The Duck Of Sailwater Vehicle in Domen Aria | World Anvil
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The Duck Of Sailwater

In the bustling port city of Sailwater, the air is filled with excitement as the annual boat regatta approaches. One of the most anticipated events is the grand opening ceremony, where a magnificent ship takes center stage. This ship, known as the "Duck of Sailwater," is a marvel of craftsmanship and artistry.    The Duck of Sailwater is designed to resemble a colossal duck, its hull meticulously carved and painted with intricate designs. Its feathers are depicted in vibrant colors, shimmering in the sunlight as if they were real. The ship's eyes are large gems that gleam with a lifelike sparkle, adding to its majestic appearance.   What truly sets the Duck of Sailwater apart is its unique propulsion system. Instead of traditional sails or oars, the ship is equipped with paddle wheels cleverly hidden under its wings. These paddle wheels are powered by a magical mechanism, allowing the Duck of Sailwater to glide gracefully through the water with surprising speed and agility.   As the Duck of Sailwater sets sail, accompanied by the cheers of the crowd, it marks the beginning of the regatta, a spectacle of skill and beauty that will captivate all who witness it.


The Duck of Sailwater is a breathtaking sight to behold, its appearance both whimsical and majestic. From bow to stern, the ship is adorned with intricate carvings, flamboyant paintings, and vibrant colors that shimmer in the sunlight.   Bow: The bow of the Duck of Sailwater is shaped like the head of a duck, complete with a golden beak that gleams in the sunlight. The eyes of the duck are large, sparkling gems that seem to follow you as you move around the ship.   Hull: The hull of the ship is painted in vivid colors, with scenes of ducks in various poses and settings, each panel telling a different story. The wood is polished to a high sheen, reflecting the light and giving the ship an almost ethereal glow.   Main Deck: The main deck of the Duck of Sailwater is where the true beauty of the ship's design is revealed. The deck is adorned with intricate carvings of feathers, wings, and other duck-like features, all painstakingly crafted to create a lifelike appearance.   Paddle Wheels: Underneath the wings of the duck are the paddle wheels, with webbed duck feet paddles for propulsion. These wheels are decorated with intricate patterns that complement the rest of the ship's design, adding to its overall elegance.   Sails and Rigging: While the Duck of Sailwater does not rely on traditional sails for propulsion, it does have decorative sails and rigging that add to its appearance. These are often adorned with more paintings, and a magical script that relays a short message from the city leaders. The message is most usually the current positioning of the ships in the regatta.   Overall Impression: As the Duck of Sailwater glides through the water, it leaves a trail of beauty and wonder in its wake. It is a ship unlike any other, a true masterpiece of design and craftsmanship that captures the imagination and inspires awe in all who see it.


The Duck of Sailwater's propulsion system is a marvel of both engineering and magic, designed to provide the ship with speed and agility while maintaining its unique appearance. At the heart of the propulsion system are two paddle wheels, one located under each of the ship's wings.   Each paddle wheel is powered by a magical mechanism housed within the ship's hull. This mechanism is charged and recharged by the ship’s engineers, who harnesses the magical energies of the tides, channeling them to turn the paddle wheels and propel the ship forward through the water.   The paddle wheels themselves are large and intricately designed, with each paddle shaped like a duck's webbed foot. As the paddle wheels turn, they push against the water, propelling the ship forward with surprising speed and efficiency.   The magical nature of the propulsion system allows the Duck of Sailwater to move smoothly and swiftly through the water, even in rough seas or adverse conditions. It also provides the ship with a surprising degree of maneuverability.

Weapons & Armament

As a ceremonial vessel, this ship has no weapons or armaments.

Armor and defense

The Duck of Sailwater is not designed for combat and does not have traditional armor. However, the hull of the ship is constructed from sturdy wood reinforced with magical wards and enchantments to provide protection against minor hazards such as rough seas, collisions with other vessels, or natural obstacles.

Communication Tools & Systems

The Duck of Sailwater is equipped with a variety of communication tools and systems to ensure smooth sailing and coordination during the regatta and other events. Some of these include:   Signal Flags: The ship carries a set of signal flags that can be used to communicate simple messages to other ships in the regatta or to shore.   Megaphones: Megaphones are used by the crew to communicate with each other and with passengers, especially during maneuvers or in noisy environments.   Magic Communication Conch Shells: These enchanted shells allow for communication between the Duck of Sailwater and other vessels or nearby locations in Sailwater. They are especially useful for coordinating with race officials or other key personnel.
Badge by Tillerz using MJ
Current Location:  Sailwater   Current Owner:  The City of Sailwater
"Sail with Grace, Glide with Majesty"
The value of this ship lies in its ceremonial and ornamental prestige. It had significantly more cultural than monetary value.
This is a one of a kind, specially built ship.
This ship is 30 feet across.
This ship is 80 feet in length.
This ship is about 40 feet in height.
This ship weighs approximately 100 tons.
This ship has a maximum speed of 10 knots.
Complement / Crew
The crew compliment consists of the Captain, a helmsman, 8 deckhands, 4 engineers (for the paddle wheel mechanisms), a cook, and 2 stewards.
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
The Duck of Sailwater can comfortably accommodate up to 50 passengers, including the crew. This allows for a select group of dignitaries, officials, and special guests to experience the regatta in style aboard this magnificent vessel.
"The Duck of Sailwater is not just a vessel; it's a work of art, a masterpiece that captures the imagination and inspires awe in all who behold it."
— Master Artisan Gerald, renowned for his intricate wood carvings and sculptures.


The Duck of Sailwater, with its striking appearance and unique design, has sparked many rumors and tales among the residents of Sailwater and beyond. Some of the most intriguing rumors about the ship include:   Magical Origins: Some believe that the Duck of Sailwater was not built by mortal hands, but instead magically conjured into existence by a powerful sorcerer. According to this rumor, the ship is imbued with ancient magic that grants it incredible speed and agility on the water.   Ghostly Crew: There are whispers that the Duck of Sailwater is crewed not by living sailors, but by the spirits of sailors lost at sea. According to this rumor, the ghostly crew appears only during the regatta, helping to navigate the ship with skill and precision before disappearing into the mist.   Treasure Ship: Another popular rumor is that the Duck of Sailwater carries a hidden treasure aboard, rumored to be a hoard of gold and jewels collected from voyages to far-off lands. Some believe that the ship's captain is searching for the lost key to unlock this treasure, hidden somewhere in Sailwater.   Shape-shifting Abilities: There are tales of the Duck of Sailwater being able to magically change its appearance, taking on the form of other creatures or objects to evade capture or navigate dangerous waters. According to this rumor, the ship is a shape-shifter, capable of assuming any form it desires.     
"I once saw the Duck of Sailwater disappear into a fog bank and reappear on the other side, as if it had passed through another realm."
— Young Tessa, a dockworker's daughter with a vivid imagination.


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