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Slightly NSFW!
Kamonson has a long history of being a haven for pirates, scoundrels, and ne'er-do-wells, with gangs and syndicates vying for control over the trade routes, harbors, and taverns. The city is situated on the coast of the Farenian Sea, making it an ideal location for pirate ships to hide out and resupply before heading back out to sea to wreak havoc on the high seas.   Kamonson's reputation as a city of pirates dates back centuries, to a time when piracy was rampant and widespread throughout the region. It was during this time that many of the most notorious pirate captains made Kamonson their home base, using the city's lawless environment to their advantage as they plundered merchant ships, attacked coastal towns, and evaded capture from the Farenian Empire's naval forces.   Despite its reputation, Kamonson remains a thriving port city, with a bustling marketplace and a thriving population of merchants, sailors, and tradesmen. The city's leaders have turned a blind eye to the pirate activity that takes place within its borders, preferring to focus on the economic benefits that the pirate trade brings to the city. This has resulted in a delicate balance between the city's legitimate businesses and the criminal underworld, with both coexisting in a strange sort of symbiotic relationship.  
Kamonson by Tillerz using MidJourney
  Horfheiger Standingloaf and Che Luck are the most recent and perhaps most dangerous pirates to call Kamonson home.   Kamonson remains a city of contrasts, a place where legal and illegal enterprises coexist, where commerce and piracy rub elbows, and where the rule of law is often subverted by the will of the strongest. Whether Kamonson will ever shed its reputation as a city of pirates remains to be seen, but for now, it remains one of the most notorious ports in all of Farenia.  
In Kamonson town, the pirate's haunt
Their flag on high, they do flaunt
With cutlasses sharp and ships so grand
These pirate scallywags rule the land

Chorus: Oh ho ho, the pirate's life for me
In Kamonson town, we'll always be free
With gold and rum and a hearty crew
We'll sail the seas, me hearties, ho ho!

The Geertruud leads the pack with pride
With Horfheiger at her side
She sails the seas, taking what she please
Leaving merchants to their knees

Chorus: Oh ho ho, the pirate's life for me
In Kamonson town, we'll always be free
With gold and rum and a hearty crew
We'll sail the seas, me hearties, ho ho!

The sea is wild, the winds do blow
But fear not, me hearties, we've got to go
For adventure awaits, and treasure untold
In Kamonson town, where pirates bold

Chorus: Oh ho ho, the pirate's life for me
In Kamonson town, we'll always be free
With gold and rum and a hearty crew
We'll sail the seas, me hearties, ho ho!
A world full of wonders.
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Articles under Kamonson

Cover image: Kamonson by Tillerz using MidJourney


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Apr 18, 2023 11:02

Geertruud is everywhere!
I like it, sometime it seems she is a higher beeing that connects the world ^^

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  • Apr 20, 2023 06:22 by Tillerz

    True, she is like the narrator of the world. You know, like in these documentaries about ancient civilizations, where a writer is being cited/quoted every now and then about how they feel the world. :)

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