BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Dragon


Legend has it that a mighty dragon, the ruler of the planets and giver of life landed on one of those planets. The mighty beast was pleased with what he saw and was surprised how prospers the people on the planet were. He knew for a fact that there was no other planet quite like this one, two individuals rushed towards the dragon. Pleading with him to not destroy their world, to spare his creation. The two were members of separate families, that had led their people. The Empyrea's and Hemera's. The dragon was pleased with their willingness to give their lives for the greater good, so he gave them a gift.   A gemstone that was made out of his own breath, and a piece of metal made from one of his scales. He promised that their children will one day rule all of his creation, and he left. Never to be seen again.

Historical Basis

There is however no proof that a dragon ever landed on one of the planets, it is however well proven that not long after the recording more of those crystals were found alongside the steel. Which became the lifeline of the empire and the start of the build of the Dragonship.   It would only take another 100 years before they finally took flight and started to expend their good fortune with the rest of the planets and moons.


This story is well known inside the Dragonship Empire and is the foundation of their history and belief.

Variations & Mutation

The only variation in the story is the question of who got what. Did the Empyrea get the Dragonfire Crystal or the Dragonsteel, and the same question can be asked about the Hemera.   It is also not clear which family claims the one or the other.

In Art

by nightcafe
by nightcafe
Date of First Recording
Year 99
Date of Setting
Year 99, but it can be much sooner
Summer camp July
Generic article | Jun 9, 2024
Dragonfire Crystal
Material | Jul 28, 2023
Dragonfire technology
Technology / Science | Jul 26, 2023
Material | Jul 26, 2023
Dragonhead viper
Species | Jul 31, 2023


Cover image: by nightcafe


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Aug 7, 2023 01:04 by Deleyna Marr

It is a fun twist that it is unclear who got what. Fascinating how it inspires them to reach out and explore!

Aug 7, 2023 04:30 by Nathalia Books

And exploring they did, not in a good way.

Every story starts with a dream, so start dreaming