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Worldbuilding Summer Camp 2023

Somewhere in your setting, describe
A myth or truth about the meaning of your universe
A total of 97 entries

L'Eveil de l'Aube au Crépuscule

The Eternal Harmony of Mirador

The Creation of the Sun, the Lantern of the Custodians

The woman who asked for everything and the boy who asked for nothing

The penitent demons and the stone-hearted dragon

The Birth of Rolara and the Old Gods

The Veil of the Sol and the coming of The Fall

Reality Encoded: Unveiling the Parallels Between Game Mechanics and Existential Truths

The Intricate Setup of The Arcane Universe

The Source of Abnormality Energy

Das Lied von der Großen Hochzeit

The ultimate fate of souls of the honored dead

The Book of Scrirocco - The Origin Tales