12. Obligation Plot in Caelum Prime | World Anvil

12. Obligation



Abby Kipps has just finished celebrating her 9th birthday, but she doesn't want to sleep alone in her own room. Her parents Jennie Kipps and Rufus Kipps say they don't believe her about Moontail.


Abby Kipps goes to bed where she gets into trouble with Moontail because she tried avoiding sleeping alone in her room.

Rising Action

Moontail takes Abby Kipps into dreams, a world that only Kitsunes can create. Here Moontail reminds Abby Kipps of what she's doing and why.


Abby Kipps mines gems for Moontail, putting them in a bucket, until she's past the point of exhaustion.

Falling Action

Jennie Kipps and Rufus Kipps find Abby Kipps dead in the morning.


Moontail and Abby Kipps are in Harmony Veil where Moontail must help Abby Kipps finish crossing over.   Note: Abby Kipps sees other souls. Flowers?
2 Aurora 1990 IE
Plot type
Chapter/Short Story
Parent Plot
Related Organizations
Related Locations

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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