24. Bridal Bridge Plot in Caelum Prime | World Anvil

24. Bridal Bridge

As seen in




On route, she loses control of her vehicle as it hydroplanes. Nicola is terrified that she die before she has a chance to reach Hollow Coast Bridge.

Rising Action

As she safely brings the vehicle to a stop, she sees the pictures of her deceased husband, Sampson Bane, with other woman. She flashes back to the night she was informed of his death. She remembers the grief she felt and the confusion at a comment made by one of the Peace Enforcers.


Having neatened up the mess in her vehicle, Nicola finishes her trip to Hollow Coast Bridge and confronts Sampson Bane, who's a Ghost.

Falling Action

Sampson Bane doesn't deny anything he did life and lays claim to Nicola Bane. He pulls her into the Jindi River with him.
2 Frostember 2025 IE
Plot type
Chapter/Short Story
Parent Plot
Related Characters

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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