Honk, Honk, QUACK Tradition / Ritual in Valtena | World Anvil

Honk, Honk, QUACK

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Honk, Honk, Quack is a popular children's game throughout Otorveia. There are a few regional variations of the game, but the most well known variety is where a group of kids sit in a circle. One child stands on the outside of the circle and goes around tapping the other kids on the head in succession saying "Honk" each time. Randomly, the child will then yell "QUACK!" which means that the duck'd child needs to get up and chase the other one who is running to get back to the empty spot. If the quacker is able to sit down first, then the kid left standing is the new one to go around the circle repeating the game. Otherwise, if the first kid is tagged, they have to go another round.   Further north, there's a variation where one kid is blindfolded and yells "Quack!" Everyone else responds with "Honk!" The blindfolded kid needs to find and tag one of the kids who's yelling Honk. Anyone who fails to yell "Honk!" becomes "it" or if a kid is tagged. The kids who yell "Honk" aren't blindfolded.   In Nazara, the game has morphed into one where everyone starts out in the water swimming around as ducks. If two kids get close, they have to tell each other who they are by saying "Quack" and getting "Quack" in return. One kid is a goose who can only respond with "Honk" and another kid is the snake who doesn't respond at all. A duck who encounters the goose or snake must run for dry land. The snake wants needs to tag a duck or gets to "eat" the last duck in the water. A duck who encounters a snake yells "Snake!" to get everyone else to run for dry land. The goose must also get to dry land, but the snake goes hungry if the goose is the last one left in the water. A duck that gets eaten becomes the next snake, and the former snake usually becomes the next goose. Some kids have other ways of picking the goose randomly or whoever wants to be the goose.
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Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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