Fiirwood Geographic Location in Ardre | World Anvil


A dark and haunted place, the Fiirwood (also called the Frozen Forest) is where the peasants whisper that Revali and Werewolves still roam the land, looking to avenge the fall of their people on unsuspecting travelers. Sweeping aside these old myths, the woods are home to hosts of dangerous animals: bears, wolves, grimlings, blood-sucking bats, as well as venomous snakes, toads, and even rodents. This is to say nothing of the numerous toxic plants found deep in the Faemire, a bog in the eastern Fiirwoold south of Cullan's Lake, where it is said even the trees have poisonous moss that is deadly to the touch.   Despite these dangers, there are many peasants scattered throughout the woods. They are sometimes called Fiirfolk, but the outside world usually dismisses them as Siiari, since the vast majority of these peasants are of Siiari blood. The peasants of the Fiirwood have no unifying name for themselves, divided as they are into various tiny "clans" whose names are unknown to the outside world. Pollen the Proud claims that many different cultures spring up in the Fiirwood, due to the isolationist nature of these little families.   While the Eastern Fiirwood is often the subject of anxiety and mystery, the Western Fiirwood is nightmare made manifest. Ruled over by Clan Maraigh and its vassals, the Aadhs, Siirs, and Ruus, this frozen slaughterhouse is the site of common blood sacrifices, cannibalism, and perpetual warfare between the powerful, for which the isolated peasantry always pay the price in lives lost.

Fauna & Flora

Alternative Name(s)
The Frozen Forest
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
Location under
Owning Organization
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