Pakkahad Star Lifter Building / Landmark in THF Universe | World Anvil

Pakkahad Star Lifter

A very large ring world megastructure constructed by the Hyperion Federation  The Pakkahad Star Lifter was built around the Pakkahad star, an extremely rare O class star. This is designed to extract stellar plasma, allowing it to be used for power generation and as matter plasma for Replicators.   The star lifter is powered under its own energy production and features large transmutation reactors, making it mostly self suficient. It could theoretically operate for about as long as the star is alive for until it undergoes a natural supernova.   There are also living quarters in various locations on the ring world. Although these are smaller than most HF cities and largely spaced apart, they do exist.   There are many things to explore on the ring world, for example the aforementioned cities, QEN heat sinks, immense matter plasma tanks, antimatter fabrication facilities as well as other highly advanced structures. As most of it is hooked up to Teleporters, the HF can operate and use each machine even from large distances.   It is also visited by tourists who wish to see one of the rarest star classes at the closest safe distance.


The megastructure is defended with a large number of military starships and defence platforms
Megastructure, Stellar scale
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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