
Quartz is the most abundant mineral on the planet and grows at an extremely rapid rate, far faster than any other mineral on Mendala and significantly faster than its counterpart on Earth. In its raw form, most quartz acts as a natural barrier to mentus and other adimus based abilities such as telepathy and adimus vision (i.e., access to the mentant realm). An area completely surrounded by quartz is usually mentus and quicken proof while areas with large deposits of quartz restrict adimus vision and quickening. Because of this, the mineral is used in building materials for all types of constructions, from city walls to buildings.   When processed, channelers, and other mentant-nons with channeling mentus abilities, can embed mentus into quartz for a myriad of results. It’s used in weapons, armor, special items, and clothing. There are many types of quartz, but most quartz share similar properties, notably, most quartz has a faint purple tint and has a purple aura in the mentant realm. It requires specific training to properly use quartz and certain professions such as quavers, quartzsmiths, and mentant engineers train for years so that they can correctly manipulate quartz in their given fields.
by AWGColeman (AI Creation)


PM Era
Though it is believed that quartz has always been an abundant mineral, it was only discovered at the beginning of the PM era when mentus and other adimus abilities were introduced into the world by the epouranal mages. It was the epouranals who first revealed that quartz hindered adimus abilities and stated that it was a divinely granted resource that the world could use to better itself for generations to come.   Because raw quartz blocked mentus and other adimus abilities, people started trying to use it as a building material to protect home and store interiors from being accessed in the mentant realm. This was met with mixed results. Within a decade, however, various new types of concrete and other mixtures that utilized quartz were developed and this resulted in a revolution with how structures were built.   At the same time, scientists began studying the properties of quartz, and it quickly grew into the largest field of scientific research. It quickly became clear that not only did quartz have specific characteristics in relation to the adimus, but also that there were various types of quartz, each with its own unique traits. The most significant advancements in quartz research came from a group of scientists in the nation of Migdigal on the southern continent. In 37 PM, they came up with the first viable methods of refining quartz to allow mentus to be embedded in it. This single discovery jumpstarted a revolution in Mendalian society as quartz could now be used in a myriad of different ways by craftsmen and artisans who were able to master the skill of embedded mentus, which would later be known as channeling.   Advancements in quartz refinement coupled with the creation of the first mind mage crystals also led to the discovery of quartz synthesis. High Mage Judea Millborn, one of the first epouranal mages, taught a group of his devoted disciples the secret of breaking through the limits of their mentus abilities and helped them become mind mages. This involved creating mind mage crystals by pouring an enormous amount of their mentus into a special ammonium-based solution until the mentus crystalized.   Scientists began studying this process and realized that mind mage crystals shared many properties to quartz and from this it became apparent that with the right ingredients, quartz could potentially be synthesized. Though this was a significant breakthrough, research in quartz synthesis was largely stagnant. Since naturally growing quartz was so abundant, and synthesis required large amounts of energy, quartz synthesis seemed largely unnecessary.   By 205 PM, dozens of mentus and quartz scientists had combined their knowledge and skills to focus on more practical applications for embedded mentus, and these people became the first mentant engineers. It was also around this time that quartzsmiths—craftsmen who created primarily quartz-based products—became more prominent. With the steady increase in mentus education and the collaborative efforts of the varied scientific communities around the world, there were rapid advancements in quartz-based craftmanship and engineering leading to a myriad of inventions including the translift, the orcrus, and bonding stones. The culmination of all of this was the creation of city cores, massive quartz devices that were placed underground that could be used to protect and maintain an entire city.   Advancements in quartz research continued throughout the first half of the PM era with even more inventions and breakthroughs in mining, refining, and utilizing quartz. However, research started to plateau throughout the latter half of the era as tensions between the major races reached a breaking point, resulting in the majority of dwarves and elves isolating themselves from human society. While there were still some advancements in mentant engineering and quartzsmithing, they were much fewer and further between.  
TS Era
It wasn’t until the start of the TS era that quartz research and engineering would once again start to make significant strides, starting with the invention of ustus, a quartz-based fiber, in 68 TS by Terrance Stokenshire. This was a major revolution in the ability to use quartz in clothing. By processing quartz into ustus, clothing could be made directly from the fiber. This greatly improved the efficacy of embedding mentus into clothing, resulting in limitless possibilities for its application in the garment industry, the most notable being the creation and widespread use of robes.   Though ustus was considered a major breakthrough, it was not the most significant one by far. Later in the TS era, with the discovery of the different mentant-non adimus classifications, more intricate and powerful quartz-based devices were invented including quickener staffs, summoner instruments, and melnets. Advancements in channeling also led to the creation of the hyperball and the rise of its namesake sport.   The end of the TS era saw great strides in quartz refinement and significant advances in the largely dormant field of quartz synthesis. With a better understanding of the adimus and the different varieties of quartz, scientists began creating synthetic quartz hybrids with unique properties that could be used in even more complex quartz-based devices. In addition, new methods for processing desert crystal also led to a myriad of new uses across multiple domains including health and education.  
TA Era
Despite the uptick in wars and general lack of cooperation among nations in the TA era, the scientific and engineering communities still thrived. This was largely due to the Kingdom of Acumen which now served as the leader in mentant engineering across the world. Not only were their continued breakthroughs and discoveries in the field of quartz, but it was during the TA era that traveler quartz was first discovered. With its unique ability to enhance both quickening and mentus, traveler quartz soon became a much-desired tool in stretching the limits of mentus, which in-turn led to more and better-qaulity quartz-based devices and crafts.   It was through experimentation and traveler quartz environments known as quickener caves that researchers discovered quickener staff emulation, which allowed quickener staffs to project a field around them that mimics the properties of a specific type of quartz.   Acumen engineers helped to revitalize the use of city cores. Though it was still far more difficult to create a city core than it was in the early PM era, Acumen engineers developed new methods of updating and configuring existing cores. They also made improvements on other quartz-based tools like quickener staffs and orcruses. Throughout the entire TA era, Acumen continued to lead the way in the fields of science, quartzsmithing, and mentus engineering. This cemented their place as a major power in the world.   Throughout its over ten thousand years of known history, quartz has always been an extremely relevant part of Mendalian society with dozens of inventions and innovations helping to grow and shape the world. As knowledge and insight into quartz and the adimus continues to increase, there is no doubt that there will be even more revolutions as the years go on.  

