Viisianari Ethnicity in Ardre | World Anvil


Tall, slender, and beautiful, with skin the color of the rich soils of the earth, and hair like sunlight and moonlight, the Viisianari ruled over Kynaj for thousands of years. The Old Orckid Empire dominated three quarters of the continent, covering the northern half and stretching down to the southern tip of Milos. They were masters of High Magic, a force that allowed them to summon monsters from thin air, to command unwavering loyalty from the people they conquered, and supposedly enabled them to bend the earth itself to their will. The empresses (and occasional emperors) were recorded to rule for hundreds of years, and even the mighty kingdom of Brevessaria (modern Vaina) could not stand against them.   The Old Orckid Empire fell to the Mornal Invasion from across the Bitter Sea, creating the New Orckid Empire (and shortly thereafter the Great Collapse). Though it is technically true that the Mornals defeated them, it is widely agreed that the Viisianari undid themselves. The Old Orckid Empire had stretched too far, government was too decentralized, and infighting amongst the dominant families had become too great, allowing the invaders to take nearly half the Empire before a response could even begin.   After the Conquest, the surviving Viisianari wandered the land as nomads, finally founding Viis Zoroth after the Great Collapse. Today, the Viisianari are culturally divided between the Narians, who strive to gather power and reclaim the glory of the Old Orckid Empire, and the Viisi nomads who continue to wander, listening for their ancient gods to speak to them again.

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