so you have to add it manually if you won)
  • The winner also gets a voucher for stuffs.


Winner Badge by Tillerz using MJ

All participants

  • You may add the PARTICIPANT badge (ImageID: 5288919) already when you submit your entry. Also you have created one more thing for your world, and you get some visibility to your world via this challenge.


Badge by Tillerz using MJ


Determination of the winner

  • The winner of the challenge will be the bean with the most likes on the submitted article.
  • But Tillerz has the last word, in cases of cheatery or a draw etc.

Entries so far

(in reverse order of how they were posted, so the newest will always be at the top)  
Diane Morrison
Character | Feb 29, 2024
Secere Laetes
Species | Feb 29, 2024
Character | Mar 3, 2024

Revered hero and adventurer, everybody knows and loves Kwak.

The Quacky Case of Patis
Character | Feb 29, 2024
Black Sand Ducks
Species | May 1, 2024
Michael Chandra
Beseeching Duck
Species | Feb 29, 2024
Harvest Festival Duck at Outh Mead
Item | Feb 29, 2024
ducks of Scarterra
Species | Mar 14, 2024

overview of ducks in Scarterra

Polina "Line" Arteev
Side Quest: Ducky Delivery
Prose | Apr 22, 2024

Ebi's first quest completed on the Path to Adventure!

Mistress Farxina's Ducklings
Generic article | Feb 29, 2024
The Big G
Poor Little Thing
Prose | Mar 31, 2024

As a human doctor visiting the tkevsa, knowing nothing about the other species' physiology or medicine, there's not much she can do to help a poor little injured pup...except, perhaps, provide entertainment.

Mardrena Lockehart
There Are No Ducks on Thanged...
Generic article | Feb 28, 2024
Tara Fae Belle
Dave the Duck
Item | Feb 28, 2024
The Duck Of Sailwater
Vehicle | Mar 9, 2024
Profession | Feb 28, 2024
E. Christopher Clark
Gordon Quackers III
Character | Mar 2, 2024

Gordon Quackers III is best known as the long-time friend and hunting partner of Gretel der Jäger , the future Queen Consort of Motherland.

Tick Tock Duck
Item | Jul 7, 2024
Chris Noonan
The Song Fair Duck Race
Building / Landmark | Feb 25, 2024
Kwyn Marie
Sils's Duck Spies
Generic article | Feb 25, 2024
Cinnamon Duck
Species | Mar 15, 2024
Bart Weergang
Vehicle | Feb 24, 2024

The DUCK is a medium-sized cargo airship that could easily be modified to carry passengers as well. What makes the DUCK special is its ability to float on water and discharge or load cargo at the same time.

Item | Feb 24, 2024

The main tool used by the expert in infiltration, Xur

Otterduck Turtlehare
Species | Apr 7, 2024

Anatomical enigmas living in bodies of freshwater across Etharai

Item | Jun 15, 2024
Duck Cane
Item | Feb 22, 2024

Common duck merchandise sold during the annual Duck Sum Upping.

Bob O'Brien
Release the Quacken!
Vehicle | Feb 22, 2024
ESS Ducky Mallard
Vehicle | Feb 18, 2024
Amélie I. S. Debruyne
The emperor's quarters
Item | Feb 18, 2024

An exploration of the emperor's personal quarters and of all the hints they offer regarding his personality and tastes, with a surprisingly high number of cat patterns everywhere...

LexiCon (WordiGirl)
Item | Jun 8, 2024
Jaime Buckley
The Harlequin Hand-grenade
Item | Feb 17, 2024

Not many know the origin story of The Harlequin Hand-grenade, one of the greatest Gnome military explosives.

Legs churning under a still pond
Character | Apr 11, 2024
Tofi Stigandr
Duck of the Depths
Character | Feb 16, 2024

It's said that they created the world, but yet, they seem so much like any other duck.

The Duck's Path
Geographic Location | Feb 17, 2024

Where some see but a small collection of stars with vital importance to Galactic trade, others see a duck

Deleyna Marr
Species | Feb 28, 2024
Honk, Honk, QUACK
Tradition / Ritual | Feb 15, 2024

Children's game about being a duck

Roasted Duck with Berry Glaze and Mashed Potatoes
Item | Feb 9, 2024
Laura VanArendonk Baugh
The Oshidori 鴛鴦
Generic article | Feb 14, 2024
Lady Wynter
Shadowsong Messenger
Item | Jun 8, 2024
Icarus Crow
The Wooden Duck of Luck
Item | Feb 23, 2024

Magical wooden ducks and a childrens story of the selkiefolk

Rubber Duck
Item | Feb 28, 2024

A most beloved object on any persons desk, the rubber duck always finds it way in the nooks and crannies of life.