Properties & Characteristics

Quartz researchers categorize quartz based on a series of properties and characteristics, some of which are shared across multiple quartz varieties, and others which are unique to specific quartz variants.   Availability: While quartz itself is extremely abundant throughout the entire world, some types of quartz are rarer than others. The most abundant type of quartz is known as boulder quartz and is constantly growing in even the most obscure places all across the planet.   Color: Almost all quartz is clear with a light purple tint that becomes more visible when it is struck by another piece of quartz or when it is being affected by mentus. There are varieties of quartz that are colored or have a different tint, but nearly all quartz shows up as purple in the mentant realm, the exception being traveler quartz.   Absorption: This refers to how much mentus the quartz absorbs in its raw form. Quartz with high absorption is more desirable for embedded mentus and is usually better for creating quartz-based devices and certain types of mentus-crafts, like weapons. Any mentus that the quartz doesn’t absorb will either passes through, be fully blocked or, in some cases, be reflected and scattered. When quartz is in its raw form, the effects of any mentus that is absorbed either dissipates slowly over time or is passed on to the next living creature that touches it.   Obstruction: This refers to how much mentus the quartz completely blocks when in its raw form. Quartz that has a higher percentage of obstruction is better for use in building materials and in some other crafts like armor. Any mentus that the quartz doesn’t block will either pass through harmlessly, be absorbed or, in some cases, be reflected and scattered. This depends on the type of quartz.   Deflection: If quartz has a deflection property, then it naturally deflects all or part of any mentus that comes in contact with. This is different from Obstruction as the effects of the mentus are scattered and dispersed. Quartz with this property can be difficult to use as it is harder to use embedded mentus once refined. It’s used in special circumstances, like the creation of city cores, when devices need to be protected from tampering.   Deflection means that it does not directly reflect back the effects of mentus to the user, the effect is more of a dispersal. This makes quartz with a high percentage deflection bad for building materials as mentus aimed at it could adversely affect bystanders near city walls or buildings. Any mentus that is not deflected is either absorbed, blocked, or passes through without any effect, depending on the type of quartz.   Passivity: This refers to the amount of mentus passes through quartz when in its raw form. The more passive quartz is the harder it is to the refine and embed mentus into. Most quartz has a very nominal level of passivity when compared to how much is absorbed or blocked. The exception is traveler quartz which has very high passivity.   Activation: Some quartz will exhibit special characteristics when activated—i.e., when it is struck by another piece of quartz or when any mentus passes through it. This could be either in its raw form or after it’s been refined. Quartz with special activation properties is highly coveted since their use is predictable, making it far easier to use in quartz-based devices.   Synthesizable: Some types of quartz can be synthesized by complicated mentus combined with chemical processes. When quartz is created in this way, it shows all of the properties of naturally created quartz. There are certain quartz hybrids that can only be synthesized, usually by combining various types of quartz with mentus, chemicals, or both.   Emulatable: A recent discovery in quickening mentus is the ability to use a quickener’s staff to emulate certain types of quartz. If the quartz exists within the staff, even in a small amount, the staff can mimic the properties of that quartz and emulate it in a small area. However, it’s not certain to what extent this ability can be used or how quickeners can make use of it.  
by AWGColeman (AI Creation)

