Kingdom of Accia Organization in Emynea | World Anvil

Kingdom of Accia

This kingdom encompasses almost every territory of Eluziar, especially those of the Eluzian Valley. While it could be considered an empire, Accians continue to call their country a kingdom and their leader a king. The kingdom was founded by Accia Syltharis and the Aethid Sylthari after the Downfall of the Erlithmanil. The Syltharis royal line descends from these two and the line remains unbroken.

There was a long period during the Free Era in which the king ruled only symbolically. Wars were frequently waged between the different regions of Eluziar, between different self-proclaimed nobility, for control of the fertile valley blessed by Oril. It was a little over two hundred years ago that the Syltharis line reunited Eluziar under their rule by bringing together and establishing the The Ten Houses, ten duchies recognized by the crown and granted land rights. After regaining control over their homeland, the kingdom turned its attention outward with the ambition of unifying all of Emynea under their kingdom. They also declared the beginning of a new era, the Accian Era. They support their empire with the exploits of their conquests but they also believe their goal will bring stability to Emynea as it has brought stability to the valley. They believe they can organize a world without struggle if they can conquer and manage all lands, facilitating trade without boundaries.

By the year 207 AE, the kingdom has conquered most of Eluziar, Alkelbulan and Yaxiya. King Ambrose Syltharis occupies the throne and is determined to see his ancestors' ambition through himself. His son, Prince Aldric, is set to join the military training program very soon alongside the ten House heirs.

The kingdom is continuing to push forward at several fronts but also seeks to stabilize or expand its territories through diplomacy and political unions more than it has in the past. Their current frontiers are the Isthmus of the Huntsman, al-Arabiyyah , the Frozen Wastes, Suwarnadwipa, KwaZulu and Nippon. All other lands beyond these points are a mystery to the kingdom and they assume they are on the precipice of conquering all of Emynea. Two or more continents and many isles lay beyond their awareness. However, the portions of their world they have managed to absorb leave the kingdom extraordinarily diverse.


The kingdom is ruled by the Syltharis royal line and supported by The Ten Houses. The King has the right to re-assign these positions to different noble families and they ultimately answer to him. However, for the sake of stability these alterations are not done lightly or often. Most Houses consist of descendants of the original ten nobles who aligned themselves with the kingdom. There are many noble families from all across Eluziar but ten of these lines stand above the rest, chosen by the crown to oversee all lesser nobility. These ten hold the title of Duke or Duchess, all other nobles falling under their House. Amid the kingdom's conquest, new territories are granted to different houses, depending on contribution and favor. Then these lands are distributed by this duke or duchess to lesser nobles falling within their House. Most actual governance falls to these lesser nobility but are subject to the whims of the head of their House. The pecking order is as follows:

Earl (Count)


The demography of the kingdom contains a myriad of smaller but mostly Eluzian subgroups. Each of the territories within the kingdom still display and maintain their own traditions and even languages, finding the diversity of the kingdom to be a point of national pride. However, there are still those within the kingdom who dislike or distrust cultures not of Eluziar and believe their way of life superior. The most prevalent demographic aside from Eluzian is Alkelbulian but they have had a sudden influx of Yaxiyan recruits and citizens after their conquests of Zhongguo, a slurry of aliances with their neighbors following this victory. There are little to no Beyonders in the kingdom and very few Arabiyy or Masriyyin. Among Eluzians, Ostmen and Daoine are the least populous.

Foreign Relations

Makeda Samrawit
Many of the royal lines of the lands they've conquered or allied with have sent their heirs to rub shoulders with Prince Aldric Syltharis whether this be friendship, co-operation or even marriage. The female heirs of Zhongguo, Bharat and Gaarreen Ho'aa in particular have joined the military training program with the prince, hoping to grow closer to him and secure an engagement. These are Shi Yang, Wu Zetian, Eshana Chakrabarti and Makeda Samrawit. Seo Yul from Joseon and Baahir Ilnidhotep, son of Ilnid, have also been placed in close proximity to Prince Aldric.

Beyond this, the kingdom is feeling out the House of Yamato in Nippon to assess if conquest or alliance is the better route. They also have active warfronts at the Isthmus of the Huntsman and To Rong Lua. There are territories and peoples within the borders of their kingdom they are unable to traverse safely or communicate with at all. These include Mexica and their pirates, the Ostmen lands atop Skaney, the reclusive merchants of the Frozen Wastes and the deep sea settlements of Suwarnadwipa.



The Kingdom of Accia has a military which is carefully organized and structured, taking training very seriously. The Accian Military Training Program is an intensive and mandatory program every citizen from every territory is required to attend before service. It is designed by the kingdom's scholars to maximize the skills and magic of each soldier as well as their ability to use their abilities in tandem with eachother. Ten man units are formed with this ideal in mind but recruits are also trained to function within their overall division, switching between these two modes as commanded. The intensive training and organization is what has allowed the kingdom to spread its influence so far. Like their political structure, they divide up their military into tens, mimicking the Erlithmanil themselves as ten is viewed as a divine number.


While there are many colleges across the kingdom, for mages or scholars, there are also schools present on more local levels which teach citizens basic math, language and history. The largest and most thorough education for an Accia begins when they attend AMTP, every citizen of every territory enlisted at the age of 16. Most colleges will only accept those who have finished their military service. However, there have been extremely gifted individuals who have managed to pass the graduation exam all on their own like Albert Monet.

Otherwise, the common citizen is more likely born into serfdom or into a family of artisans or performers while others are born into a household of merchants, pastorialists or even fishermen. Serfs receive no more than a common education in local schools, if even that, while children of artisans and performers begin learning their trade directly from their parents or secure apprenticeships after service. Outside of the opportunities in AMTP and the benefits offered to established veterans, there is very little socio-economic movement. These opportunities garner further loyalty and support from Accian citizens as their sole ray of hope for a better life! Even if its foreign lands which pay the price.

Agriculture and Trade

The bulk of agriculture for the kingdom takes place in the Eluzian Valley which had been blessed by Ylithuum (or more specifically their aspect Oril) to be endlessly fertile. Fresh nutrients seep out from Oril's Plane itself every day. Additionally, the expansion of their borders has widened the kingdom's economy extensively. With so many territories under their control, they have established highly beneficial trade deals for the kingdom, heavily weighed in their favor and fueled by further conquest.


Known Map of Emynea, Accian Empire
This is the kingdom's map of Emynea. All other lands have yet to be mapped by the kingdom but they have dubbed the mysterious lands to their south "The Continent Beyond"


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