Translif Quartz

Translif quartz has very specific dimensional properties allowing it to create a spatial corridor between bonded pieces of quartz when used and refined properly. Because of this, it's the primary quartz used to create its name-sake teleportation device, translifts. Unlike other quartz with similar dimensional properties, translift can be very unstable, making it hard to mine, refine, and use.  

Characteristics & Properties

Translif quartz was one of first quartz variants to be identified due to its active dimensional properties. Separate pieces of translift quartz can be dimensionally bound simply by tapping them together. After that, if one of those pieces is activated—which for translift means striking it with another piece of non-translif quartz—both pieces of quartz will respond, no matter how far apart they are and what barriers exist between them.   Scientists spent years studying this phenomenon before finally discovering that the two pieces of quartz were creating a brief dimensional corridor between them when one was activated, something no other quartz can do. The bond was so powerful that it even worked through quartz barriers and could affect a small area around the quartz. In some cases if a piece of translif quartz remained active too long it would actually be physically transported to its bonded counterpart. These incredible properties led researches and engineers to start working on a way to harness translif for teleportation-type travel which culminated in the invention of the translift.   Translif quartz, like all quartz with active dimensional properties, is completely resistant to quickener mentus. This is because quickener mentus has many of its own dimensional properties which are incompatible with the those found in translif and similar quartz variants.  

Processing & Refinement

Translif must be carefully mined and transported because of the natural dimensional properties in the quartz even when its raw. It then goes through a very special processing and refinement process in order to enhance those properties so that it can be used in translifts. The quartz is refined with a special process that includes several chemicals and specific channeler mentus to stabilize and enhance its dimensional properties to make teleportation possible. However, the tradeoff to enhancing translif’s efficacy is that it loses bi-directional movement between connected stones. This means that teleportation can only go in one direction. In addition translif quartz can teleport matter but not raw energy unlike amicus which can move energy but not matter.   Since translif quartz is almost exclusively used for making translifts, the refinement process is now fairly standardized and only a few major refiners deal with it as it is a very detailed process with many steps. Translif isn’t rare but it’s also not as plentiful as variants like boulder and mentus quartz. The refinement process is very complex, making refined translif very costly.   Translif is also very volatile and inconsistent around other quartz variants with dimensional properties such a amicus, tuner, and mandorian. This makes it difficult to incorporate translif in complex devices that use multiple types of quartz, though not impossible.  

Products and Uses

Related Article: Translift   Translif quartz is used almost exclusively to create translifts. Translifts are stationary teleportation chambers that allow people and objects to move from one fixed location to another. They are extremely bulky devices that must be built in a very precise matter in order to function properly. Only skilled quartzsmiths are capable of building translifts and they can take anywhere from weeks or months to finish depending on how complex the translift is. Since refined translif quartz can only move people in one direction, bi-directional translifts require more work to create, and a translift network where each translift can move to multiple locations will take even longer.   Translif is also occasionally used in other devices, but because of its special properties it tends to be incompatible with many other types of quartz making it difficult to incorporate into complex devices like city cores, melnets, etc. In the past, smaller versions of translifts that people could wear were also used occasionally. They were impractical for the most part, but they could be used in emergency situations to move to a predetermined location. Unfortunately, these personal translifts were not only limited in what they could do, they were also difficult to make and therefore very expensive. Strides were being made to make personal translift devices more useful and affordable but as quickening became more popular, these devices became far less marketable, though regular translifts are still widely used around the world.
by AWGColeman (AI Creation)
Quartz Properties
Availability Average
Color Clear / Purple Tint / Purple (Refined)
Activation Striking with quartz
Synthesizable No
Emulatable Yes
Absorption 75%
Obstruction 25%
Deflection None
Passivity None
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Quartz Guide
(Main Article)
Noteable Variants
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