Mining & Refinement

Quartz is the most abundant mineral on the planet and grows at a rate over 100 times faster than any other known mineral, which is different from its counterpart on Earth. It can be found almost everywhere but is primarily harvested from mountains, underground caves, and bodies of water such as rivers and lakes. There are dozens of different varieties of quartz, not including synthetically created quartz, and though boulder quartz can be found almost anywhere, many of the rarer varieties can only be found in certain places in the world.   Because almost all raw quartz is resistant to mentus, mining and refining it is a labor-intensive endeavor. In general, quartz is mined either by hand or with small machines to help speed up the work. Because mining companies can easily find cheap labor to work quartz mines, they typically prefer to use manual labor as opposed to building and maintaining complex devices to aid with mining. This is because there is very little mechanical or steam powered innovation on Mendala, meaning that large heavy mining equipment doesn’t exist unless its custom made.   Quartz in its raw form is usually only used as a component of building materials. For all other uses, it typically needs to be refined first. Sometimes this is to enhance its beauty, but mostly refinement is used to make quartz more compatible for embedded mentus. This is because the better refined the quartz is, the more power the mentus that can be embedded into it and the longer it will last. Once quartz is refined, it loses its ability to resist mentus and other adimus abilities.   Refinement is typically done using chemical compounds which are often treated with mentus. Different compounds have been created and used over the years in an attempt to make quartz better able to accept embedded mentus, but after the discovery of the different mentant-non adimus ranks, it became more apparent that chemicals only played a small role in the refinement process. Specific types of mentus were actually the key ingredient for quartz refinement.   Most quartz only needs to be prepped with a simple ammonium solution treated with special mentus that only channelers can use. However, the type of quartz matters as some quartz, like melivian, needs very little refinement whereas others, like desert crystal, requires very precise refinement processes in order to use it properly.  


Ustus is a specially treated quartz fiber used to create clothing with embedded mentus. The process for creating, processing, and refining ustus is extremely complex and requires multiple steps and precise mentus so that it can be properly used.   The first step involves physically creating the fiber which requires mentus fire, turning it into cloth, and coloration. Though some mentus is used to treat and refine the quartz fiber at the cloth and coloration stages, the ustus still maintains most of the properties of raw quartz. Ustus is typically sold to mentant tailors and other textile workers in this form.   The second step is treating the quartz fiber cloth using special chemicals and mentus to give it properties similar to refined quartz, allowing it to hold embedded mentus. It is at this stage that ustus is given the properties that make it resistant to being dirty, soiled, or damaged. The ustus can stay in the chemical solution for any length of time after its initial treatment but once it’s dry, it must be quickly cut and fashioned. This is because ustus will become completely resistant to accepting embedded mentus or being cut and shaped by normal tools within 48-60 hours of being fully dried. After that, only very specific and precise channeler mentus and specially designed implements can be used to fashion and manipulate ustus cloth   Ustus fabric is extremely durable and useful, and clothing made from it can last for decades or even centuries as it cannot be soiled or damaged in any way until its properties eventually wear off. However, because it is extremely difficult to work with, clothing made from ustus is very expensive, costing anywhere between 10 and 100 times as much as the same garments made from regular cloth. Robes are the only clothing that are always made from ustus.  


