A Synthetic Origin Myth in Astraesto | World Anvil
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A Synthetic Origin

A theory without evidence, without proof, yet believed nevertheless

Well, we can't say it gives us much meaning now, can we? It seems to me it's a theory that wants a god as a creator, just not in the way religion is often expressed. Perhaps it is a desire for beings beyond our power, capable of creating stars through means not yet out of our reach, rather than the divine.
— Unknown
The theory of a Synthetic Origin is a minor - though culturally relevant, theory of the creation of the Universe, and the galaxies within it, including the Galaxy of Astraesto. As the name of the theory would suggest, the Synthetic Origin theory involves the creation of the Universe through artificial means, a change that separates it from a theory of religious creation, and that several higher Universes than the one in which Humanity resides exists.   The vast majority of scientists remain confident in the Big Bang Theory and wholeheartedly reject any notion of a synthetic origin for even individual galaxies, let alone the entire Universe. Though there are several high-profile figures, across nearly every nation in the Galaxy, including the superpowers, the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets and the 4th Imperial Republic of Jerace, with notable scientists, scholars, and politicans all claiming direct support of the theory.   Should the theory prove itself true, it would change the very fabric of human society, and destroy all we know of the Universe. For humanity, nothing would be the same after such a revelation. Perhaps this is why the so-called higher beings refuse contact, and simply watch, if, of course, they exist at all.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
The Creation of the Universe
Related Ethnicities
Related Species
I know not the truth of creation, nor do my collegues. I suspect however, that the Universe is beyond the comprehension of any mortal scholar, and our attempts to solve its secrets are doomed to fail.
— Random

A Variety of Beliefs

Either the Universe was, for all time, or it was created, those remain the only options. By a god, inside a lab I know not, but I believe with my heart that there was a start to this plane on which we have made home. A Synthetic Origin we call it, and there can be no better name for it.
— Unknown

An Artificial Creation


Divine Formation


False World



Cover image: Image by Pexels from Pixabay


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Aug 7, 2023 02:37 by Deleyna Marr

Nicely intertwined theory with perceived fact and why the creators might remain distant. It will be interesting to see how the believers in this myth support their belief and also act upon it.
