Goltheris Geographic Location in Corive | World Anvil


Stub Article

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The City-Nation of Goltheris is on the southern side of the eastern coast of Soplas - home of Guilds and industry. Where the Southern people of Soplas weave magic into their daily lives and tasks, and none do more than Goltherines. The nation is a city, the city a nation. The city is broken into districts named for the towns absorbed into the growing city as it grow inland from the ocean.


The city started to grow from the coast after the Desert Tabaxi migrated from the oasis towns of the desert to the coast. If one stood at the top of the Law Tower, they could see most of the nation, with only [Far Desert] district to the north east and the far north district of Sandsink, sharing a border with [Factory-cities Kingdom].

Natural Resources

There is ocean fishing to the eastern border, and the central parts of Goltheris are farming communities, and then the desert districts are now mostly home to glass-crafters and the Goltherine military training camps in the sands and open view of where much of Soplas seems to come from.
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
Related Professions

Articles under Goltheris

Cover image: by Lyraine Alei, Midjourney


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