Wood Duck of Hospitality
Item | Feb 19, 2024

A powerful charm of restoration and community located in the lobby of Time Square Hotel.

K.S. Bishoff
Tikkerenna Tokk
Character | Feb 26, 2024
Generic article | Feb 9, 2024
Royal Duckery
Building / Landmark | Feb 14, 2024

Third Age Carving
Item | Feb 8, 2024
Capture the Duck
Tradition / Ritual | Feb 12, 2024
Jacqueline Yang
Ducks in a Row
Military Formation | Feb 28, 2024

At this point I don't even know where my ducks are!

Ruinen von Duckistan
Building / Landmark | Mar 26, 2024

Die Ruinen einer verlorenen Kultur

Emily Armstrong
Juniper Waddleleaf
Character | Feb 7, 2024
Blue Fairy 74
Taehalôs - Duck Rock
Geographic Location | Jun 1, 2024
Species | Jul 10, 2024
Tanai Cuinsear
Carver of the Ducks
Character | Feb 11, 2024

The protector of ducks, and champion of the mysterious Quack.

Fluffy Duck
Item | Feb 5, 2024
Star Duck Charms
Item | Feb 9, 2024
The Emperor’s Ducks
Organization | Feb 5, 2024
Dimitris Havlidis
Captain Fenton Crackshell
Character | Feb 29, 2024
  Amy Winters-Voss
Rice Farming with Ducks in the Nonogawa River Valley
Technology / Science | Jul 6, 2024

A centuries old tradition of ducks in rice paddies to reduce pesticide use, but with a twist!

Magma Ducks
Species | Jul 10, 2024

Magma ducks are Mallards corrupted with dragon magic. They are immune to extreme temperatures and can be seen casting fire magic and swimming on Vreathe's lava lakes...

Temple Ducks
Species | Apr 9, 2024

The sacred animals of the mother goddess herself

Cover image: Duckuary 2024 by Tillerz using Midjourney


Please Login in order to comment!
Jan 28, 2024 09:27 by Mochi

wooo ducks!! Can't wait to write about some cool duck-themed thingies :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Jan 28, 2024 10:23

Duck, Duck, Create!
Love it!

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
not Ruleplaying
not Rollplaying
Jan 28, 2024 11:49 by Secere Laetes

Kurze Frage: In meiner Welt gibt es nicht direkt Enten, aber entenähnliche Vögel. Geht so was auch? Jedenfalls ein netter Wettbewerb.

Jan 28, 2024 18:21 by Tillerz

Jaja. :)

Jan 28, 2024 15:56 by Carolyn McBride

Hmmm, this sounds interesting. How can I create a race of fantasy-ducks...Hmm. I'm in!

Magic, Dragons & Drama! Uclandia   If the real world is more your thing, come visit Sitka Cove A small town on the brink of explosive change fueled by secrets!
Jan 28, 2024 17:15

Ooooooh I know just the thing to write about! I cannot wait to get started x3

Jan 28, 2024 17:31

I love this so much!!! Count me in for February. :D

Jan 29, 2024 04:59 by Emily Armstrong

Yay!! This is going to be so much fun, time to start thinkin' about some delicious puns ;D

Check out my worlds of Beckettville and Culinarypunk!
Jan 31, 2024 08:00 by Dimitris Havlidis

Omg - I want this badge SO MUCH!

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
Twitter | World Anvil Changelog
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop


Feb 1, 2024 19:40

I found some ducks in Aran'sha. The sacred animal of the mother goddess herself, the temple ducks:  

Temple Ducks
Species | Apr 9, 2024

The sacred animals of the mother goddess herself

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Feb 2, 2024 02:39 by Amy Winters-Voss

I love this challenge! You made me do a bit of research. (Oh darn down the research rabbit hole again!) But now my world has ducks and a purpose for them! :D

Rice Farming with Ducks in the Nonogawa River Valley
Technology / Science | Jul 6, 2024

A centuries old tradition of ducks in rice paddies to reduce pesticide use, but with a twist!

Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website
Feb 3, 2024 04:32

The tale of Amelie Canard! Probably the only bit of fiction writing I'll do on the site, as mostly my world is for a DnD setting. Enjoy!

Feb 3, 2024 04:34

Not sure how to do the fancy link though :/

Feb 3, 2024 18:10 by Amy Winters-Voss

Go to your article. At the bottom is a little clipboard icon. click it and select "Copy article block to clipboard". Paste that into your comment.

Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website
Feb 4, 2024 10:52 by Dimitris Havlidis

I present to thee

Captain Fenton Crackshell

The old, famed and tragic military leader  
Captain Fenton Crackshell
Character | Feb 29, 2024

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
Twitter | World Anvil Changelog
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop


Feb 5, 2024 01:29

This was a fun challenge! Here's my entry -

The Emperor’s Ducks
Organization | Feb 5, 2024

Feb 5, 2024 06:54

Made an article for both Duckuary and the Cabinet of Curiosities! I'll also add some drawings to my article eventually (when I stop procrastinating). This challenge was great, so much fun<3

Star Duck Charms
Item | Feb 9, 2024

I see the hazy dreams of worlds beyond | Reverie
Feb 5, 2024 07:30 by Jon

The moment I read this challenge I knew I needed to cook up something good, and the Cabinet of Curiosities prompts gave me the perfect idea! Haha gottem

Fluffy Duck
Item | Feb 5, 2024

While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.
Feb 5, 2024 20:23 by Tanai Cuinsear

Really wasn't expecting to write a duck related article this month (or ever) but somehow this one appeared. Now I have to stop myself writing too many duck themed items for the cabinet

Carver of the Ducks
Character | Feb 11, 2024

The protector of ducks, and champion of the mysterious Quack.

Feb 6, 2024 08:55 by Elspeth

Allow me to introduce my duck-inspired species: The Brugen:

Species | Jul 10, 2024

Feb 6, 2024 15:38 by Mardrena Lockehart

Can an entry involve something that EATS ducks? Say perhaps a predatory birb on the space viking planet that is so aggressive it drove any terrestrial waterfowl (such as ducks) to extinction? An example would be the wherries from the Pern novels that ate all of the turkeys and fowl the colonists tried to breed from their DNA banks hence why there are no turkeys or native Earth fowl of any kind in the present day.

Crazy Anime Cat Lady and Gamer Nun, Proud Texan Enjoying Renaissance Faires.
Feb 6, 2024 20:45 by Tillerz

Sure. :)

Feb 6, 2024 17:42

Thank you for this lovely challenge. Maybe a nice place where one of my characters could end up in the novel after passing the portal?  

Taehalôs - Duck Rock
Geographic Location | Jun 1, 2024

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.
Feb 6, 2024 22:37 by Jacqueline Yang

Small question. Do they have to be literal ducks??

Feb 7, 2024 06:57 by Tillerz

Why what do you want to write about? :D

Feb 7, 2024 12:52 by Jacqueline Yang

It's called "Ducks in a Row" A military strategy type thing.

Feb 7, 2024 18:46 by Tillerz

Do it!

Feb 7, 2024 19:26 by Jacqueline Yang

Woo! You'll see a link here soon! :D

Feb 7, 2024 21:07 by Jacqueline Yang

Ducks in a Row
Military Formation | Feb 28, 2024

At this point I don't even know where my ducks are!

  My article (told you you'd see it here soon)! I hope you like it.

Feb 7, 2024 02:01 by Emily Armstrong

Short article about a new friend with good taste :D Thank you for this challenge, it was so much fun!! <3

Juniper Waddleleaf
Character | Feb 7, 2024

Check out my worlds of Beckettville and Culinarypunk!
Feb 7, 2024 15:24

Here it is, it was super fun and will spawn off two further Duck-related articles and yes it is (as always) in written in german ^^

Ruinen von Duckistan
Building / Landmark | Mar 26, 2024

Die Ruinen einer verlorenen Kultur

Have a look at my entries for:
  • BasicDragons's Unofficial Dragon Challenge 2024: Parg-nél'rush, der Walddrache
  • DaniAdventures Romance-Ception! Challenge Ballade von der Silberelfe
  • My Adventure April short story Einer dieser Tage
  • Feb 8, 2024 09:24

    This was a lot of fun! Thank you for creating this challenge :D Capture the Duck

    Feb 8, 2024 16:53 by Felix

    Quack quack quack ^.^ (for some reason I can't do the fancy link thing? Idk hopefully this works good enough lol)

    Feb 8, 2024 19:54 by Tillerz

    You probably have an unclosed bbcode tag somewhere that messes up the clipboard button functionality.