In addition to naturally growing, quartz can be synthesized using a complex process involving chemicals and mentus, similar to how mind mage crystals are created. Unlike mind mage crystals, quartz cannot be created from crystalized energy. This is because channeler mentus, which is needed for quartz synthesis does not crystalize like the more stable mentus of mentants.   Boulder quartz can be synthesized by using other rocks or minerals as a base. In the same way, boulder quartz can be used to synthesize other types of quartz, though not every variant can be successfully synthesized. For example, traveler quartz requires very specific environmental conditions for its growth and cannot be synthesized in a lab environment.   Scientists have also developed various types of synthetic quartz hybrids—quartz that doesn’t grown in nature—by combining multiple quartz variants with various chemicals and channeler mentus. Because quartz synthesis is a very intense process, requiring large amounts of energy to create small amounts of quartz, it is usually only done to create these hybrids or very rare quartz variants that are hard to find in nature. As a result, synthesized quartz is very expensive.  

Manufacturing & Usage

Quartz-based products are used in nearly every aspect of Mendalian life, and the introduction of quartz into society, alongside mentus, completely revolutionized the world. Quartzsmithing is the largest industry, and this does not take into consideration that quartz is used in many other trades and crafts including blacksmithing, carpentry, textiles, and more.  

Embedded Mentus

The most prominent use for quartz is the ability to embed mentus into it. Despite being resistant to most mentus in its raw form, channeler mentus is the main exception, especially after quartz is refined. Depending on the type of quartz and its properties, channeler mentus can be used to embed certain attributes or abilities into quartz that can be triggered when the quartz is activated in a certain way, usually by either tapping it with another piece of quartz or passing mentus through it. The attributes and abilities are all based on the type of mentus, the type of quartz, and the skill of the person doing the embedding. The options for use are limited only by imagination and ingenuity.   Though any type of mentus can be embedded into quartz, only channeler mentus can be used to do the embedding. Mind mages, mandants, and all mentant-non classifications have the ability to use some form of channeler mentus. However, channelers are the adimus rank that have the most versatile range of channeler mentus at their disposal. This allows them to embed far more complex mentus into even the smallest amounts of quartz. They are also the only adimus rank able to use the special mentus that helps refine raw quartz.   Though channelers can create almost anything that requires embedded mentus, there are some notable exceptions such as quickener staffs and summoner instruments. which can only be created by quickeners and summoners respectively.  

Quartz-Based Products & Mentus-Crafts

There are two general categories of items when it comes to quartz. There are quartz-based products, which are devices and items made primarily of quartz, usually by quartzsmiths. Then there are mentus-crafts, which are items created by craftsmen that contain quartz in some way to allow for embedded mentus.   Quartz-based items include things such as translifts, mandorinites, melnets, orcruses, city cores, etc. Many quartz-based products are intricate devices that require multiple types of quartz and very complex mentus to create. Most quartz-based devices are designed by mentant-engineers and then crafted and created by quartzsmiths. Not all quartz-based items are this complex though. Things such as fire stones, melivian recorders, glow stones, and other simple items typically only require one type of quartz and simple channeler skills.   Mentus-crafts are mentus-enhanced versions of normal crafts such as clothing, textiles, weapons, armor, woodwork, ceramics, glasswork, jewelry, etc. In these cases, small amounts of quartz are added to the creation to give it special properties using embedded mentus. Examples include a sword with embedded mentus that allows the wielder to summon mentus fire or a bookshelf that can prevent anyone from removing a book except for those who are allowed.   Because mentus crafts are created with a myriad of materials other than quartz, they can be far more varied. In addition, the craftsman has to be skilled in both the craft itself as well as embedded mentus. As a result, mentus crafts are always significantly more expensive than their normal counterparts. This is especially true for clothing.   Notably, though wood is a primary material for quickener staffs, they fall under the quartz-based product category since it is impossible to create a quickener staff without quartz. Only quavers, which are quartzsmiths with the quickener adimus rank, can create quickener staffs as well as certain other items, such as the quartz markers that quickeners can link their staff to, often called quickener markers. On the other hand, summoner instruments are not typically created by mentant-craftsmen. Instead, they are regular instruments that are enhanced, after creation, by a skilled summoner. There is no special term for a summoner who transforms an instrument into a summoner instrument, and the methods used are highly guarded by the Order of Nature.  

