
Work in progress!
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Slightly NSFW!
Mo-Lung is the beautiful capital of Han that has been around since antiquity and is a melting pot of ancient northeastern civilizations and traditions. The population consists mainly of Possessed with some Dragonkin living on its outskirts.   It is also the residence of 111 wizards who are defining the governing head of The Veiled Republic.  
Mo-Lung by Tillerz using MidJourney

Flora and Fauna

  • Livestock: Brahma Chicken and Alatau (Cattle)
  • Prey: Mice, Rat, Deer, and Elk
  • Aquatic: Trout and Catfish
  • Trees: Rimu, Sugi, Hornbeam, and Pine
  • Grass: Tall Fescue Grass, Grey Fescue Grass, Tufted Hair Grass, and Leafy Reedgrass
  • Shrubs: Raspberry Bush, Barberry, Tomato Plant, and Lentil Plant
  • Moss: Brocade Moss and Haircap Moss
  • Vines: Traveller's Joy and Bleeding Heart


Total Population: 56568
Primary Race: Human
General Attitude: Critical and Hateful
  • Children: 13576
  • Adults: 36204
  • Elderly: 6788
  • Ill/Infirm: 5476
  • Known Criminals: 701
  • Urban Population: 54814
  • Rural Population: 1754


Walls: Great Wall
Natural Defences: River, Box Canyon, and Butte


Road Construction: Stone Paved Roads
Main Irrigation: Furrow Irrigation
Number of Districts: 9


Overall Architecture

  • Primary Building Style: Wooden
  • Secondary Building Styles: Stone, Thatched, and Marble
  • Aesthetics: Normal
  • Cleanliness: Disorderly
  • Upkeep: neglected


District 1
  • Type: Shanty Town
  • Population: 25941
  • Primary Building Style: Thatched
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Utilitarian
  • Cleanliness: dirty
  • Upkeep: Condemned
District 2
  • Type: Residential
  • Population: 12681
  • Primary Building Style: Wooden
  • Secondary Building Styles: Stone
  • Aesthetics: Normal
  • Cleanliness: Disorderly
  • Upkeep: Shabby
District 3
  • Type: Military
  • Population: 873
  • Primary Building Style: Wooden
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Functional
  • Cleanliness: Sterile
  • Upkeep: Handsom
District 4
  • Type: Oderiferous Business
  • Population: 4402
  • Primary Building Style: Wooden
  • Secondary Building Styles: Stone
  • Aesthetics: Rough
  • Cleanliness: Foul
  • Upkeep: Shabby
District 5
  • Type: Market
  • Population: 4332
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: Wooden
  • Aesthetics: Normal
  • Cleanliness: Tidy
  • Upkeep: Handsom
District 6
  • Type: Docks
  • Population: 3047
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: Wooden
  • Aesthetics: Tasteful
  • Cleanliness: Filthy
  • Upkeep: Lived-in
District 7
  • Type: Craftsmen
  • Population: 1759
  • Primary Building Style: Wooden
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Basic
  • Cleanliness: Disorderly
  • Upkeep: Well-Kept
District 8
  • Type: Industrial
  • Population: 613
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: Wooden
  • Aesthetics: Tasteful
  • Cleanliness: Disorderly
  • Upkeep: Handsom
District 9
  • Type: Patriarchate
  • Population: 1166
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: Marble
  • Aesthetics: Tasteful
  • Cleanliness: Tidy
  • Upkeep: Handsom


Stone Quarries

Rock Pit
  • Gathers Alabaster
  • 68 workers
Rock Pit
  • Gathers Travertine
  • 54 workers
Rock Pit
  • Gathers Chalk
  • 49 workers
Rock Pit
  • Gathers Serpentine
  • 50 workers
Rock Pit
  • Gathers Slate
  • 50 workers

Lumber Camps

Lumber Camp
  • Gathers Pine
  • 92 workers
Lumber Camp
  • Gathers Hornbeam
  • 93 workers
Lumber Camp
  • Gathers Rimu
  • 82 workers

Ore Mines

Slope Mine
  • Gathers Zinc
  • 91 workers
Shaft Mine
  • Gathers Cadmium
  • 160 workers

Points of interest

Special Features

  • War Memorial: 14.49 km east
  • Box Canyon: 16.81 km east
  • Butte: 17.48 km west
  • Ghost Town: 19.81 km northwest
  • Ancient Burial Grounds: 19.92 km southeast


Mo-Lung by Tillerz using MidJourney


Solution Karst
Elevation: 366 m above sea level
Distance from the Marine Coast: 353.90 km
Ground Cover: 76%

Water Features

  • Salinity: fresh
  • Depth: 3 m
  • Width: 177 m
  • Navigable: Yes
  • Upstream: Dangerous Rapids
  • Downstream: Gentle Rapids
  • Aquatic Animals: Catfish and Trout


Warm Temperate Forest
Avg. Annual Temperature: 12C
Avg. Annual Precipitation: 1.13 m
Avg. Annual Snowfall: 3.12 m
Seasons: Summer, Winter, Fall, and Spring
Prevailing Winds: southwest to northeast

Natural Resources


  • Metamorphic: Slate
  • Sedimentary: Serpentine, Chalk, Travertine, and Alabaster


  • Metals: Cadmium and Zinc


  • Semi-Precious: Jasper


  • Warm Seasons: Sorghum
  • Cool Seasons: Barley and Spelt
  • Food: Sorghum, Barley, and Spelt
  • Animal Feed: Sorghum and Barley


  • Root: Beets
  • Marrow: Pumpkin
  • Cruciferous: Brussel Sprout

Utility Crops

  • Oil: Linseed
A world full of wonders.

Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: Mo-Lung by Tillerz using MidJourney


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