    Feb 8, 2024 19:56

    And here is my Royal Duckery. Rainbow Ducks are coming too, but I thought... why not this? :D

    Royal Duckery
    Building / Landmark | Feb 14, 2024

    You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
    Feb 9, 2024 16:05

    Here is my entry: a Futraczka - mix between ducks and pandas that are very close to extinction. I'm a Polish writer/DM/worldbuilder, so my entry is written in Polish :) I hope it will still qualify, but even if not creating a new, fantasy animal was still a blast.

    Feb 10, 2024 03:19 by K.S. Bishoff

    Woohoo! Finished my duck article!

    Tikkerenna Tokk
    Character | Feb 26, 2024

    Come vist my worlds
    Feb 11, 2024 19:45

    This challenge was so much fun!

    The Wooden Duck of Luck
    Item | Feb 23, 2024

    Magical wooden ducks and a childrens story of the selkiefolk

    I can hear the stars, they are singing to me...
    For more mystery and magic, check out the world of Starsong
    Feb 12, 2024 03:42 by Icarus Crow

    Deliah the duck for the Duckuary challenge!

    It's Summer Camp time!!! ~ Icarus
    Feb 13, 2024 07:42 by Lady Wynter

    Hey. Thanks. This got me thinking about my world and helped expand it a bit. Here's my article.

    Bringing the Light
    Feb 13, 2024 23:34 by Laura VanArendonk Baugh

    What a fun challenge!   Mine may be expanded later, but I'm linking now to get that done....

    Feb 15, 2024 17:02 by Elizabread

    I love this challenge! And it finally got me to write something this month. Have a game (with variations) where you, too, can be a duck!

    Honk, Honk, QUACK
    Tradition / Ritual | Feb 15, 2024

    Children's game about being a duck

    Check out my world Valtena!
    Feb 15, 2024 23:32 by Deleyna Marr

    Here's my duck article!

    Feb 16, 2024 04:39

    Decided to name a vital trade route after ducks because of this challenge. I have no regrets  

    The Duck's Path
    Geographic Location | Feb 17, 2024

    Where some see but a small collection of stars with vital importance to Galactic trade, others see a duck

    Feel free to check out my world Astraesto!
    Feb 16, 2024 06:17 by Tofi Stigandr

    I accidentally forgot to sleep to write this but once I got the idea I couldn't let go...

    Duck of the Depths
    Character | Feb 16, 2024

    It's said that they created the world, but yet, they seem so much like any other duck.

    Feb 16, 2024 14:30

    Here's my entry, what if the god of ducks had a reluctant spy gig.

    Legs churning under a still pond
    Character | Apr 11, 2024

    Feb 17, 2024 04:05 by Jaime Buckley

    Okay,....It is complete, artwork and all, though Höbin did NOT want to share this story. I promised no one would shame Chuck for the love he has for ducks...because WE all love ducks, right?   Here's the article. Enjoy.

    The Harlequin Hand-grenade
    Item | Feb 17, 2024

    Not many know the origin story of The Harlequin Hand-grenade, one of the greatest Gnome military explosives.

    Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
    Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
    Feb 17, 2024 05:22 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

    I already wrote a story about a little baby duck. so I decided to make a new original entry for Cabinet of Curiosities that is duck-related. Check it out here:  

    Item | Jun 8, 2024
      Thanks again for running a community challenge! God bless and much success with the judging!

    Feb 22, 2024 16:35 by Bob O'Brien

    Here's my #UnofficialCompetition #Duckuary2024 entry: Release the Quacken! Release the Quacken!

    Check out my latest efforts:
    Laurels & Loot is a new, lightweight TTRPG rules system that hearkens back to the early days.
    Feb 22, 2024 22:37

    I made a short little entry that ties into my duck related content from World Ember 2023 :3  

    Duck Cane
    Item | Feb 22, 2024

    Common duck merchandise sold during the annual Duck Sum Upping.