Quartz Professions

There are dozens of quartz professions that generally fall under two categories: commerce and scientific. Almost everyone who works in a quartz profession has the adimus rank of channeler. In addition, many fields require masters level education or licensing from the Fantasmal Government to operate.  


This includes people who use quartz to create various products, goods, and devices.   Quartzsmiths Quartzsmiths create products that are made primarily of quartz. This could be small reusable items such as fire rocks, rods, and recording stones, or large complex devices like melnets, translifts, and city cores, and everything in-between.   Quavers Quavers are a subcategory of quartzsmiths that design, create, and repair quickener staffs. Only someone with the quickener adimus rank can become a quaver because quickener mentus is required to create quickener staffs. Quavers are also the only ones that can create quartz markers that quickeners are capable of connecting to. Most quavers are also able to work on translifts and melnets but these are not their specialty.   Mentant Craftsmen These are tradesmen who use quartz and mentus in the products and goods they create. This includes blacksmiths, carpenters, tailors, jewelers, and other artisans and craftsmen. Unlike quavers and quartzsmiths, mentant-craftsmen have a “common” counterpart and in all cases, the mentus-crafts are far more expensive. Though most craftsmen don’t explicitly require advanced education or licensing, there are some exceptions. Mentant tailors must be licensed by the Fantasmal Government as they are the only ones that can create robes. In addition, any weaponsmith must be registered with the Warrior Guild.   Quartz Refiners Refiners process raw quartz for use in a variety of areas. They usually work for mining companies or quartz distributers. Though not required, most refiners have masters level education due to the amount of mentus and chemistry knowledge needed. Each type of quartz requires a different refinement process, some far more complex than others, especially depending on the use. Refiners also create ustus fiber, though they usually only perform the first step in the refining process. Scientific  

Mentant Engineers

Mentant engineers design complex systems that use both quartz and mentus. They work closely with quartzsmiths and other craftsmen who help to implement these designs, but also function in a practical manner, as they are able to use highly sophisticated mentus to help with the completion of these intricate devices and systems. Mentant engineers also serve as technicians alongside quartzsmiths to service and repair massive quartz and mentus based systems.   The term mentant engineer is often interchanged with quartz engineer. Though the two terms refer to the same overarching field, typically someone is referred to as a quartz engineer if they do more practical work. Mentant engineers require masters level education to work in any career in their field.   Quartz Researchers Quartz research is a broad field which encompasses the continued research into different varieties of quartz and better ways to refine, process, and use it. Quartz researchers also chart quartz growth around the world and determine where and when quartz can be minded in specific areas.  

