Understanding the Adimus

The adimus is the part of the brain that controls a person’s ability to use a myriad of high-level senses and abilities including: mentus, mandamus, telepathic communication, and more.   The adimus starts developing at birth, typically becomes active around age seven, and finishes fully developing by age twelve. From the time the adimus starts developing, a person can start using adimus based skills and training in mentus, mandamus, and other adimus related abilities. The more a person trains, the more powerful their abilities become and the more additional skills they’re able to learn and grow. This growth potential stops at around the age of thirty for most people unless they become a mind mage or otherwise have their adimus enhanced by an external force.

Terminology & Abilities
Adimus Based Professions
Adimus Classifications (Main Article)
A person’s adimus classification determines what adimus based abilities they’re capable of. There are currently 21 different adimus classifications divided into four general categories: standard, mentant-non, special, and rare. Everyone has either a standard, mentant-non, or rare adimus classification. Special classifications are mostly social constructs, and many are obtained based on certain actions taken later in life.
Standard Mentant-Non Rare Special

Quartz (Main Article)

by AWGColeman (AI Creation)
As the most abundant mineral on the planet, quartz serves a variety of purposes that are directly related to the adimus. In its raw form, quartz hinders adimus abilities including blocking quickening and vision in the mentant realm. When processed properly, however, quartz is extremely useful for both containing and conducting mentus in a myriad of different ways, making it extremely versatile.   There are many quartz variants and several have unique properties that allow quartzsmiths, craftsmen, and mentant engineers to create incredible products and build complex devices used all around the world.    


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