Amicus Quartz

Amicus quartz has a high rate of absorption and also has dimensional properties that allow it to create and maintain permanent dimensional bonds between two pieces of the same quartz. Unlike translift, amicus’s dimensional bond cannot create full spatial corridors. Instead, amicus allows energy to flow seamlessly through connected pieces regardless of distance. Amicus is extremely stable and useful in complex quartz systems that need to be connected over long distances.  

Characteristics & Properties

Amicus is a green stone and more rock than crystal. It is most often found in rivers and in or near other bodies of water, including the underground waterways of the Crystal Sands Desert.   Amicus is one of the few quartz variants with active dimensional properties. Two pieces of amicus quartz can be bonded together and maintain that bond regardless of distance and barriers. This is similar to translift quartz with a few distinct differences. The dimensional bond of amicus is not spatial in nature and does not allow the teleportation of matter as translift does. Instead, amicus can transfer energy, including mentus, between bonded pairs.   The other difference is that unlike translift, the bond formed between two pieces of amicus can still be negatively affected by distance and quartz barriers. The bond will never deteriorate, but long distances and quartz interference will decrease the amount of energy that can be transferred between bonded pairs. This depends on the size of the quartz and how well it is refined. In addition, the two bonded amicus stones must be as close to the same size as possible to maximize the bond. Typically, special tools are used to cut the quartz into identical pieces.   Amicus has high absorption allowing it to maintain embedded mentus, but its dimensional properties make it less able to hold complex mentus unlike mentus quartz. It’s high absorption also makes it difficult to mine, transport, and process. Like all variants with dimensional properties, amicus can’t be synthesized and though it has a moderate level of availability, it’s a highly coveted quartz, making it more costly.  

Processing & Refinement

Amicus has a very difficult and lengthy refinement process and results can vary depending on the potency of the channeler mentus used, quality of the chemicals, and length of time it’s refined. The better the refinement process, the better the dimensional bond when two pieces are linked. The size of the quartz matters as well. Smaller quartz rocks take less time to process and refine, but this can also sometimes result in weaker bonds only able to pass a limited amount of energy between the pairs.   Amicus quartz is typically cut before its refined so that several pieces can be created of equal size. The quartz is typically sold in unbonded pairs so that they can be bonded by the craftsman or smith while building or creating the final product. Like mentus and boulder quartz, amicus can also be easily colored by mentus as long as it’s done before bonding.  

Products and Uses

Amicus is the main quartz used for bonding stones—special necklaces used to represent the bond between friends, families, spouses, and lovers. Amicus is easy to cut and color in beautiful ways but also rarer than boulder quartz, making it more valuable. However, the main reason is because amicus can be used to add two of the most common and sought-after properties in bonding stones: the ability to send brief messages between the stones, regardless of location, and the ability for one stone to track the other. Most bonding stones carry one of these two properties, and some more expensive ones even carry both.   Amicus is also used in complex, multi-part, quartz-based devices and systems that have components that are not physically connected to one another, such as melnets, security systems, lighting grids, and more.
Quartz Properties
Availability Average
Color Green
Activation Mentus or Striking with Quartz
Synthesizable No
Emulatable Yes
Absorption 90%
Obstruction 10%
Deflection None
Passivity None

Quartz Guide
(Main Article)
Noteable Variants
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