Types of Quartz

There are dozens of different types of quartz that can be found all around the world. Some quartz, like desert crystal, can only be found in specific areas, but the most common quartz, known as boulder quartz, is extremely abundant and can be found in even the most obscure places. Though most quartz has similar characteristics, some variants have special properties that make it useful for specific purposes.   There are still many types of quartz that, while unique, have no special use, or at least none currently found. Quartz researchers continue to study these variants in the hopes of discovering new characteristics that might make them useful in the future.   The following quartz variants are either the most used types or ones that are extremely noteworthy.  
Boulder Quartz (Main Article)
Color: Clear / Purple Tint
Availability: Abundant
Synthesizable: Yes
Emulatable: Yes
Activation: None
Absorption: 30%
Obstruction: 70%
Deflection: None
Passivity: None
  This is the most common and abundant form of quartz growing in every hospitible environment. It is the go-to quartz for builing materials. In addition, when it grows near another type of quartz, over time, boulder quartz gains the properties of that quartz.  
Mentus Quartz (Main Article)
Color: Clear / Purple Tint / Blue (Refined)
Availability: High
Synthesizable: Yes
Emulatable: No
Activation: Mentus / Striking With Quartz
Absorption: 90%
Obstruction: None
Deflection: None
Passivity: 10%
  Mentus quartz is one of the most abundant types of quartz and has the highest rate of absorption, making it perfect for embedded mentus and one of the most widely used variants in the world. The level and type of refinement determines how long embedded mentus will be maintained, which can be anywhere from several decades to several centuries.  
Tuner Quartz (Main Article)
Color: Clear / Purple Tint / Purple (Refined)
Availability: High
Synthesizable: No
Emulatable: No
Activation: Mentus / Striking With Quartz
Absorption: 70%
Obstruction: None
Deflection: None
Passivity: 30%
  Tuner is one of the most abundant and versatile types of quartz. When refined, tuner can continuously accept mentus allowing it to activate various effects dynamically. Because of these traits, it’s used in complex quartz-based devices such as city cores and melnets. Tuner is also the only variant that's completely compatible with quickener mentus. Because of this, it's one of the primary components of quickener staffs.  
Desert Crystal (Main Article)
Color: White
Availability: High
Synthesizable: No
Emulatable: No
Activation: Always Active
Absorption: 20%
Obstruction: 60%
Deflection: 20%
Passivity: None
  Desert crystal is a white quartz variant only found in the Crystal Sands Desert. Its natural frequency has a negative effect the adimus and it completely drains any nearby person of adimus energy preventing the use of mentus, mandamus and all other adimus based skills. When refined properly, desert crystal can be used in a myriad of different devices and tools to stabilize or adjust adimus energy. Because of the overabundance of desert crystal in the Crystal Sands Desert, all of its inhabitants have no adimus related abilities. Desert crystal is the third most abundant quartz found in nature after boulder and mentus quartz.  
Amicus Quartz (Main Article)
Color: Green
Availability: Average
Synthesizable: Yes
Emulatable: Yes
Activation: Mentus or Striking With Quartz
Obstruction: 10%
Deflection: None
Passivity: None
  Amicus quartz is often referred to as "connector quartz" because of its dimensional properties that allow energy to pass between two bonded pieces even at great distances. However unlike translif and mandorian quartz--whose bonds can transcend all distance and barriers--amicus quartz has a weaker bond so the further away or more barriers in place the less energy its able to move between bonded pieces.  
Melivian Quartz (Main Article)
Color: Clear / Purple Tint / Blue (Refined)
Availability: Average
Synthesizable: Yes
Emulatable: No
Activation: Mentus or Striking With Quartz
Absorption: 100%
Obstruction: None
Deflection: None
Passivity: None
  Melivian quartz, often referred to as "memory quartz" and has the highest absorption rate of all known variants. It's special properties allow it to absorb not only mentus but data, similar to a computer. Once refined, embedded mentus can be used to store information in a variety of different ways, including audio, video, and even programmatic-type data. Melivian is very versitie and can be used to create a simple recorder or in complex devices like city cores.  
Translif Quartz (Main Article)
Color: Clear / Purple Tint / Purple (Refined)
Availability: Average
Synthesizable: No
Emulatable: Yes
Activation: Mentus
Absorption: 75%
Obstruction: 25%
Deflection: None
Passivity: None
