Great Library of Bridgeport

Work in progress!
ORC License
Slightly NSFW!
The Great Library of Bridgeport is one of the largest and oldest libraries in Farenia. It houses valuable ancient manuscripts, books, maps, scrolls and artifacts from all over the globe. The library existed even before the city was founded; Bridgeport had been built ontop of the ruins of an ancient settlement, and the library was one of the few buildings that was still mostly intact. Its ground level parts have undergone many changes, but the many basement levels resisted any modification tries and are still a mystery.  
Great Library by Tillerz using MidJourney
The Librarians
The librarians of the Guild of Cartographers, Mapmakers and Scribes are professionally sorting, indexing and copying many of the documents. None of them are ever leaving the library. If you want to read anything, you have to do it there.   Many of the librarians are last year students of the Arcane Academy, earning themselves a bit of money and using their job as easy access to all the books they might need. The official outfit of the librarians is a green uniform with golden decor, including a vest and a skirt or trousers.   GM info / spoilers.  
Great Library Basement by Tillerz using MidJourney


  • Great Library of Bridgeport
The map of Bridgeport, a harbour city located in the south of Farenia, showcases a maritime center characterized by vibrant activity and bustling trade. Unlike other cities in Farenia, Bridgeport's harbour opens onto a different sea, setting it apart and granting it a unique status. To bolster its connectivity and reinforce its importance in regional trade, the ambitious Bridgeport Channel project is underway. Not everyone is pleased with the construction of the new channel, leading to a surge in violent resistance...  
Bridgeport by Tillerz using MidJourney

Parent Location

Articles under Great Library of Bridgeport

Cover image: Great Library by Tillerz using MidJourney


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Feb 18, 2023 23:53 by Höbin Luckyfeller

I knew there was a heaven. I just knew it. ....and it was filled with books.   Just take me to the basement, leave me there with a barrel of Black Seed Rum and a manual generator flashlight.   I'm good.   Thank you, Tillerz, for giving a gnome hope for the afterlife.

Feb 19, 2023 09:42 by Tillerz


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