06. The Other Life Plot in Caelum Prime | World Anvil

06. The Other Life



Morgan Stagg is watching her brother, Marcellus Stagg dance with his new bride. She feels discontent that she isn't able to find the same happiness. None of the gentlemen paraded in front of her by her parents are catching her attention.


Morgan Stagg wants adventure and travel but she can't do either because she's woman in a culture that doesn't allow the female gender such freedoms.

Rising Action

Morgan Stagg steps outside to ge a breath of fresh air when a new carriage, the Spectral Phaeton catches her attention. Mesmorized by the hand that is beckoning her closer, she goes to it.


Morgan Stagg meets Mahala, who uses the Astraldrum to control and Ghost. It inhabits Morgan Stagg, sharing memories of its life as a slave.


Mahala uses the Zephyr Striker to put Morgan Stagg to sleep and chains her with Silent Celestial Chains. Mahala intends to sell Morgan Stagg into slavery.
8 Solaris 1830 AR
Plot type
Chapter/Short Story
Parent Plot
Related Characters
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Related Locations

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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