    Grab your hammer and go worldbuild! :3
    Feb 23, 2024 16:38 by jyliet of the house

    I had a lot of fun with this. :) Thanks for running such a neat little challenge.   Meet the duck kite:

    Item | Jun 15, 2024

    Feb 23, 2024 19:09 by spleen

    I wrote this back at the beginning of the month but was holding off on submitting in case I made something else better. I have come to terms with the fact that I will not. Anywhomst, here's my entry:

    Otterduck Turtlehare
    Species | Apr 7, 2024

    Anatomical enigmas living in bodies of freshwater across Etharai

    Have a wonderful day!
    Feb 25, 2024 11:31 by Grey

    Adding again since I posted the link wrong!

    Cinnamon Duck
    Species | Mar 15, 2024

    Feb 25, 2024 19:16 by Kwyn Marie

    My entry for Duckuary, a spy tech duck.

    Sils's Duck Spies
    Generic article | Feb 25, 2024

    Feb 25, 2024 19:53 by Chris Noonan

    This is a most excellent challenge with many fantastic entries. I'm drawing my own duck but it's taking a really long time to do so, ai it is, but just until I finish mine. Thanks Tillerz for doing this, very cool. The Song Fair Duck Race

    Feb 26, 2024 17:59 by Melissa

    Here's my entry, Tick Tock Duck:  

      Thanks for hosting this challenge!

    Feb 28, 2024 02:25
    Feb 28, 2024 12:02 by Tara Fae Belle

    Thanks for the challenge! (Even though I couldn't come up with much at the moment, it's sparked off some ideas for my second story to write in the world)

    Dave the Duck
    Item | Feb 28, 2024

    My current passion is Shroom People. I still don't know much about them yet. But as I do, it will be updated here:
    Shroom People
    Species | Jul 10, 2024
    ~ Happy wording!
    Feb 28, 2024 15:31 by Mardrena Lockehart

    There Are No Ducks on Thanged...
    Generic article | Feb 28, 2024
    This one is coming in a bit under the wire having to post from my travel tablet so not the best format and on fast so no digital art strictly hand drawn. The original raw pencil sketch was first featured in lastyear's BeastFeb but this version is colored in using pencil. Hope you like it.

    Crazy Anime Cat Lady and Gamer Nun, Proud Texan Enjoying Renaissance Faires.
    Feb 29, 2024 05:07 by Kydra

    Did I make it in time?

    Feb 29, 2024 06:42 by Polina "Line" Arteev

    On the final day, I bring you this story and drawing <3

    Side Quest: Ducky Delivery
    Prose | Apr 22, 2024

    Ebi's first quest completed on the Path to Adventure!

    Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!
    Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!
    The Feral Sovereign returns for Summer Camp 2024!
    Feb 29, 2024 07:06

    I only found out about this a few days ago, but thanks to leap year, I had enough time to slip something under the quacks.   ducks of Scarterra

    Feb 29, 2024 08:14

    You now have a recipe as part of Ducktuary

    Harvest Festival Duck at Outh Mead
    Item | Feb 29, 2024

    Updated soon.
    Feb 29, 2024 11:55 by Michael Chandra

    Beseeching Duck
    Species | Feb 29, 2024
    Here we are, a magical duck species that is good at begging.

    Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
    Feb 29, 2024 16:07

    Gotta love leap years. Here is my entry!

    Feb 29, 2024 18:13

    Agia now have a criminel duck. Thank you for creating a fun challenge :D  

    The Quacky Case of Patis
    Character | Feb 29, 2024

    Check out my On the Shoulders of Giants article: Satlonia
    Feb 29, 2024 20:16 by Mochi

    I *fiiiiinally* got an article done!

    Character | Mar 3, 2024

    Revered hero and adventurer, everybody knows and loves Kwak.

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Feb 29, 2024 22:50 by Secere Laetes

    So, in den letzten Minuten endlich dann auch. Das Leben kann ganz schön wenig Zeit lassen zuweilen XD.  

    Species | Feb 29, 2024

    Feb 29, 2024 23:20 by Diane Morrison

    Talk about the last minute, eh, Tillerz? But here's mine:

    Character | Feb 29, 2024

    Author of the Wyrd West Chronicles and the Toy Soldier Saga. Mother of Bunnies, Eater of Pickles, Friend of Nerds, First of her Name.
    Mar 1, 2024 05:26 by Tillerz

    Can't see it, it's probably private yet.

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