Supay the Huntsman Character in Emynea | World Anvil

Supay the Huntsman

Chakuq Supay (a.k.a. The Huntsman)



Chakuq of the
Chakuqpa Runan

Chakuqpa Runan
Tawantinsuyu Empire


Supay is another mysterious but influential figure. His origins, background and even racial magic are unknown, especially to his enemies in the Kingdom of Accia. Those who know who Supay is are incredibly tight-lipped, carrying an immense reverence for him. Two things are obvious about Supay. He uses powerful magic related to Banalkar or Lunil and that he comes from the Continent Beyond. Supay is often called Chakuq or Nkongo by locals of the Isthmus of the Huntsman. This title means the hunter and his men are the Chakuqpa Runan—the men of the hunter. They appeared more than three years ago, sweeping into Musi Kongo and driving Accian forces back. As this conflict dragged out, he and his men settled into Pakaysacha and began acting as their guardians in return for safe haven. Eventually, they had their first major victory in what came to be called the Mauling of the Iron Fort. Now they are doing all they can to hold out against the seeming full brunt of the kingdom's attention and similar stirrings from the Tawantinsuyu Empire at their back.

Further adding to Supay's mysterious persona, he is somehow associated with Mina Minx, mother of Tia Minx. She has fled the kingdom and is currently stashed away in Pakaysacha under his protection while they prepare and plot.
Mina appears particularly surprised to find Supay has a son he calls Pachacutec. To all others he is known as Niro. This son is a recruit within the Accian Military Training Program and certainly shadows his father in remaining a mystery to his cohorts, including Tia. Pacha tends to use his own mysterious racial magic to visit his father to enjoy their monthly hunt. Pacha has increasingly wanted to become involved in the affairs of Pakaysacha and the Chakuqpa Runankuna but Supay doesn't want to endanger Pacha, not after all he has and continues to endure!


The first thing that will strike anyone who meets Supay is his sheer enormity! He is ridiculously large and bulky and makes no attempt to conceal how this delights him. He looks more like a fantastical statue than a man, unrealistically tall and muscular. Yet far more bewildering is his tendency to remain absolutely naked—much to Mina's frustration. Supay detests clothing. His racial magic often destroys whatever he wears and he has decidedly given up trying, fully comfortable in his nudity. When in public, he is more likely to manifest fur or the like to cover himself rather than wear clothes. In fact, he is more likely to wear accessories and gear than he is to wear anything which might restrict his transformations or movements. It is also an aspect which makes him a terrifying foe: a massive, naked opponent who often appears more beast than human.
He frequently switches between bestial attributes at his convenience, his transformations more drastic than most are capable of. And even when all of his beastial features fade, he almost always keeps his prominent fangs. It leaves him with an oddly charming smile!

Cis Male
Skin Tone

Raven Black


It isn't clear what Supay's magic is. He seems able to cycle through a number of bestial forms at will and these transformations are far more drastic than most Form manifestations. Rather than taking on a handful of small attributes or even one or two major ones, Supay transforms into a variety of anthropomorphic beasts! He uses these abilities openly and readily but his other abilities, which some might very rarely witness, he is far more secretive about. Only those who manage to earn the title of chakuqpa runan know the full breadth of his abilities and they are sworn into secrecy. The Kingdom of Accia has assumed him a Divine Descendant of Banalkar, Lunil or some mystery Aethid.


He comes across first as being brash, blunt, wild and reckless but a sharp intellect hides underneath this. He is comical but thoughtful, curt but perceptive, charming but coarse, amicable but mysterious. He is a very complex individual and it takes time to come to understand him. Yet despite whatever coy games and tricks, his love of fun and cat and mouse, his steadfast loyalty and unrelenting values always remain his backbone.


Not much is known about Supay's past, even among his chakuqpa runankuna. While he is Tawantinsuyu he doesn't seem to have any loyalty to their empire. He actually becomes grim or reserved if not bitter when discussing the empire itself, not fond of the premise. They are a grudging ally for him. Supay and his men came to the Isthmus on their own initiative, dissatisfied with the empire dragging their feet on the matter. There are even those within the empire who resent Supay for stepping in and making an enemy of the kingdom. But he has no taste for politics. He is a man of action first, cunning second. But one should never underestimate his cunning.


Supay is quite proud of his role in the Mauling of the Iron Fort. He is less than pleased with the conduct of a number of his men that night, make no mistake, but the satisfaction of making Colonel Gunther Stahlmann eat his own arrogance is one of his proudest moments. He is also incredibly proud of Pakaysacha, once a small village turned safe haven and cultural hub. He watches over this village like a proud father, bursting with satisfaction at how his city thrives alongside nature and brings the two cultures of the Tawantinsuyu and local Bakongo together.


Supay detests human greed, selfishness and any way they place themselves above the natural world. He particularly hates politics and rampant commerce. Of anyone who hurts the natural world for the gain of a few. The complex web of nature is the ultimate wealth to Supay and he has a heightened sense for how anything and everything impacts this. He only respects people who are able to live as a part of the food web rather than trying to outsmart or even alter it. He will often play games with people to find out "what kind of human" they are. Despite his bulky body and seeming brashness, he appreciates intelligence just as much as he appreciates strength—strength is simply the more straightforward quality to prove. Beyond this, he is extremely attached to those he has bonded to and extraordinarily loyal. He won't hesitate to point his immense ferocity toward anyone who threatens these people. He will not take part in or tolerate the destruction of nature, not even the smallest ecosystems. They are all precious to him.

Known Languages

He speaks Accian and the languages of both the Tawantinsuyu and Bakongo, Runasimi and Kikongo. He appears to be familiar with a number more but won't answer honestly if questioned on this.


Mina Minx
Mina Minx is an old friend of his and he will sometimes call her Chía. This is a mystery to even his chakuqpa runankuna. His fervent infatuation with her is obvious but Mina is avidly committed to her marriage with Allen Minx, even with the current distance between them. Yet Supay is loyal through and through to and doesn't let unrequited feelings get in the way of their alliance.

While Supay can be mysterious and intimidating in front of most people, he can be extremely playful, catty and even silly around those he cares for. He transforms into a boisterous, warm life of any gathering. He'll often even use his magic for jokes or generally silliness, taking up goofy looking forms. Anything to put a smile on the faces of those he loves.


The situation with his son Pachacutec is complex. He is Supay's only son and he treasures him immensely. However, for undisclosed reasons his son isn't able to live with him. He goes by the name Niro within the Kingdom of Accia. His mother is Accian nobility and his birth was an immense scandal for their family. This was long before Supay arrived as the Huntsman and only those involved know the details of his conception. Either way, Niro lives in Accia, slipping away when he can to visit his father. It's no secret he wishes he could stay, that his life in Accia is less than happy. It is one of many aspects further fueling Supay's distaste for Accia.

Supay will occasionally mention being a peacekeeper of sorts between his younger siblings who don't seem to care for Mina. They are off resisting the kingdom in their own ways, seeming to keep in touch with Supay from time to time. Supay has a tumultuous relationship with their mother, finding her tricky and dangerous. There is much Supay and she don't agree on but they still respect each other's values.


Living up to his moniker, Supay is an avid huntsman. He enjoys every interlocking details, tricks and ploys involved in a good hunt. He also feels he can tell everything he needs to know about a man by watching him hunt. He and his son meet up every month and he prefers to find his own meal every night.