Units Organization in Emynea | World Anvil


As seen in
Many structures within the Kingdom of Accia are organized into sets of ten, mimicking the Erlithmanil themselves. Units are one of these structures. These units are present in both the Accian Military itself and the Accian Military Training Program. Recruits are immediately grouped together in this way once they join the program. Many recruits go on to serve alongside the unit-mates they trained alongside once they begin their military service. The average unit comprises of:

Aerial Combatant/Support
Close Combatant
Close Combatant
Mid-Ranged Combatant
Long Range Combatant
Enhancement Support
Control Support
Mobile Support/Cavalry
Command Support
Special Support/Combatant

Aerial Combatant/Support: Most Aerial Division members are combatants but, depending on how their unit is balanced, they can also play support roles as well. They also generally act as scouts, messengers and guards thanks to their mobility and, for those blessed by Besida, superior vision. Hit and run tactics, ambushes and charges are also frequently utilized by these members.

Close Combatants: The two primary close combatants are responsible for engaging the enemy and holding the line so their less combative and ranged allies can perform their roles as smoothly as possible. They rely on the enhancement, command and control supports to guide, aid and manipulate the battlefield to their advantage. They keep close-range opponents away from the long-ranged combatants and supports. It isn't unheard of, however, for some supports to join them on the front line depending on their individual skills and Racial Magic. Most are Infantry Division.

Mid- Range Combatant: This member generally fights at a close-to-mid range using auras, pushes, breaths or other similar abilities but are still capable of fighting close-range if necessary. They often occupy the space between the front and back lines, many acting to defend the less combative or long-ranged members of their unit depending on the strategy being employed. Many of these are also enhancement support, utilizing Mental Manifestations at a comfortable distance.

Long-Range Combatant: These are almost always Ranged Division members. They possess AoE (Area of Affect) or more targeted Racial Magic. They generally hang in the background, covering holes in close combatants defenses, taking out problem targets or preparing large scale ranged attacks. Some are even skilled assassins, picking off enemies while the close combatants keep them distracted. While their primary skills/duties are long-ranged combat, they are at least trained with some close-combat skills for when the line is broken. Some even take to riding along with the mobile support/cavalry but this varies by unit. They are often the last line of defense for any non-combative support members.

Enhancement Support: These unit-mates work to buff, revitalize or otherwise aid their combative allies. Some are able to enhance the physical or magic abilities of their allies while others can affect morale or reduce exhaustion. Some of these can double as healers and not all play purely support roles. There are enhancement division recruits who also qualify as infantry or ranged combatants. Will Physical Manifestations manifestations and Mental Manifestations are common to the Enhancement Division.

Control Support: These members have the ability to affect the battlefield itself in some way. This can be hindering the enemy or boosting allies while others are able to compliment the magic of an ally. Summoning rain, increasing gravity, manipulating shadows. There are many different kinds of control supports and they are carefully selected to compliment their allies' abilities. Most tend to hang in the background, staying out of danger, while others are able to fight on the front line. It differs by unit. All count themselves a member of the Control Division and many have Manipulation or Aura manifestations.

Mobile Support/Cavalry: The focus of this position is mobility. Whether the individual utilizes this mobility to support and rescue allies or as a mounted combatant also ranges between units. Some are able to play both roles, switching between priorities depending on the flow of battle. Mobile supports focus on scouting, rescuing downed allies, delivering supplies, transporting allies and the like. Cavalry tend to utilize their mobility, whether from mount, manifestation or form, to charge, flank or overwhelm opponents.

Command Support: These members play a unique but vital role within the unit. They possess some kind of racial magic which allows them to perceive the battlefield in a special way and/or to maintain communication between members of the unit. Perceptive manifestations such as Eyes, Sense or Empathy are a common skill as are Voice and Imprint manifestations. They often issue orders but aren't necessarily always the leader. Most are still required to learn basic leadership and strategy despite this. Some are able to fight on the front line but they are generally encouraged to hang in the background so they can focus on communication.

Special Combatant/Support: Those of the Special Division tend to play roles of sabotage, assassination, debilitation or similar tactics to impede the enemy amid battle. Some can drain an enemy of energy, slow them, poison them or plant traps. Their focus can range drastically between individuals. Many fight on the front lines or utilize some kind of mobility to slip in and out of danger—some even prefer stealth. Those of the Special Division are those who don't fall neatly into another division or have very specialized skills.

Most units follow this basic structure. However, because forms and individual skills can vary wildly, there are plenty of units whose members dip into and out of various divisions and roles. The kingdom carefully organizes these units by hiring strategists from the kingdom's various colleges. The administration department of the training program carefully monitors the skills, progress and synergy of the recruits and adjusts these units carefully over the two years every recruit spends within the program. By the time they reach service, most have their particular niche figured out. It is this structure and these highly specialized soldiers which have led to the incredible success and advancement of the Accian Empire.


Founding Date
3 AE
Military, Other
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Species

Known Recruit Units:



This article isn't quite finished yet! Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article, you can expect more here in the future!


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