  Translif quartz is one of the few quartz variants that can create and maintain dimensional bonds. Once refined properly, two separate translift quartz rocks can create a dimensional bond that, once activated, creates a temporary dimensional corridor between the two. Because of this, and its ability to hold embedded mentus, translif quartz is the primary quartz used to create its name-sake teleportation device, translifts. Unlike other quartz with similar dimensional properties, translift can be very unstable, making it hard to mine, refine, and use.  
Mandorian Quartz (Main Article)
Color: Clear / Purple Tint / Purple (Refined)
Availability: Low
Synthesizable: No
Emulatable: Yes
Activation: Mentus
Absorption: 70%
Obstruction: None
Deflection: None
Passivity: 30%
  Mandorian quartz is a unique type of quartz with dimensional properties. Unlike other quartz with similar characteristics, all mandorian is continuously dimensionally bonded to each other, regardless of location or refinement. Mandorian’s other special property is that it vibrates at a frequency that’s in direct correlation to the planet’s natural electromagnetic resonant frequency. The quartz gives off a different signal depending on where it is and what time of day it is. With a special equation, mandorian can be used to tell time. Because of this, it's used to create mandorinites—special devices for time keeping.  
Plethora Quartz (Main Article)
Color: Blue
Availability: Low
Synthesizable: Yes
Emulatable: Yes
Activation: Always Actiave
Absorption: 100%
Obstruction: None
Deflection: None
Passivity: None
  Unlike other quartz that can absorb active mentus energy directed at it, plethora quartz can attract and absorb latent mentus energy. It is an extremely volatile quartz variant that is hard to mine and even more difficult to synthesize. Because it is always active, even after being refined, it cannot hold embedded mentus in the same way as other quartz because it constantly triggers it. However, in conjunction with other quartz, it can be used to create autonomous quartz-based systems such as city cores.  
Magnom Quartz (Main Article)
Color: Blue
Availability: Low
Synthesizable: Yes
Emulatable: No
Activation: Mentus or Striking With Quartz
Absorption: 100%
Obstruction: None
Deflection: None
Passivity: None
  Magnom quartz has the ability to hold large quantities of raw energy and can store 10 to 100 times more energy than other high absorption quartz of the same size. In additon, it can hold all types of energy, including all of the various types of mentus energy, exotic energies, and even supernal energy. Magnom quartz is typically used like a battery, storing large amounts of energy for use in complex devices.  
Traveler Quartz (Main Article)
Color: Purple
Availability: Low
Synthesizable: No
Emulatable: No
Activation: None
Absorption: 20%
Obstruction: None
Deflection: None
Passivity: 80%
  Traveler quartz only grows in places where dimensional rifts exist and gains very powerful dimensional properties as a result. It heightens the properties and characteristics of tuner quartz and magnifies the efficacy of mentus. As a result, quickeners can use traveler quartz to bypass quartz barriers. This natrual trait makes traveler quartz highly coveted and useful in a variety of situaitons.  
Reflector Quartz
Color: Red
Availability: Scarce
Synthesizable: Yes
Emulatable: Yes
Activation: Always Active
Absorption: 25 %
Obstruction: None
Deflection: 75%
Passivity: None
  This is a rare type of quartz with a high level of deflection. Because of this, it is ill-suited for embedded mentus but used in small quantities in conjunction with tuner quartz it can be used to protect quartz-based devices from external tampering.  
Zenith Quartz
Color: Clear / Purple Tint / Purple (Refined)
Availability: Scarce
Synthesizable: No
Emulatable: No
Activation: Always Active
Absorption: 65%
Obstruction: 35%
Deflection: None
Passivity: None
  Zenith is one of the rarest types of quartz in the world, even more scarce than mandorian. Like a few other quartz variants, it has a unique frequency that directly affects the adimus. While this effect is mild to nonexistent for most people, zenith actively calms and stabilizes overactive or erratic adimus energy making it highly useful for some adimus abnormalities.  
Onerwa Quartz
Color: Clear / Purple Tint / Purple (Refined)
Availability: Can Only Be Synthesized
Synthesizable: Yes
Emulatable: No
Activation: None
Absorption: 65%
Obstruction: 35%
Deflection: None
Passivity: None
  This is a synthesizable boulder quartz variant that is used to interrupt mentus energy from only one direction. Regular boulter quartz that can be processed for use in building materials but refined too much and it loses much of its properties. Onerwa quartz can be refined and processed down into a paint-like paste and applied to any surface. Doing this gives that surface the mentus blocking characteristics of quartz but only from the direction the quartz is applied.
Page Contents
Quartz Guide
(Main Article)
Noteable Variants
Quartz-Based Products & Devices Related Articles

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Jan 20, 2023 03:30 by Grace Gittel Lewis

I am honestly astonished at how much you packed in here— you touched on just about every possible aspect of quartz here! The research and planning for this must have taken some time!