Wedding Town Settlement in Ardre | World Anvil

Wedding Town

A tiny port town directly east of Revelback, Wedding was built to communicate directly with Aerwoth to the north. The town has existed for centuries, long before Revelback became the capital, due to the historic power of the city (and Clan Beth).   The name "Wedding" is supposedly a corruption of "Wothing," from the Aernigh for "little port." Still, the name has compelled many young couples to flee to the town to be married, and as such the once-humble Hostel of Wedding has grown great and beautiful over the years. Ironically, while the sunrises at the shoreline of Wedding are lovely, many elopers find themselves somewhat disillusioned when they see (and smell) the small, relatively simple fishing community.   Wedding is one of the oldest small towns to be found in Revellia, with some evidence suggesting it was old even in the early Royal Age. In all that time, it has been held by Clan Dylaen. Whilst every other vassal of Clan Beth might rise and fall in favor as they play politics, Clan Dylaen has always stood high in the Cape of Monsters. Claiming mutual descent from the legendary Baarach of Beth, Clan Dylaen is oft thought to have been the earliest Host Keepers in the region, possibly converting before even Cenedras' Invasion.   Like most towns and villages, Wedding's defenses are minimal. The Green Tower, built during the Second Brothers Rebellion, is a stout citadel into which the peasants may flee from sudden attack, but it lacks by far the resources to withstand a prolonged siege. Unsurprisingly, the standard response to violence is for the citizens to retreat west to Revelback, the capital city, only a few day's journey away.   Wedding is of course the primary source of fish for Revelback, Timber Town, the Spada, and even Miller's Range, whose peasants are often too focused on farming to take advantage of the River Realta to the west.
Alternative Name(s)
The Woth
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization

Cover image: JD Medaeris with Armoria