Cel Tradat Organization in Emynea | World Anvil

Cel Tradat

One of the Ten Houses of the Kingdom of Accia. Their family is famous for a very rare racial magic, a specific kind of Riptalis' Form which grants them the features of a dark dragon. This is often accompanied by Siptalis magic such as Touch or Aura. The Cel Tradats rule over the southern portion of the valley and have roots within the Tenebrous Chain, back before Zalikar's vengeance against their ancestors.
The Cel Tradats have gained considerably stronger influence as the King's Shadows gained prominence, their current Duchess Lola Cel Tradat serving as one of the five primary leaders in this organization—their Empath. Their current heir, Danut Cel Tradat is also a close friend of Prince Aldric Syltharis. His only rival for the position of leading the Aerial Division in the future was Martia Aquila but now Tia Minx is rising as another candidate. The Cel Tradats have maintained a positive relationship with the Minx and Espina Houses, their direct neighbors as well as a healthy rivalry with the Minx and Aquila Houses. They tend to lean towards supportive Aerial roles rather pure combative roles as these two other houses are more prone to.

The Cel Tradats once lived in the valley and foothills of the southern Eluzian Valley. But before Zalikar's Vengeance, they were his personal guard. Some of their people have returned to the Chain over the centuries but this family has set down strong roots in the valley. This has instead created strong ties and alliances between the Cel Tradats and the Minx House who watch over the mountainous region they descended from. There is quite a bit of mixing between their lower nobility especially while the Minx and Cel Tradats themselves possess a healthy co-operation and rivalry from time to time. There was certainly a period in their history where things were less peaceful but, as the kingdom expands, they have lost their motivations to fuss over who controls what border. There is a schism within the family, some still revering Zalikar, proud of their previous trusted position, while the others instead carry nothing but disdain for the Dark King, going so far as to swear their own vengeance against him.

Geopolitical, Duchy
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Family Leader
Head of State
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

This article isn't quite finished yet! Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article, you can expect more here in the future!


These two families greatly rely on each other and have excellent alliances. The Cel Tradats offer stalwart protection of their port city in return for beneficial trade deals. Both of these families are also close to the royal family, both Ambrose and Aldric, and play active, stable roles within the political sphere.


While they had quarreled in the past, under the umbrella of the kingdom their two families have developed strong marriage bonds among their lesser nobility and have come to rely on each other for trade. They've become neighborly, competing only for the position of leading the Aerial Division. However, while the Minx focus on combat, the Cel Tradats focus more on support or even sabotage instead. These two Houses have considerable respect for each other.


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