Peint, called Dead Magic Myth in Ardre | World Anvil

Peint, called Dead Magic

Peinting was supposedly an ancient magic that revolved around painting the body with special dyes that could grant the practitioner great powers. Typically, these were applied in combat, though some have suggested the magic had other uses.   Dead Magic was primarily associated with the Peinti people in central and southern Milos, though there are supposedly legends in Liddinawth, Vaina, and even Tsirakan in the Far West that might allude to a similar magic involving patterns and color-specific incantations.   In the Early Royal Age, peinting reemerged in Milos as a war ritual. Great fighters would peint their faces in certain colors and patterns meant to either display or grant them certain qualities. Most notably, kings and warchiefs would paint their clan sigil upon themselves in purple, to symbolize their courage and the righteousness of their causes. This tradition does still persist today, found some the wealthier Leante military commanders, as well as some Rathi communities and a handful of Siiari bandits.  
Primal Colors
  RED: Fury. This may also have been associated with Harcus the Burning Ram, the Deinain god of sunrise.
BLUE: Sorrow. This may also have been associated with both Uxxiol, the King of Tears and Ottnum of the Frozen Eye, the latter most likely because of ice's association with the color blue.
YELLOW: Joy. This may also have been associated with Eskri the Cow Queen, linking yellow to both the Moon and fertility.  
High Colors
  PURPLE: Courage. This may also have been associated with Lothar Lawgiver, more for his connection to kings than necessarily with courage.
GREEN: Wisdom. This may have been more strongly associate with wild and dangerous Deinain gods, such as Crulos the Horned God, Gorsecc the Howler, and even Sena Dona, suggesting that wisdom is dangerous and unstable, a direct contrast to the order offered by Lothar Lawgiver.
ORANGE: Love. This may also have been associated with the Deinain "Spring Trio," Faena the Robin of Spring, Faereann the Queen of Light, and Filain the Fool.  
Noble Colors (Shades)
  BLACK: Life. This was likely associated with Walth and Tuall, the creator gods of the Deinain.
WHITE: Death. This was likely also associated with Milgroff Muler, the Deinain god of death.