22. Faith and Vampyres Plot in Caelum Prime | World Anvil

22. Faith and Vampyres

As seen in



Albion Marrable emerges into the night on the hunt. He has a flashback to when he was turned into a Vampyre.

Rising Action

He smells a Gloombringers and tracks the smell to an older man with a young woman who are waiting to get into The Steele Dreame. Albion Marrable takes both in as his guests.


He buys the three of them drinks and catches up a bit with Olivia Steele.

Falling Action

After the person he's hunting is drugged, he takes the man to the Eternal Harmony and to James Burdon so he can be turned over to the Vatican.


Albion Marrable returns home and feeds the six people he has chained in the basement.
16 Crimsnfall 2022 IE
Plot type
Chapter/Short Story
Parent Plot
Related Organizations
Related Locations

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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