
Work in progress!
ORC License
Slightly NSFW!
Jamond's wealthy parents live in Olena Ora in the Kingdom of Lymyra. Jamond fled from the harsh regime of his father to become an artist, a profession his dad despises. He is a successful writer of lyrics and plays for the Guild of Actors and Entertainers, he paints, draws, and also sculpts. Jamond's father is trying to bring him back to Olena Ora, by force if needed. Preparations of a kidnapping are ongoing. But Jamond has powerful and watchful friends in Bridgeport, a first attempt got prevented, and Jamond didn't even realize it happened.   He is the only one who knows of the relationship between Fabia and Viola, his latest work for the Opera House is actually about the two women and the struggle between their families, the Garibaldis and Calafados. Currently he is working on a marble statue of Viola Calafado and Fabia Garibaldi.  
Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Bridgeport, where we lay our scene,
Two women of high birth, both bright and fair,
Folio Garabundi, and Violet Calamino,
Daughters of rival families, do reside.

But Cupid's arrow, sharp and swift, doth strike,
And in the hearts of these two maidens, love
A flame doth kindle, that doth blaze so bright,
None but their friend, Jafar, doth know thereof.

Jafar, an elvish sculptor, wise and true,
Is privy to the love these maidens share,
And though their families, in enmity,
Stand fiercely rivaled, he hath naught to fear.

For he hath carved with skillful hand and heart,
A statue of the two, entwined in love,
That doth declare their love, though they apart,
Shall always live, within the heavens above.

And so, these maidens, hidden in the night,
Do steal away to gaze upon the stone,
And there they whisper soft and sweet, their plight,
Of love, that shall outlive this mortal life alone.

Thus, in this tale of love, that hath no end,
Do Folio and Violet, in each other's arms,
Find solace, and a love, that shall defend,
Their bond, from all the world's harsh, cruel harms.
— Foleo & Violet by Jamond



best male friend (Important)

Towards Viola Calafado



Viola Calafado

best female friend (Important)

Towards Jamond




best male friend (Important)

Towards Fabia Garibaldi



Fabia Garibaldi

best female friend (Important)

Towards Jamond



The map of Bridgeport, a harbour city located in the south of Farenia, showcases a maritime center characterized by vibrant activity and bustling trade. Unlike other cities in Farenia, Bridgeport's harbour opens onto a different sea, setting it apart and granting it a unique status. To bolster its connectivity and reinforce its importance in regional trade, the ambitious Bridgeport Channel project is underway. Not everyone is pleased with the construction of the new channel, leading to a surge in violent resistance...  
Bridgeport by Tillerz using MidJourney

Current Location
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