Delta Antilae System Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil

Delta Antilae System

Star system in the Odyros galaxy.   The Delta Antilae system is a large trinary star system. It contains many planets and has a significant amount of resources. As it is between the Tiact System and Ukots System, it became a very important strategic location in the Suon-Saelian war as the side who controls this gets the resources here as well as a powerful flanking position.'   As there is a Spatial Rift located nearby, this allows a strong flanking force to attack from this system. Furthermore, the stars themselves were also harnessed with large solar panel stations in small orbits and also star-lifted for palsma. Surprisingly, star lifting improves the lifespan of a star.

Delta Antilae A star - class F, white
Delta Antilae B star - class B, blue
Delta Antilae C star - class G, yellow
The star system gets its name from the triangle shape the stars create as they all orbit each other.
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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