Revellia Canton Organization in Ardre | World Anvil

Revellia Canton

High Lord: Bethraal of Clan Beth
Sigil: A white boar, rampant, with a powder blue eye
Colors: Scarlet and Sky
Charm: "Only the Charge"   The Revellian Promontory is chiefly composed of five regions: the Front, the Ithir Plains, the Noddlands, the Fiirwood, and the Green Isle.


The myths of ancient days here are replete with tales of Monsters deep in the sea, Hadrash that invade from the coasts, and yes, Dragons slain by heroes. There are countless stories of great main slaying various dragons, and life or civilization or plenty coming forth from these acts. The most famous of which is Laoch Torin, who slew Itherion and drew the Hosts themselves out of its belly. These tales have a very foundational air about them, and yet many of them are at odds with the myths of the Monsters that supposedly birthed the land, and these likely represent the ancient myths of two separate peoples: the Norrish and the Aernigh, or the Viisianars and the early Milosians.   IMPERIAL AGE
As with most of Imperia and the Esterlands, Milos' Imperial Age is defined by the Old Orckid Empire. The Viisianars divided the Peninsula into ten governorates, some of whom helped to define modern regions, especially Basrael, which became modern Bastis, and Yvruel, which used this very name up until their signature of the Grand Geas and surrender of their monarchy, leading to them finally becoming the modern Yfri Fields. A few have suggested that Imperial Rathael may have been the precursor to Revellia, as it occupied the Saoirai region east of the River Nightfall, but given its proximity to the Rathlands, this seems unlikely.   EARLY ROYAL AGE
As with the rest of Milos, the Revellian Early Royal Age was ushered in by Cenedras the Liar, the hundred-and-twenty-third King of Kings, who expelled the Orckid Empire from the Peninsula centuries after the Great Collapse. Most Host Keepers will insist the faith has been in Milos since time immemorial, perhaps brought south by the Norrish, but it is likely the faith did not achieve its official structure until Cenedras' Conquest. A smattering of kings and conquests are recalled from this age, when the ten governorates of the Viisianars were slowly shaped into six of the seven cantons we recognize today.   LOST AGE
As the name implies, this uniquely Milosian era began with a mysterious conflict called the Death of Magic (or, in Revellia, the First Death of Magic), which involved the burning of the Great Spellery at Cantef in what is now Ethel. This burning, along with the hunting of Deinain-worshipping aethir and magicians of all faiths, essentially destroyed all history in the Peninsula for decades, possibly even centuries.   LATE ROYAL AGE
Spelling returned to Milos with the Khabarese Crusade. Their superior gear, strategy, and communications compelled kings from all over the Peninsula to reinstate wizards, who until then had been hiding in the deepest pockets of the land. With this, history returned, and history is ever defined by the men who most shaped it. As such, the late Royal Age of Revellia is best understood by looking at its kings.   Tranton of Gall
Harrek, called the Thief
Corris, called the Cat
Dorre, called the Gatekeeper
Corrik, called the Coward
Greeyan, called the Cold King
Maitiu, called the Winter King
Griin, called the Firebrand and the King Killer
Otgam, called the Western King, Cursfood, and Wolfsbane
Orman, called the Fearful, the Sunset King, and Orman Westfall
Garland I, called the Conqueror
Garland II, called the Glorious
Garland III, called the Grim
The Magistry of Allad Ainros
Gwydion, called the Great
The Regency of Ruarc Ainros
Gwynt, called the Ghastly
Barthos I, called the Beneficent
Bennerog, called the Green Boar
Collium, called the Constant
Dorreon I, called the Magnificent
Garland IV, sometimes called the Last King
Dorreon II, called the Green Prince
Barthos II, called the Bastard
Maitiu II
Bethraal I
Dorreon III, called the Desirous
Carn, called the Usurper
Dorren, called the Young King
Bethraal II, called the Beloved