
Stub Article

This article is a stub, and in dire need of expansion. It is also used as an Article Redirect for categories, which is why it is public.

Tormyra, the kingdom of mages cradled within the World Spine Mountains. Where family and political power can rise or fall to the latest discovery or advancement, a mage and non-mage must earn their status. Some are more equal than others, but the wavering scales must be kept balanced in the quest for magical advancement.


Man, this region has history, duuuude
— Lyraine placeholder


Man, this region has ruins, duuuude
— Lyraine placeholder

Geography and Geology

Tormyra is cradled by mountains, and in an area where the farming abilities to be seem should not be, but are through magic, the mountains and their glaciers feed the lake, and the lake in turns feeds into a river that flows downhill into Soplas.

Natural Resources

Man, this region has resources, duuuude
— Lyraine placeholder


Man, this region has landmarks, duuuude
— Lyraine placeholder


Man, this region has plants, duuuude
— Lyraine placeholder


Man, this region has animals, duuuude
— Lyraine placeholder


Tormyra is cradled by mountains, and in an area where the farming abilities to be seem should not be, but are through magic, the mountains and their glaciers feed the lake, and the lake in turns feeds into a river that flows downhill into Soplas.

Someday I will have music here

Alternative Name(s)
The Kingdom of Mages
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Related Professions

Articles under Tormyra

Cover image: by Lyraine Alei, Midjourney


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